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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 29, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 24

         ITServe Members Serve as Judges at The United

              States Congressional App Challenge Contest

        OUR BUREAU                        tion by Congressional Offices is very   interested  in  participating  may  visit   many prestigious IT companies func-
                                          encouraging of our young and aspir-  the  Congressional  App  Challenge   tioning  with  similar  interests  across
        Washington, DC
                                          ing entrepreneurs and is in sync with   website  for  more  details.  Participa-  the United States. With an active
                embers of ITServe Alli-   the objectives of ITServe Alliance in   tion in the contest is at the discretion   membership  of  2,200  +  members
                ance, the largest associa-  promoting  and  advocating  for  local   of  each  Congress  Member  office.   who are small & medium-sized com-
        Mtion of IT Services orga-        talents and resources that are aimed   Please  visit  the  Congressional  App   panies, ITServe has 21 Chapters and
        nizations across the United States,   at the United States maintaining its   Challenge  website  to  confirm  your   doing business all over the U.S. To-
        comprising  of  over  2200  small  and   leadership in technology and innova-  district’s  participation  and  obtain   gether, the Itserve members have
        medium-sized  businesses  were  cho-  tion,” Mahajan added.         guidance  on  entry  guidelines  and   175,000+ IT professionals employed
        sen to be and were part of the Judges   Siva  Moopanar,  Director  of   other details.                throughout the U.S and generate
        Panel at the prestigious United States   ITServe  Alliance  Policy  Advocacy   ITServe  Alliance  represents   over $12 billion in revenue annually.
        Congressional  App  Challenge  Con-  Committee (PAC), who has been in-
        test held last month.             strumental in coordinating with  the
            Established  by  members  of  the   Congressional  Offices  for  ITServe’s
        U.S.  House  of  Representatives  in   participation  in  the  Congressional
        2013,  the  Congressional  App  Chal-  APP Challenge said, “We acknowl-
        lenge is designed to engage student   edge  that  this  program  provides  a
        creativity and encourage their partic-  great opportunity for us at ITServe
        ipation in Science, Technology, Engi-  to engage with Lawmakers and make
        neering and Math (STEM) education   a  positive  impact  on  our  upcoming
        fields. The nationwide contest allows   generation of innovators in Science
        high school students from across the   and Technology.”
        country  to  compete  with  other  stu-  ITServe recognizes that this is a
        dents who reside in their congressio-  great program and has plans to en-
        nal district by creating and exhibiting   gage with more Congressmen for
        their software application, or “APP”   similar  opportunities  in  the  coming
        for  mobile,  tablet,  or  computer  de-  years.    ITServe  has  offered  allocat-
        vices on a platform of their choice.   ing funds from its Corporate Social
            During  the  event  organized  by   Responsibility  (CSR)  STEM  Funds
        Illinois’s  11th  Congressional  Dis-  to support this program by collabo-
        trict,  Vinay  Mahajan  addressed  the   rating directly with the congressional
        APP participants and congratulated   App  challenge  organizers.  ITServe
        the winner, a 10th grader from Illi-  has advocated for and has invest-
        nois who developed the Dermidetect   ed Millions of Dollars on its STEM
        APP, a skin cancer detector using AI.  Education Program to promote the
            “We  are  extremely  proud  that   “American  Ingenuity  Account”  to
        Omprakash  Nakka,  Tanuj  Gund-   fund  State-administered  grants  for
        lapalli, Jagan Chitiprolu, and Venkat   STEM education and worker train-
        Yerubandi, all active members of   ing.
        ITServe had the privilege of serving   The  Congressional  App  Chal-
        as Judges for the Congressional App   lenge  is  sponsored  by  the  Internet
        Challenge Program,” said Mr. Vinay   Education Foundation (IEF), which
        Mahajan, President of ITServe Alli-  assists offices in hosting the challeng-
        ance. “Such contests across the na-  es in their individual districts. Those

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