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OPINION JANUARY 17, 2025 | The Indian Eye 10
Both parties should seek new ideas and leaders to demonstrate a willingness to break away from the
restrictive orthodox ideologies of some of the more extreme members of the Democrats’ Progressive Caucus
and the Republicans’ Freedom Caucus, who limit our ability to seek common ground and get things done
resident-elect Donald Trump
and the Republicans have man-
Paged to sell themselves as the
party of change. It worked: They will
soon control the presidency, Congress
and, in essence, the Supreme Court.
But to change and fix America re-
quires both parties to work together.
As a Democratic member of Con-
gress, I know my party will be tempt-
ed to hold fast against Mr. Trump at
every turn: uniting against his bills,
blocking his nominees and grinding The election was a mandate. But it wasn’t for one-party rule — Mr. Trump won with less than 50 percent of the popular vote,
the machinery of the House and the and Republicans have thin majorities in the House and the Senate (ANI photo)
Senate to a halt.
That would be a mistake. Only
The election was a mandate. But
by working together to find compro- government funding bill; and the re- Party of No. it wasn’t for one-party rule — Mr.
cent demonstrations of hubris, such as
I know many voters reject my
mise on parts of Mr. Trump’s agenda Republicans bringing Elon Musk and party’s significant leftward shift. So do Trump won with less than 50 percent
can we make progress for Americans Vivek Ramaswamy to Capitol Hill I. But as a common-sense Democrat of the popular vote, and Republicans
who are clearly demanding change in and refusing to include Democrats in who won in a district that Mr. Trump have thin majorities in the House and
the economy, immigration, crime and the meetings, offer no reason for op- also won, I am certain our closely di- the Senate. But as I see it, the results of
other top issues. timism about compromise. But if Mr. vided electorate would rather have bi- the 2024 campaign were a mandate for
I’m no dupe: Some of Mr.
Trump’s actions offer little reassur- Trump wants to have a more effective partisan solutions than political grid- border security, immigration reform,
lock. After Mr. Trump almost caused
low inflation, economic stability and
presidency than he had in his first
ance that he is ready to embrace the term, he needs to embrace his inner a federal shutdown with the funding common ground on culture-war fights.
bipartisanship and compromise essen- dealmaker and negotiate with the oth- bill antics, the government was able That’s good for America. So let’s make
tial to a functioning democracy. His er party that holds just shy of half of to stay open only through Democrats that our shared agenda in 2025. There
radical cabinet picks, such as the Proj- the seats on Capitol Hill and key gov- joining with some Republicans to pass are a majority of votes for all of it.
ect 2025 contributor Russell Vought ernorships around the country. And if compromise legislation. Americans And let’s try something different
and Matt Gaetz (now withdrawn); his he does that work, Democrats should shouldn’t have to hold their breath to when it comes to the president-elect.
last-minute demands on last month’s
meet him halfway rather than be the see if we’ll do the right thing together. Continued on next page... >>