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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JANUARY 17, 2025 | The Indian Eye 20
New Yorkers Praise Mayor Adams’
family-focused fourth State of
The City Address
ew York City Mayor Eric Adams has out-
lined a bold vision to make New York City
Nthe best place to raise a family in his fourth
State of the City address, delivered at The Apol-
lo theater in Harlem, Manhattan. After driving
crime down, passing historic housing legislation,
and helping New Yorkers save billions of dollars
through tax relief, child care, free internet, and
more in 2024, Mayor Adams used the address to
unveil new initiatives that will create a safer, more
affordable city for working-class families, especial-
ly those trying to raise a family, all across the five
“Thank you, Mayor Adams, for choosing
the Apollo Theater in my district as the site of
this year’s State of the City address,” said United
States Representative Adriano Espaillat. “This is
an exciting way to kickstart 2025 by highlighting
the historic contributions and impact of Harlem to
New York City and the fabric of our nation. To-
gether, we are working to make our city a better
place where families not only live, but where they
“Equitable access to clean, safe public spaces “The Adams administration is proposing a keep their headquarters in New York City is to cre-
has long been a priority for Southeast Queens, and number of measures which have the potential to ate more housing for all,” said Madelyn Wils, pres-
these investments reflect a long-overdue commit- make New York City more inclusive and vibrant,” ident, The Fifth Avenue Association. “Our city has
ment to our communities,” said New York City said Michelle de la Uz, executive director, Fifth become too expensive for people to realize their
Council Majority Whip Selvena Brooks-Powers. Avenue Committee. “Fifth Avenue Committee dreams here. I applaud Mayor Adams’ bold plan
“Initiatives like Schoolyards to Playgrounds and looks forward to ensuring that the proposals are to create more housing in all five boroughs, includ-
expanded Parks Second Shifts are critical to ensur- well informed by the needs of low- and moder- ing 100,000 units in Manhattan.”
ing all New Yorkers can enjoy quality public spaces ate-income New Yorkers and communities as they “We commend Mayor Adams and the New
and build upon the work we’ve done collectively advance over the next several months.” York City Department of City Planning for their
with our community-based organizations. The “Midtown Manhattan’s Garment District Al- ambitious Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan, a bold
expansion of free swim safety classes is another liance applauds Mayor Adams’ commitment to and visionary step to address New York City’s
essential investment, serving thousands of young addressing the city’s dire dearth of housing,” said housing needs and revitalize our neighborhoods
people in neighborhoods where water safety is vi- Barbara Blair, president, Garment District Alli- for a vibrant, 24/7 mixed-use future,” said James
tal. I thank the administration for recognizing the ance. Mettham, president, Flatiron NoMad Partnership.
needs of Southeast Queens and taking steps to ad- “The seriousness of our housing shortfall can- “By introducing dynamic new zoning districts and
dress them with these impactful programs.” not be overstated, nor can the need for solutions prioritizing housing, this plan creates opportu-
“As Mayor Adams has outlined his vision for to office vacancies. The mayor’s thoughtful plan nities for New Yorkers to live closer to their jobs
2025, I look forward to our continued work with addresses both pressing issues. The Garment Dis- while fostering a diverse mix of commercial spac-
the administration to ensure that the residents trict offers the most convenient transportation in es, enhanced public realms, and improved transit
and families of the Bronx are not forgotten. From the region, as well as easy access to theater, shop- connectivity.
economic development to employment access, en- ping, dining, and culture. However, its future de- The Flatiron NoMad Partnership proudly
vironmental justice, health, and public safety, it is pends on its long-overdue evolution into a 24/7, supports this transformative initiative and looks
critical that we work with our partners at City Hall mixed-use district, which can only be achieved by forward to collaborating with the city to bring it
to address these issues,” said Bronx Borough Pres- encouraging residential conversions. We embrace to fruition. Together, we will ensure that Flatiron,
ident Vanessa L. Gibson. the mayor’s efforts and look forward to working NoMad, and the greater Midtown South com-
“Together, we will continue to tackle these with New York City Department of City Planning munity thrive with expanded housing options, in-
challenges and build a stronger, more prosperous to ensure the city’s goals are met.” creased job opportunities, and a resilient, vibrant
Bronx for everyone who calls our borough home.” “One way for businesses to attract talent and post-COVID economy.”