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NATION                                                              JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 10

                  Arvind Kejriwal fears arrest

              before 2024 elections as BJP

                     accuses him of corruption

        Aam Aadmi Party spokesperson says that the only target of the BJP is to “finish” AAP and “arrest”

                                 the Delhi Chief Minister before the upcoming Lok Sabha polls

        OUR BUREAU

        New Delhi
               elhi Chief Minister skipped
               the third summons issued to
        Dhim by the Enforcement Di-
        rectorate  (ED) on Wednesday.  The
        ED issued a third summons to CM
        Kejriwal on December 22 last year, in
        connection with the alleged Delhi li-
        quor scam case, asking him to appear
        before the agency on January 3.
            Alleging that the Enforcement
        Directorate (ED) has sent a “false
        summons” to him, Delhi Chief Min-
        ister Arvind Kejriwal said that he has
        explained to the ED why their sum-
        mons is illegal adding that his biggest
        strength and asset is his “honesty.”
            Addressing a press conference
        on Thursday, Delhi’s Chief Min-
        ister said, “In the last two years, all
        the agencies of BJP have conducted
        many  raids  but  not  a  single  penny   Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal addresses a press conference regarding his summons by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the liquor
        was found. If there is corruption then                               policy case in New Delhi on Thursday (ANI)
        where is the money? AAP leaders are
        kept in jail in such fake cases. Now   try. “Today, opposition leaders are   investigating agency were illegal.  Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thak-
        BJP wants to arrest me. My biggest   being included in the BJP through   “It is clear that they (BJP) want   ur on Thursday slammed Delhi Chief
        strength and asset is my honesty.”  ED. Whoever joins his party, all his   to finish Aam Aadmi Party and arrest   Minister  Arvind  Kejriwal  for  not
            Questioning the timing of the   matters get resolved. Today honest   Arvind Kejriwal before Lok Sabha   appearing before the Enforcement
        notice  just  before  the  2024  Lok   leaders like Manish Sisodia, San-  elections. He is ready to cooperate   Directorate and said people are ask-
        Sabha elections, the Delhi CM said   jay Singh and Vijay Nair have been   with the legal process. Till now, all   ing if the Aam Admi Party leader is
        that the Bharatiya Janata Party wants   put in jail. I have always fought for   summons served to him are illegal,”   above the law of the land. Talking to
        to  stop him from campaigning for   the country. Every breath of mine   Shah said.                    reporters here, Thakur said Kerjiwal
        the Lok Sabha elections. “My law-  is for the country. We have to save   When asked about from where   is “scared to appear before the ED”.
        yers told me that the summons was   the  country  together.  I  am  fighting   they got the news of the raids at Ke-  Meanwhile,  reacting  to  Del-
        illegal, I wrote the question and sent   against them with all my heart, I need   jriwal’s residence, the AAP leader   hi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal
        it to ED. Should I obey an unlawful   your support,” he said.       said, “Last night from our credible   not appearing before the Enforce-
        summon? If a legal summons comes,     Coming  down  heavily  at  the   sources, we got to know that a raid   ment  Directorate,  Samajwadi  Party
        I will comply with it. Why am I be-  Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP),  Aam   will be conducted and Arvind Kejri-  Chief Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday
        ing called just before the Lok Sabha   Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Jasmine   wal will be arrested.”      said that this is nothing new adding
        elections? Eight months ago, I was   Shah alleged that the only target of   Meanwhile, AAP’s chief Nation-  that the government is doing probe
        called by CBI, I went and gave all the   the BJP is to “finish” AAP and “ar-  al Spokesperson Priyanka Kakkar   against all opposition leaders. “This
        answers. Today they want to stop me   rest”  Delhi  Chief  Minister  Arvind   said that three of our leaders have   is  nothing  new,  the  government  is
        from campaigning for the Lok Sabha   Kejriwal before the upcoming Lok   been in jail for a long time without   doing probe against all opposition
        elections,” he added.             Sabha polls.                      any evidence and for the sheer rea-  leaders, putting pressure on them
            AAP chief further said that he    Speaking to reporters on Thurs-  son that BJP can’t compete with   and insulting them.  The whole na-
        has always fought for the country and   day, Shah claimed that all the sum-  Arvind Kejriwal in policies.  tion  knows that agencies are being
        till his last, he will fight for the coun-  mons served to the Delhi CM by the   But  Union  Information  and   misused,” he said.

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