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EYE ON INDIA                                                        JANUARY 17, 2025       |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                                 REPUBLIC DAY 2025

                         With ‘Swarnim Bharat’ theme,

        how the Govt plans to showcase the ‘real

                                    architects’ of New India

               The theme for tableaux has been decided as ‘Swarnim Bharat: Virasat aur Vikas’;

                   a consultative process has been adopted on various aspects related to tableaux

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                                Tableaux are one of the import-
                                                                                                              ant components of Republic Day
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              Parade. Due to the time allotted for
            n line with the objective to in-                                                                  tableaux in the overall duration of
            crease ‘Jan Bhagidari’ in events                                                                  the parade, the shortlisting of tab-
        Iof national importance, approx-                                                                      leaux is done by the Expert Commit-
        imately 10,000 special guests have                                                                    tee.
        been invited to witness the 76th Re-                                                                      While evaluating the tableaux
        public Day Parade at Kartavya Path,                                                                   ideas presented by various states/
        New Delhi on January 26. These                                                                        UTs and ministries, key aspects like
        architects of ‘Swarnim Bharat’, with                                                                  conceptual uniqueness and novel-
        diverse backgrounds, include the                                                                      ty, creative expression with a clear,
        best performers in various fields and                                                                 communicable message, combining
        those who have made the best use of                                                                   subtlety as well as directness, strik-
        the schemes of the Government.                                                                        ing balance between Virasat and
            Sarpanches, whose villages have                                                                   Vikas in each tableau, exclusion of
        achieved targets in selected govern-                                                                  repetitive ideas, special attention to
        ment initiatives have been invited.                                                                   details like colors, forms, textures,
        Panchayats which have achieved tar-                                                                   flow,  rhythm,  proportions  and  bal-
        gets in at least six flagship schemes                                                                 ance, ensuring a well-composed
        were  selected  as  Special  Guests.                                                                  aesthetic experience of grand scale
        Some of the invited guests are car-  Assam Rifles personnel take part in the Republic Day Parade 2025 rehearsal, at Kartavya Path   were taken into consideration for
        rying out exemplary work to ensure              in New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo/Shrikant Singh)  selection.
        income and employment generation                                                                          The following 15 states/ UTs
        and environment protection through   conservation and the use of renew-  Memorial, PM Sangrahalay and oth-  have  been  selected  for  showcasing
        Self Help Groups (SHGs).          able energy under PM Surya Ghar   er prominent places in Delhi. They   their tableaux on Kartavya Path for
            SHGs working in areas of food,   scheme and PM KUSUM have also   will also get an opportunity to inter-  RDC-2025: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar,
        nutrition, health, water sanitation   been invited for the first time.  act with the respective Ministers.  Chandigarh, Dadar Nagar Haveli
        and hygiene, Panchayati Raj Insti-    Members of the Para-Olym-         Also, every year states/Union   & Daman and Diu, Goa, Gujarat,
        tutions-Community Based Organi-   pic contingent, the chess Olympiad   Territories  and  Union  government   Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka,
        zations Convergence and gender ac-  medallist, the Bridge World Games   ministries/departments  showcase  Madhya  Pradesh, Punjab,  Tripura,
        tivities have been invited. Preference   Silver medallist and the Snooker   their tableaux on the Kartavya Path   Uttarakhand,  Uttar  Pradesh  and
        has  been given  to a SHG member   World Championship Gold med-     as part of the Republic Day Cele-  West Bengal.
        who has not visited Delhi.        allist have been invited as special   bration (RDC). For RDC-2025, the   In addition, 11 Ministries/ De-
            PM-JANMAN mission partic-     guests as they have made the country   theme for tableaux has been decid-  partment of the Union government
        ipants, Tribal artisans/Van Dhan   proud of their performance in their   ed as ‘Swarnim Bharat: Virasat aur   have also been selected for RDC-
        Vikas Yojna members, National     respective sports.                Vikas’.                           2025. All the states/UTs, irrespective
        Scheduled Tribes Finance and De-      Encouraging innovation and        Since the beginning of this year,  of their selection for Kartavya Path,
        velopment Corporation ventures,   entrepreneurial spirit, Patent hold-  a consultative process has been ad-  are invited to display their tableaux
        ASHA workers, and MyBharat vol-   ers and start-ups have also been in-  opted by the Ministry of Defense to   during Bharat Parv in Red Fort
        unteers have been invited.        cluded as special guests. School chil-  decide on various aspects related   (26th-31st January 2025).
            For  their  excellent  work  in  the   dren with patriotic fervor who have   to tableaux. A meeting at a senior   The entire selection process is
        area of disaster relief and envi-  emerged as winners of the All-India   official level was held in April 2024   robust, fair, transparent, based on
        ronment  protection,  disaster  relief   School Band Competition and Veer   to deliberate on the improvement   merit and free from any bias. The
        workers, Pani Samiti, Water War-  Gatha competition will also be at-  of tableaux quality. Various sugges-  selected tableaux would showcase
        riors, Community Resource Persons,   tending the Republic Day Ceremony   tions received during the meeting   India’s diverse strengths and its con-
        and Forest and wildlife conservation   as special guests.           have been included in the process.   stantly evolving cultural inclusive-
        volunteers  have  been invited  for   In addition to the Republic Day   The theme for tableaux was also   ness marching into a glorious future,
        the first time. Farmers and families   celebrations, these special guests   decided based on suggestions from   showcasing ‘Swarnim Bharat - Vira-
        who have supported environment    would be visiting the National War   State/UTs.                     sat aur Vikas’ to the world audience.

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