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BIG STORY                                                           JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye                    6

        generated by the Bharat Jodo Yatra                                                                    tween Congress and the Shiv Sena
        and the transformation it brought to                                                                  (UBT) over seat sharing.
        Indian politics, needed to be carried                                                                     “There is no confusion internal-
        forward. “The Yatra will start from                                                                   ly. There was a meeting between So-
        Imphal on January 14 and will con-                                                                    nia Gandhi, Uddhav Thackeray and
        clude in Mumbai on March 20 or 21.                                                                    Sharad Pawar in Delhi 15 days ago. A
        It will cover a distance of 6,713 kilo-                                                               lot of things about seat sharing were
        meters, mostly by bus. Rahul Gandhi                                                                   clarified in that meeting. The infor-
        will also walk on some stretches along                                                                mation  will  be  officially  announced
        the Yatra route. In the 15 states, it                                                                 in the next 8-10 days,” Sule told re-
        will cover 100 Lok Sabha constitu-                                                                    porters on Monday.
        encies and 337 assembly segments                                                                          “There will be ups and downs in
        involving 110 districts,” he said.                                                                    the seat-sharing formula as we are in
            Referring to the theme ‘Nyay’ of                                                                  alliance, so this will happen,” Sule
        the ‘Yatra’ he said, it had been drawn                                                                said.
        from the Constitution, which, in the                                                                      When asked about the role of
        Preamble, speaks for ‘Justice’ includ-                                                                Prakash Ambedkar in the INDIA
        ing social, economic and political jus-                                                               bloc, she said that he will definitely
        tice for the people of the country.                                                                   play an important role in the alli-
            “The ‘Nyay Yatra’ will spend                                                                      ance. Earlier, former Lok Sabha MP
        a maximum of eleven days in Uttar        Prime Minister Modi’s popularity across the country is the biggest challenge    Prakash Ambedkar, the grandson
        Pradesh where it will travel a distance                    for the Congress (ANI)                     of Dr BR Ambedkar, reiterated his
        of 1,074 kilometers, covering 20 dis-                                                                 interest in joining the MVA and IN-
        tricts. The 15 states that will be cov-  Thursday took a swipe at the Trina-  stituencies are already with the Con-  DIA alliance ahead of the Lok Sabha
        ered by the ‘Nyay-Yatra’ include Ma-  mool Congress, blaming the ruling   gress and his party was quite capable   elections in 2024.
        nipur, Nagaland, Assam, Arunachal   party in the state for the lack of prog-  of retaining them in the polls that are   Emphasizing that ‘defeating
        Pradesh, Meghalaya, West Bengal,   ress in seat-sharing talks.      likely to be scheduled in the summer.  Modi should be the only priority for
        Odisha,  Bihar, Jharkhand,  Chhat-    Further  opening  up  fissures  in   A key constituent of the INDIA   MVA’, Prakash Ambedkar in his let-
        tisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya    the Opposition bloc at a time when   bloc, the TMC has reportedly pro-  ter mentioned that the “VBA desires
        Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat and   divergent voices over seat-sharing   posed  2  seats  for  the  Congress  to   that the parties within the MVA- Shiv
        Maharashtra,” he added.           have come to the fore, Congress MP   contest in the general elections. In a   Sena (Uddhav Thackeray), National-
            With this move – planned on the   and the party’s West Bengal chief   further dig at the ruling party in the   ist Congress Party, Indian National
        lines of Bharat Jodo Yatra last year   Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Thurs-  state, Adhir said he needed no favor   Congress and VBA should fight the
        – the Congress is expecting to dent   day hit out at TMC Supremo and   from the TMC as his party was quite   upcoming Lok Sabha elections to-
        Modi’s image across the country   Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee,   capable of going solo in the state.   gether and on an equal number of
        while promoting its own narrative.   voice doubts over her intent to go   But  Nationalist  Congress  Party   seats as equal partners.”
        Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge   into a seat allotment with the grand   MP Supriya Sule has ruled out any in-  Amid debate and discussion in
        on Thursday took a dig at the Modi   old party in the state.        ternal confusion on the over-the-seat   the MVA over seat sharing between
        government and said that it had “not   Addressing a press conference   sharing issue for the 2024 Lok Sabha   parties of the Maha Vikas Aghadi
        done anything in the last ten years   in the Murshidabad district of West   elections, saying that a lot of things   (MVA), the Shiv Sena (UBT) has
        which could be termed as a mile-  Bengal on Thursday, Adhir also    about seat sharing were clarified in a   demanded 23 seats out of the 48 Lok
        stone”.  “Politics  of  arrogance  and   scoffed at Mamata’s rumored offer   meeting between Sonia Gandhi, Ud-  Sabha seats in Maharashtra.
        lies comes with an expiry date”, he   of 2 of the state’s 42 Lok Sabha seats   dhav Thackeray and Sharad Pawar.   In the national capital, Aam
        said while referring to the BJP gov-  to the Congress, saying those con-  This comes  amid  a  tug-of-war be-  Aadmi Party (AAP) national conve-
        ernment at the Centre.                                                                                ner and Delhi chief minister Arvind
            Kharge recalled how under the                                                                     Kejriwal on Sunday spelled out his
        leadership of Sonia Gandhi, the                                                                       party’s vision to expand organization
        United Progressive Alliance defeat-                                                                   across the country and declared that
        ed the BJP led National Democrat-                                                                     the party would fiercely campaign for
        ic Alliance 20 years ago, in 2004.                                                                    elections and secure all the seats as a
        He said at that time every worker                                                                     member of the INDIA bloc.
        across the country had worked hard                                                                        Speaking at the virtual meeting
        to defeat the NDA and now time                                                                        of the National Council and National
        has come when the workers need to                                                                     Executive of the Aam Aadmi Party,
        work with the same zeal and dedi-                                                                     Kejriwal said, “AAP will form its or-
        cation once again. Kharge said time                                                                   ganization in the entire country be-
        has come for the “same dedication,                                                                    cause, without a strong organization,
        commitment, zeal and hard work”                                                                       it cannot win elections.”
        to ensure the party’s victory in 2024                                                                     “AAP is part of the INDIA bloc,
        general elections.                                                                                    we will contest elections strongly on
            While Congress is trying hard                                                                     whatever seats we get and will win all
        to make the INDIA bloc challenge                                                                      the seats,” added the party chief.
        the BJP-led NDA, it is facing a lot of                                                                    While the Congress party tries to
        challenges. Sending out tell-tale hints                                                               solidify its presence across the coun-
        of a further deepening of cracks in                                                                   try, many of its alliance partners want
        the Opposition bloc -- INDIA -- as         All is now well between the Congress party and its INDIA bloc partners    to do the same. This could be the big-
        the Lok Sabha elections near, the                      like Mamata Banerjee of TMC (ANI)              gest challenge for the party as it pre-
        West Bengal unit of the Congress on                                                                   pares for the battle of its life in 2024.

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