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SpORTS                                                             DECEMBER 24, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 54

         Rohit Sharma plays a shot during the Third T20 International match between India and New   Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) President Sourav ganguly with Secretary jay Shah
                           Zealand at Eden gardens in Kolkata (ANI)               at the 90th Annual general Meeting at Taj Bengal, in Kolkata on Saturday. (ANI)

        that I would not be told that I will   informed earlier. All I want is that   happened.  It  happened  before  also   match Test series against South Af-
        not be ODI captain. Which I replied   everything should be sorted because   and I feel that a player who has per-  rica after a hamstring injury during
        ‘okay fine’. And in the selection call   this can cause harm to Indian crick-  formed so much for the country and   the  practice  session.  “Will  miss  his
        afterwards, we chatted about it brief-  et,” he added.              worked so hard, should have a right   abilities  a  lot.  He’s  proven  in  En-
        ly this is what happened, there was   Sarandeep  further  dismissed   to know why he has been removed   gland already that he’s really worked
        no  communication  prior  to  that  at   rumours regarding the rift between   from the team or for a particular po-  his Test game out, and the opening
        all,” he added.                   Rohit and Kohli and called them a   sition. A player should know where   partnership  was  very  important  for
            When Kohli was asked about the   ‘myth’.                        he is lacking and should improve on   us  to  play  in  that  series.  Obvious-
        T20I captaincy claim, he was quick                                  that aspect,” Amit Mishra said.   ly, with his experience and skill, we
        to respond: “When I communicated   “rohit and virat both are ma-        Talking about the rumours of   will miss those qualities,” said Virat
        with  the  BCCI  first  about  quitting                             the rift between Rohit Sharma and   Kohli in a virtual conference.
        the T20I captaincy, I told them that  ture players and captains. they   Virat  Kohli,  the  off-spinner  said   “That  said,  it’s  an  opportunity
        this  is  my  point  of  view,  these  are   have never raised any questions   that both the players are profession-  for Mayank [Agarwal] and KL [Ra-
        the reasons for my decision. It was                                 als  and  have  a  positive  approach   hul] to step up and solidify that start
        received quite well. No one took of-  against each other and both of   towards everything. “These things   for us and make sure the good work
        fense, no one had any hesitation. No   them know how to tackle such   are not true. Both the players have   is carried on in this series,” he added.
        one told me that I should not leave                                 such  a  positive  approach  towards   Rohit will be missing the upcom-
        the T20I captaincy.”              situations.  even if they would   life. They have good communication   ing Test series after the hamstring in-
            Kohli’s  press  conference  has   not be such good friends, they   even  when  they  are  on-field.  They   jury and Priyank Panchal was named
        now thrown the ball in BCCI’s top-                                  always give their 100 per cent for the   as the replacement. Last week, Rohit
        brass courts and it needs to be seen  would still play for the coun-  team. I think Virat has done a great   was handed the reins of ODIs along
        whether a further explanation is giv-  try. Both the players have won   job as a captain and now it’s Rohit’s   with the T20I formats.
        en or the controversy will be allowed                               turn to showcase his game and prove   Talking about Ravindra Jade-
        to die down on its own.           so many matches for india and     himself  to  be  a  great  player  and  a   ja’s absence due to a forearm injury,
            Meanwhile, former Team India   their combination is great,”     captain,” said the off-spinner.   Kohli said that the all-rounder con-
        selector Sarandeep Singh on Wednes-                                     Earlier,  Virat  in  a  press  con-  tributes to all three departments and
        day  said  that  the  appointment  of  said sarandeep singh.        ference dismissed all the rumours   the team will try to create the best
        Rohit  Sharma  as  the  ODI  skipper                                about the rift between him and Ro-  combination possible in his absence.
        was done by the selection commit-     Also,  former  Indian  spinner   hit. “There is no rift between me and   “Jadeja is a very important play-
        tee and the BCCI has no role in it.  Amit Mishra feels that there should   Rohit Sharma. I have clarified mul-  er for us, he contributes to all three
            “It is the duty of the selection   be transparency between the players   tiple times in the last 2.5 years and   departments,  which  is  invaluable
        committee to select the players and   and the management to maintain an   now I am tired of clarifying things.   overseas, and he will be missed.
        appoint the captain. BCCI does not   unhindered flow of communication.  I can guarantee you that my com-  That said, we do have the qual-
        play  any  role  in  the  selection  pro-  Mishra’s statement came after In-  munication will never be to take my   ity in the side to be able to create
        cess. The statements given by Virat   dia’s Test skipper Virat Kohli claimed   team down till I am playing cricket.   the  best  combination  possible  and
        in the press conference today were a   that  no  prior  communication  hap-  It is my commitment towards Indi-  still be able to win Test matches
        bit shocking. Things shouldn’t have   pened between him and the selectors   an cricket,” said Kohli in the virtual   because we’ve created that bench
        gone wrong the way they did,” Sa-  before he was removed as the captain   press conference.           strength and environment where
        randeep Singh.                    of the ODI team. The row erupted af-  Also, Virat Kohli said Rohit   people coming in are seizing oppor-
            “Personally, I feel that there   ter Rohit Sharma was named India’s   Sharma’s absence in the Test series   tunities, grabbing it with both hands,
        should not be two captains in white-  new ODI skipper last week and took   against South Africa is a big problem   and making sure the team is helped
        ball  cricket. The  things could  have   the reins from Kohli as India gear up   for the Men in Blues as his partner-  by their performances. As much as
        been handled in a more professional   for the South Africa series.  ship was an important factor. Rohit   we’ll miss him, it won’t be a deciding
        manner and Virat should have been     “This is not the first time it has   was ruled out of the upcoming three-  factor,” said Kohli.

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