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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 29, 2023 | The Indian Eye 19
VFS Global and Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign
Affairs sign an exclusive partnership
Agreement enhancing the eVisa submission experience
OUR BUREAU launched the eVisa platform within Brazil can apply for the eVisa via the more convenient solutions in the fu-
a three-week timeframe, meeting VFS Global website. ture.”
the specific requirements outlined Mr. Amit Kumar Sharma, VFS Global has worked with
he exclusive collaboration be- by Brazil’s Ministry of Foreign Af- Head-Americas, VFS Global said, the Government of Brazil since 2017
tween VFS Global and the fairs. The eVisa platform which went “Brazil is a popular destination for and has handled nearly 290,000 visa
TBrazil’s Ministry of Foreign live on 1 December 2023 simplifies travellers across the globe, and we applications on behalf of the Gov-
Affairs will introduce a streamlined, and streamlines the visa application are excited to unveil the eVisa ser- ernment of Brazil. In Americas, VFS
user-friendly process ensuring a more process. The website is simple to use vice which will make the visa appli- Global operates in North, Central,
efficient and convenient electronic and features a responsive and us- cation journey quicker and simpler and South America, managing visa
visa (eVisa) service for those travel- er-friendly end to end digital inter- for travellers from the United States, and passport services for 28 client
ling from the United States, Canada, face which is compatible with desk- Canada, and Australia. governments through a network of
and Australia to Brazil for business or top and mobile devices. With an anticipated annual cus- over 200 application centers across
leisure. Effective January 10, 2024, pass- tomer count of 205,000, this seamless 29 countries.
The innovative eVisa platform port holders from Australia, Can- service aims to enhance the overall VFS Global currently provides
was launched by VFS Global fol- ada, and the United States will be application experience. As we con- eVisa service for Azerbaijan, UAE
lowing a competitive tender award- required to obtain an eVisa for entry tinue to innovate and enhance the (for Emirates passengers), Equatori-
ed by the Brazil Ministry of Foreign into Brazil. Applicants needing to travel experience, we look forward al Guinea, Thailand, and South Afri-
Affairs. VFS Global successfully apply for business or tourist visa to to providing our customers with even ca (for Nigerian nationals).