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NATION                                                              JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                   The Bharat Narrative:

        India asserts its relations with Russia

                even as West feels uncomfortable

          China’s state-controlled Global Times says that India’s strategic thinking in “foreign policy has

                                          evolved, moving towards a great power strategy”

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Moscow/Beijing
           n December, S Jaishankar travelled to Russia
           for a five-day visit and met Russian President
        IPutin, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov,
        Russian Deputy PM Denis Manturov. During his
        meeting with President Putin, he conveyed warm
        greetings of PM Modi and handed over a personal
        message. In a post on X, Jaishankar noted that he
        appreciated Putin’s guidance on further develop-
        ment on ties between India and Russia.
            Describing India’s relationship with Russia as
        “important and steady,” External Affairs Minister S
        Jaishankar asserted that the ties with Moscow have
        proven  beneficial  for  New  Delhi.  He  emphasized
        the need for India to approach thoughtfully while
        dealing with other nations.
            Replying to the Western media’s meltdown over
        his visit to Russia and the camaraderie between PM
        Narendra Modi and Russian President Putin, Jais-
        hankar said, “If people can’t read me, that means my
        mind games are working. But the answer is honest-
        ly I see no reason that people should take any, you
        know what was happening other than at face value
        because we have always maintained that the Russia   External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar addresses a joint press conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow (ANI)
        relationship is a very important one, very steady one.”
            Notably, India has maintained a neutral stance   able character.                          The article by the Chinese media further laud-
        on  the  conflict  between  Russia  and  Ukraine,  ad-  Meanwhile, in an interesting development, Chi-  ed India’s foreign policy strategy under PM Modi,
        vocating for dialogue and diplomacy to resolve the   na’s state-controlled Global Times has applauded   which highlighted the nation’s multi-alignment ap-
        issues. During a meeting with President Putin in   India’s  economic  policies  and  diplomatic  achieve-  proach and bolstered ties with major global powers
        Samarkand in 2021, PM Modi emphasized, “This is   ments over the past four years under PM Modi’s   like the US, Japan, and Russia while displaying a nu-
        not an era of war.”                           leadership in an article titled “Bharat Narrative,”  anced stance in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
            In an interview, Jaishankar said, “I have written   highlighting that New Delhi’s strategic thinking in   Highlighting India’s  strategic thinking  in  for-
        about it in my book and I mean I said it in Moscow.   “foreign policy has evolved, moving towards a great   eign policy, the article stated that it has undergone
        I said it in publicly in Moscow even before my meet-  power strategy.”                     another change and is “moving towards a great pow-
        ing with President Putin happened which is that we   An article written by Zhang Jiadong, the Direc-  er strategy”.
        value this relationship. It is relationship that has   tor of the Centre for South Asian Studies at Fudan   “Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumed
        served India well.”                          University, Shanghai, highlighted India’s remark-  power, he has advocated for a multi-alignment strat-
            Putin had extended an invitation to Prime Min-  able achievements over the past four years.  egy, promoting India’s relations with the US, Japan,
        ister Narendra Modi to visit Russia next year. “We   The article also commended India’s proactive   Russia and other countries and regional organiza-
        will be glad to see our friend, Prime Minister Modi   approach to fostering a “Bharat narrative” and em-  tions,” Zhang stated.
        in Russia,” Vladimir Putin said during his meeting   phasized the nation’s strategic confidence. “In the   The article further noted that India has always
        with Jaishankar. During PM Modi’s visit, “We will   political and cultural spheres, India has moved from   considered itself a world power.
        be able to discuss all the relevant, current issues and   emphasizing its democratic consensus with the West   However, it has only been less than 10 years since
        talk to the prospects of the Russian and Indian rela-  to highlighting the ‘Indian feature’ of democratic   India shifted from multi-balancing to multi-align-
        tionship,” Putin added.                       politics. Currently, there is even more emphasis on   ment, and now it is rapidly transforming towards a
            In a meeting with Putin, EAM Jaishankar un-  the Indian origins of democratic politics,” he added.  strategy of becoming a pole in the multipolar world.
        derscored  the  significant  progress  in  India-Russia   According to the author, the shift reflected In-  While concluding, Zhang said, “It appears that
        bilateral trade, surpassing USD 50 billion. He em-  dia’s ambitions to escape its historical colonial shad-  a transformed, stronger, and more assertive India
        phasized the potential for further growth and the   ow and position itself as a global influencer, politi-  has become a new geopolitical factor that many
        need to give the trade relationship a more sustain-  cally and culturally.                 countries need to consider.”

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