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BUSINESS EYE                                                       DECEMBER 24, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 51

                                                              Tech T@lk

               sony announces console                                           twitter is planning to bring

          covers, dualsense controller                                                   vertical video feed

              colours for Playstation 5                                           he  microblogging  platform
                                                                                  Twitter is eyeing to get the Tik-
                                                                            TTok-like vertical video feed. As
               ame fanatics have a reason   Galactic Purple. For the uninformed,   per Mashable, Twitter is seen testing
               to rejoice as for the first time,   the  company  had  already  launched   out various new features like edge-to-
        GSony on Monday announced         Cosmic Red and Midnight Black ver-  edge Twitter feed and emoji reactions
        its range of first-party console covers   sions in May. Together with the stan-  to  improve  the  user’s  experience.
        for the PlayStation 5 and also three   dard white users now have six colour   Twitter is looking to bring out this   interests, and see what’s happening,”
        new colours for the DualSense con-  options to choose from. According to   cool feature to scroll through the per-  Twitter shared in a statement. How-
        troller. According to GSM Arena, the   GSM Arena, the black and red cov-  sonalised videos and recent trends.   ever, there’s still no confirmation re-
        PS5 console covers will come in five   ers will be available in January 2022   The social network company revealed   garding when the feature is going to
        new colours-- Nova Pink, Starlight   in the USA, Canada, UK, France,   via its Support Twitter that it’s testing   launch. Many popular apps like Ins-
        Blue,  Galactic  Purple,  Cosmic  Red,   Germany,  Switzerland,  Austria,  on the TikTok-inspired vertical video   tagram, Spotify, Snapchat, and Net-
        and Midnight Black. The new covers   Spain,  Portugal,  Italy,  Australia,   feed for its Explore section.  flix have already been inspired by this
        are all standalone items that need to   New Zealand, Japan, China, Taiwan,   This feature will be available for   TikTok feature and it worked won-
        be  purchased  separately  and  a  re-  Hong  Kong,  Singapore,  Malaysia,   both Android and iOs users who use   ders for them. The new Explore tab
        placement for the default white cov-  Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Ko-  the app in the English language. This   provides an easy way to use explore
        ers, which will continue to be the only   rea, and the Philippines. On the oth-  new feature completely changes the   and discover various videos and top-
        option while purchasing the console.  er hand, the pink, purple, and blue   Explore section and provides a verti-  ics on the app. This isn’t the first time,
            The  replaceable  covers  for  the   covers  will  be  available  in  the  first   cally-scrollable feed with the ‘Trend-  where Twitter copied a feature as the
        PS5 are designed to just slide off   half of 2022 in the aforementioned   ing’ and ‘For You’ sections for users.   new Spaces feature is a rip-off from
        without needing any tools. Sony has   regions. Other regions will get them   “We’re testing out a revamped, more   the  Clubhouse  app.  Nevertheless,  it
        also launched the DualSense control-  later  in  the  year.  The  cost  price  of   personalised  Explore  page  to  make   needs to be seen how well Twitter op-
        ler in Nova Pink, Starlight Blue, and   the covers has not been revealed yet.   it easier for you to unwind, find new   timises this feature for the users.

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