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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                             JANUARY 17, 2025       |  The Indian Eye 24

        Congressman Lance Gooden terms US probe into

            Adani Group as a Threat to US Global Alliances

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            tions behind the investigation and its
                                                                                                              impact on future economic recovery
        Washington, DC
                                                                                                              and investment.
              epublican Congressman Lance                                                                         Gooden stated, “When we fore-
              Gooden has challenged the                                                                       go real threats from violent crime,
        RBiden administration’s deci-                                                                         economic espionage and CCP in-
        sion to investigate Indian billionaire                                                                fluence and go after those who con-
        Gautam Adani. Gooden argues that                                                                      tribute to our economic growth, it
        such selective actions could damage                                                                   discourages valuable new investors
        critical alliances with key partners like                                                             hopeful of investing in our country.”
        India. He suggests that the Department                                                                    “An unwelcome and politically
        of Justice should focus on domestic is-                                                               charged atmosphere for investors will
        sues rather than pursuing cases with                                                                  only stall efforts to revitalize Amer-
        limited relevance to U.S. interests.                                                                  ica’s industrial base and economic
            Congressman Lance Gooden,                                                                         growth, directly undermine Presi-
        a member of the House Judiciary                                                                       dent Trump’s commitment to revive
        Committee asked “What will the US                                                                     the economy with increased invest-
        do if India refuses to comply with an   “I am writing to inquire about  reparably strain America’s global alli-  ments,” he added.
        extradition request,” in a formal let-  the Department of Justice’s (DOJ)  ances,” Gooden said.           Congressman Lance Gooden
        ter written to US Attorney General  recent selective pursuits of cases   Gooden also expressed concerns  represents Texas’ 5th District in the
        Merrick B Garland.                against foreign entities that could ir-  about the potential political motiva-  U.S. House of Representatives.

            Ontario Lt Governor Honors Poonam Puri and

                       Vivek Goel with 2024 Order of Ontario

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            tor,  Poonam has  demonstrated
                                                                                                              exemplary leadership, stewarding
        Toronto, ON
                                                                                                              numerous  public  and  private  in-
              dith Dumont, Lieutenant Gov-                                                                    stitutions,  including  as  past  chair
              ernor of Ontario and Chancel-                                                                   at Holland Bloorview Kids Reha-
        Elor of the Order of Ontario,                                                                         bilitation Hospital. A trusted gov-
        has announced the names of two Indi-                                                                  ernance advisor, she is sought by
        an-Canadian, Vivek Goel and Profes-                                                                   boards of public and private com-
        sor Poonam Puri to honor both with                                                                    panies, Crown corporations and
        the Order of Ontario for 2024. This                                                                   not-for-profits to navigate complex
        announcement is part of the 29 new                                                                    governance challenges.
        appointments to the Order of Ontar-                                                                       “The 2024 appointees to the
        io for 2024.                                                                                          Order of Ontario have enriched the
            The Order of Ontario is reserved                                                                  lives of countless people in our prov-
        for exceptional individuals who have                                                                  ince and well beyond,” said the Hon-
        made  a  lasting  impact  in  the  prov-                                                              ourable Edith Dumont, Lieutenant
        ince, country and the world. Vivek  scientist of the Institute for Clinical   Professor Poonam Puri – Toronto  Governor of Ontario.
        Goel and Professor Poonam Puri are  Evaluative Sciences and founding                                      Michael Ford, Minister of Cit-
        such distinguished people who have  President of Public Health Ontario,   A world-leading expert in cor-  izenship and Multiculturalism, said
        made a valuable contribution to the  providing scientific and technical ad-  porate governance and securities  “These remarkably dedicated  in-
        Ontario province with their incredi-  vice to protect and promote health.  regulation. Award-winning Research  dividuals exemplify the spirit and
        ble contributions in public health re-  As a community leader, Dr. Goel has  Chair at Osgoode Hall Law School,  achievements that make Ontario a
        search and corporate governance.  shaped the public health workforce,  York University, Poonam co-found-  great place to live.”
                                          influencing education over many de-  ed Canada’s first Investor Protection   The 2024 Order of Ontario ap-
             Vivek Goel, CM – Waterloo
                                          cades. He is a fellow of the Canadian  Clinic, transforming access to justice  pointees will be invested at a cere-
            A world-renowned public health  Academy of Health Sciences and the  in  Ontario.  Her  highly  influential  mony in Toronto in 2025. Since its
        researcher and expert in health-ser-  Fields Institute for Research in Math-  scholarship  has  guided  significant  creation in 1986, over 903 individ-
        vices evaluation. He champions the  ematical Sciences and currently serves  policy  reforms  and  shaped  gover-  uals have been recognized with the
        use of research evidence in health  as the President and Vice-Chancel-  nance best practices globally.   province’s highest civilian honour for
        policymaking. He  was  a  founding  lor of the University of Waterloo.  A distinguished board direc-  their extraordinary contributions.

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