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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 29, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 18

              FIA, Chicago, and Indian Consulate

                organize an OCI & Passport Camp

        OUR BUREAU
        Chicago, IL

             IA, Chicago in partnership with
             the Consulate General of India
        FOffice in Chicago organized an
        OCI  camp  at  Manav  Seva  Mandir,
        Bensenville, Il on Dec 10 th, 2023. The
        camp was attended by more than 500
        people of Indian descent families.
            The camp had focused mainly on
        two issues faced by the Indian diaspo-
        ra  –  OCI  Card  and  Passport  issues.
        Consul  General  Hon.  Mr.  Somnath
        Ghosh was magnanimous enough to
        extend  all  the  support  from  his  of-
        fice and more than six consulate staff
        members  manned  the  inquiry  and
        processing desk to answer and process
        the paperwork for OCI Cards.
            The  event,  aimed  at  providing          Dr Rashmi Patel President, Mr. Nitin Patel (Ex. VP), FIA Team, The Consul General and VSF Representative
        comprehensive assistance to the Indi-
        an diaspora and OCI cardholders, wit-
        nessed enthusiastic participation from
        the  community.  The  collaborative
        efforts between the Federation of In-
        dian Associations and the Consulate
        General  Chicago  Office  once  more
        highlighted the commitment to foster-
        ing strong ties and enhancing support
        for the Indian community abroad.
            Unprecedented  Interest:  The
        overwhelming  response  from  the
        community,  as  evidenced  by  more
        than 1000 telephonic phone inquiries,
        showcases the high demand for OCI
        services and assistance.            addressing queries related to OCI  Representative  expressed  gratitude   ty and resources for this event. He also
            Community  Engagement:  The     cards.                          for the FIA initiative and the commu-  thanked all the participants for their
        Federation of  Indian Associations,  • Indian Passport Services: Attendees  nity’s active participation. They stated,   active involvement including appreci-
        Chicago  initiative,  and  full  support   had the opportunity to engage with  “The OCI Camp reflects our ongoing   ating the volunteering work done by
        from  the  Chicago  Consulate  Office,   consular officials, seeking guidance  commitment  to  providing  essential   the Women Empowering Group. He
        facilitated a robust platform for com-  and  support  on  various  consular  services and support to the Indian di-  also  thanked  the  youth  empowering
        munity engagement, fostering a sense   matters, ensuring a seamless expe-  aspora. We are grateful for the part-  group for their excellent services.
        of unity and support.               rience for all.                 nership with the Federation of Indian   Dr. Bhart Bhai Barai, communi-
            Registrations:  More  than  550  • Informational  Sessions:  Expert-led  Associations, which has contributed to   ty pillar, praised the super success of
        individuals registered for the OCI   informational  sessions  were  con-  the success of this event.  the camp and said that our community
        camp,  demonstrating  the  communi-  ducted, covering topics such as legal   Dr, Rashmi Patel President of   needs this type of camp at least twice a
        ty’s  eagerness  to  avail  themselves  of   rights, cultural exchange programs,  the Federation of Indian Associations   year.  He appreciated the presence of
        the essential services provided by the   and updates on the latest develop-  Chicago remarked, “Collaborating   the EC committee members Mr. Nitin
        Consulate General Office.           ments related to OCI regulations.   with  the  [Embassy/Consulate  Gen-  Patel (Ex. VP), Mr. Vijendra Doma,
            Active  Participation:  The  camp  • Adhaar  card  and  Pan  Card:  The  eral] for this OCI Camp has been a   and Dr. Hament Patel, who worked
        witnessed  the  active  participation  of   event also featured queries and as-  significant  step  towards  strengthen-  hard for the success of this event.
        590  individuals  who  took  advantage   sistance filling out forms and form  ing  our  community  bonds.  We  look   Dr. Rashmi Patel informed that
        of the services offered, including new   attestation.               forward to more such initiatives that   to make this camp a success FIA pro-
        applications.                     • Visa  applications:  Participants  had  benefit the Indian diaspora.”   vided  7  laptops  3  printers/scanners.
        • OCI Card Services: The camp of-   the  chance  to  apply  for  an  Indian   Furthermore, Dr. Rashmi Patel   Manish Jain and Aalap Patel provid-
          fered  a  streamlined  process  for   Visa and submit the applications for  extended  his  heartfelt  appreciation   ed Notary services throughout the day
          various  OCI services,  including   the same.                     to Manav Seva Mandir and its volun-  pro bono.
          new applications, re-issuance, and   The Consul General and VSF  teers for allowing us to use their facili-  --Asian Media USA

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