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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 24, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 50

         the new metaverse: india’s enterprising spirit

                    is the key to future growth & optimism

         The new year will see the growth momentum gaining steam with the real GDP growth estimated at

                            8.2 per cent for FY2022-23, according to an American brokerage firm

        OuR BuREAu                                                                                            sure on prices.
                                                                                                                 “We see 2022 as the year of much
        New Delhi
                                                                                                              awaited normalcy and normalization
                 eta (formerly Facebook)                                                                      for India. We expect growth recovery
                 founder Mark Zuckerberg                                                                      to  gain  steam,  driven  by  consump-
        Mon Wednesday said India’s                                                                            tion,” the brokerage said in its out-
        entrepreneurial  spirit  and  massive                                                                 look for the new year.
        scale  is  fueling  optimism  about  the                                                                  The low vaccination rates and
        future  and  the  opportunities  that                                                                 the emergence of the Omicron vari-
        the  country  presents.  Speaking  at                                                                 ant were flagged as factors which are
        Meta’s  Fuel  for  India  2021,  Zucker-                                                              creating “considerable uncertainty”
        berg also said he is excited about the                                                                for growth, which will be lower than
        role  that  India  will  play  in  building                                                           FY22’s 9.3 per cent on base effects.
        the metaverse. Metaverse refers to a                                                                      From  a  sectoral  perspective,
        combination of multiple technologies,                                                                 growth in agriculture, forestry and
        including virtual reality, augmented                                                                  fishing  will  come  at  3.5  per  cent  in
        reality  and  video  where  users  “live”                                                             FY23, as against 4 per cent in FY22,
        within a digital universe.                                                                            industry (7.1 per cent versus 10 per
                                                                                                              cent), manufacturing (7 per cent ver-
        “the reason why india is so ex-                                                                       sus  10  per  cent),  while  services  are
                                                                                                              estimated to grow at 7.9 per cent in
        citing to me is two things that                                                                       FY23 as against 9 per cent in FY22.
                                                                                                                  The  brokerage  said  inflation
        combined together make for                                                                            will be on the rise going ahead and
        something special - the entre-                                                                        pegged the headline number to be
        preneurial spirit combined with                                                                       at 5.6 per cent in FY23, up by 0.30
                                                                                                              per cent. This will force the RBI to
        the scale of what can happen...                                                                       act on the rates front, by increasing

        that is what is fueling a lot of                                                                      the repo rate by 1 percentage point
                                                                                                              in FY23, after the long pause that it
        the internet economy in india                                                                         has undertaken right now, the bro-
        already, but it also makes me                                                                         kerage said.
                                                                                                                  The  fiscal  consolidation  will
        so optimistic about the future                                                                        continue in the new fiscal year as the

        here,” he said.                                                                                       growth  process  continues,  the  bro-
                                                                                                              kerage said, pegging the fiscal gap to
                                                                                                              narrow to 5.8 per cent in FY23, after
            He  added  that  India’s  talent   Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund gita gopinath calling on Prime Minister
        pool  --  the  engineers,  developers             Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Wednesday (ANI)       the government meets the budgeted
        and creators, and the vibrant startup                                                                 6.8 per cent in FY22.
                                                                                                                  Meanwhile, Indian-American
        ecosystem -- are playing a huge role   and is (why) I think we’re going to   to continue unlocking this (India’s)   Gita Gopinath, the chief economist
        in  shaping  the  future.  “India  is  on   see a huge amount of (the founda-  potential,” he emphasized.   of the International Monetary Fund,
        track to  have  the  largest  app  devel-  tion) get built here in India,” he said.  Meanwhile, the new year will   called on Prime Minister Narendra
        oper base in the world by 2024, and   The top executive noted that the   herald the return of normalcy and   Modi on Wednesday. The meet-
        already has one of the largest Spark
        AR developer communities.         company is investing in other grow-  witness the growth momentum gain-  ing  comes  days  after  the  IMF  an-
                                                                            ing steam, an American brokerage
                                                                                                              nounced that she is being promoted
                                          ing areas like education and com-
            Zuckerberg  noted  that  the
        metaverse will not be built by any   merce through investments in Un-  said on Wednesday, pegging the real   as its First deputy managing director.
                                          academy and Meesho. “We want to
                                                                                                                  She  would  replace  Geoffrey
                                                                            GDP growth estimate at 8.2 per cent
        one company and will need collabo-  continue to partner in all of these ar-  for FY2022-23. Bank of America   Okamoto  who  plans  to  leave  the
        rative efforts. “And that’s what we’re   eas as we accelerate the development   said the country entered 2021 on an   Fund  early  next  year.  Gopinath,
        so excited about seeing here in India
        is the developer ecosystem, the eco-  of the fundamental technologies, the   optimistic note with recovering eco-  who was scheduled to return to her
                                                                                                              academic  position  at  Harvard  Uni-
                                          social  platforms  and  creative  tools
                                                                            nomic growth and well contained
        system  of  individual  entrepreneurs,
        the spirit around that is one of the   that are going to be necessary to   inflation, but the tragic second wave   versity in January 2022, has served
                                                                            rocked the boat, led to the return of
                                          bring the metaverse to life... We want
                                                                                                              as the IMF’s chief economist for
        things  that  makes  India  so  special
                                          to make sure that we can do our part   supply  shortages  and  exerted  pres-  three years.
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