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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 24, 2021 | The Indian Eye 36
Club of indian women Hosts annual Holiday
Gala to celebrate its philanthropic achievements
CHICAgO, IL DJ Saif, an appearance by ‘Pammi was able to donate nearly $9,000 to much-needed Crisis Hotline which
Aunty’ aka Mridula Bansal, shayari area food banks and food pantries was a forerunner to Apna Ghar.
he Club of Indian Women by Jasbir Singh, Punjabi tappey by and social service agencies. Im- Today, CIW organizes literary
(CIW) hosted its rollicking an- Vimal Handa and a dazzling dance pressed by the scale of its humani- slams, book and movie discussions,
Tnual holiday gala on Wednes- performance by Falguni Rana . The tarian work, some additional dona- seminars on social and cultural is-
day, December 8th at Ashyana Ban- program was beautifully planned by tions were received by CIW right sues, outings to area theaters and
quets in Downers Grove, IL. The Sarita Sood, Tara Swaminathan and after this announcement. parks and awards funds to local
gala was attended by several women Vinita Gulabani under the leader- Club of Indian Women is a agencies that are working to sup-
achievers who have done great work ship of CIW vice president Preeti not-profit group whose vision is port families in need. ‘We are so
in their respective fields and have also Chawla and superbly anchored by that ‘All Women should have the happy to see a younger generation
been a part of CIW for many years. Vinita Gulabani. During breaks for opportunity to achieve their full take on leadership role in CIW and
Dressed in their holiday best, ev- delicious appetizers and a sumptu- potential’. And its mission is to em- today’s event is a testament to their
eryone had come ready to get togeth- ous lunch, attendees had a chance to power Indian American Women skill and dedication to this organiza-
er with friends and have a good time. catch up with old friends and make through support groups and finan- tion,” remarked Prem Sharma, one
There were games, fun and furious, new ones. cial resources / help. It was found- of the founders of CIW. “We missed
including a Bollywood themed word Urmil Chawla made sure that ed in 1983 to meet the social and CIW president, Vandana Bankapur,
search, a saree tying contest as well as audience saw the raffle prizes and cultural needs of the fast-growing who is away visiting family in India.”
dancing to musical chairs without the enthusiastically purchased the raffle Indian community, and, for many Prem added. Media was represent-
chairs! The entertainment included tickets. Madhu Uppal announced years, in addition to organizing ed by Prachi Jaitly of Asian Media
beautiful singing by Raja Nadampal- that, with the generosity and sup- cultural celebrations, Meena Ba- Broadcasting (AMB).
li and Tara Swaminathan as well as port of its members, in 2020, CIW zars, holidays parties etc., ran a --- Asian Media USA