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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 24, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 32

             aaPi-Qli celebrates 25 years of excellence at

                        silver Jubilee annual Convention Gala

        OuR BuREAu                                                                                            the most powerful organizations in
                                                                                                              Queens and Long Island area with
        New York
                                                                                                              more than 800 active members and
                 ore than 600 people from                                                                     one  of  the  largest  chapters  in  na-
                 across the country came                                                                      tional AAPI.
        Mtogether to celebrate the                                                                                Under his leadership this year,
        contributions, achievements and                                                                       AAPI_QLI     initiated   “Covid-19
        growth  of  the  American  Associa-                                                                   Help  India  campaign”,  through
        tion of Physicians of Indian origin                                                                   which “we raised and donated nec-
        of Queens and Long Island (AAPI_                                                                      essary medical supplies worth close
        QLI) at the Silver Jubilee 25th an-                                                                   to $100,000”.
        nual convention gala at the Hilton                                                                        AAPI-QLI  has  always  strong-
        Huntinigton Long Island, New York                                                                     ly  believed  in  supporting,  mento-
        on Saturday, December 4t, 2021.                                                                       ring,  and  inspiring  the  upcoming
                                                                                                              generation of healthcare workers.
        the gala was attended by the                                                                          This  year,  under  the  presidency  of
                                                                                                              Dr  Abhay  Malhotra,  AAPI-QLI,
        chief guests,  senator Chuck                                                                          took this belief one step further by

        schummer, Congressman  tom                                                                            creating a novel donor advised en-
                                                                                                              dowment fund that will help provide
        suozzi and the guest of hon-                                                                          scholarships  to  many  medical  stu-
        or  dr Patrick  o’shaughnessy,                                                                        dents in the near future.
                                                                                                                  This year, Dr Ajay Lodha Me-
        along with many other prom-                                                                           morial Scholarship fund was created

        inent dignitaries including  dr                                                                       with generous donation of $25,000
                                                                                                              from Dr Smita Lodha and family.
        adhi sharma, Ceo of mssn hos-                                                                             The convention chair Dr Raj
        pital, and  dr  david Battinelli,                                                                     Bhayani welcomed the audience to
                                                                                                              the gala and thanked convention
        senior vice president and Cmo                                                                         team for their tireless efforts. It was

        of northwell system.                                                                                  followed by remarks by chairperson,
                                                                                                              board of trustees, Dr Rakesh Dua
                                                                                                              appreciating  past  presidents  for
            The spectacular event was high-
        lighted by exhibition booth displays,                                                                 their  dedication.  Convention  stra-
                                                                                                              tegic chair Dr Jagdish Gupta high-
        business forums and networking    fields of medicine.               Abhay  Malhotra,  president  of  AA-  lighted the details of donor advised
        along with  recognition  of  four dis-  Delicious  appetizers,  dinner   PI-QLI, described the silver jubilee   Dr Ajay Lodha memorial scholar-
        tinguished  physicians:  Dr  Dinker   and entertainment in the form of   gala as a historic event and men-  ship fund. Dr Vinni Jayam, upcom-
        Rai, Dr Newell Robinson, Dr Sa-   live singing and dancing added to   tioned the association’s magnificent       ing  president  for  year  2022,  gave
        teesh Babu and Dr Shashi Shah, for   the ambiance.                  trajectory of growth over the past 25   vote of thanks and shared his vision
        their  excellence  in  their  respective
                                              In  his  presidential  address,  Dr   years and how it has become one of   for term of presidency.

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