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COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                     JANUARY 12, 2024       |  The Indian Eye 12

                                A City That Never Sleeps:

         Keeping Nightlife Safe in New York City

                      CURE creates direct lines of communication between the Office of Nightlife and

         local establishments and gives businesses a chance to correct issues before enforcement takes place.
                                                No more demonizing nightlife in our city

                   ERIC ADAMS

               ew York City is the city that
               never sleeps. We are a 24-
        Nhour city that is the nightlife
        capital of the world. And we remain
        the safest big city in America. When
        I came into office two years ago, we
        had a mission: Protect public safety,
        revitalize the economy, and make
        this  city  more  livable  for  hardwork-
        ing New Yorkers.
            Our bars, restaurants, music   Across the five boroughs, local residents often deal with noise, trash, and crime from nightlife. Complaints can lead to unannounced inspections
        venues, and nightclubs employ work-                         that shutter nightlife businesses, sometimes permanently (File photo)
        ers across the city and are home to
        every level of our live performance   So,  last  week,  I joined  the  own-  to our business owners and residents,  doors open.
        industry.  But  across  the  five  bor-  ers of the nightlife venue, Paragon in   and together with multiple agen-  And it is all part of our efforts to
        oughs,  local  residents  often  deal   Brooklyn, to announce a new public   cies, we went work to make sure we   drive down crime while supporting
        with noise, trash, and crime from   safety program to keep our nightlife   were improving safety while keeping   our local economy and making our
        nightlife. Complaints can lead to un-  venues safe. CURE, or Coordinating   nightlife venues open.    city more livable. This year, jobs are
        announced inspections that shutter   a United Resolution with Establish-  CURE creates direct lines of   up, and crime is down, our streets
        nightlife businesses, sometimes per-  ments, brings together the NYPD,  communication  between  the  Office   are cleaner, and we remain the safest
                                          Small Business Services, and the Of-  of Nightlife and local establishments   big city in America.
                                          fice  of  Nightlife  to  improve  public   and gives businesses a chance to cor-  We are going to continue to roll
        Just because our nightlife estab-  safety responses to nightlife estab-  rect issues before enforcement takes   out programs that make living in this
        lishments throw a great party,    lishments and better engage business   place. No more demonizing nightlife   city easier for residents and business
                                                                            in our city. When a noise complaint
                                                                                                              owners — programs that make our
                                          owners by focusing on compliance and
        residents and businesses should   education, not punitive enforcement.  or trash complaint about a venue   neighborhoods quieter, keep our
                                              Previously, nightlife establish-
        not be stuck with a hangover      ments had faced unannounced, late   comes in, we will work with business-  streets clean, support small business-
                                                                                                              es, and reduce crime. And we are
                                                                            es to resolve the issues, so residents
        the next day. We want to pro-     night,  multi-agency  inspections,  can have peace of mind and quiet   creating a better-quality of life for
        tect public safety, while keeping   through a program created in the 90s   and businesses can keep their doors   everyone who lives, rests, and plays
                                                                            open. CURE is how we protect pub-
                                                                                                              in our city.
                                          called MARCH.  We  heard  directly
        our nightlife businesses open.    from the nightlife industry that this   lic safety, cut red tape, ensure better   Eric Adams is the Mayor of
                                          program wasn’t working. We listened   quality of life, and keep business    New York City, NY
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