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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 24, 2021 | The Indian Eye 30
2021 Annual SABAN Awards Gala Night held at LA
OuR BuREAu SABAN2021, the Annual event, was integral part of our national economy. of Rock A Bella Creations; Mahomed
held on Thursday December 09, 2021 We are working towards the harmony Khan of Star Power of Peace; Faysal
Los Angeles, CA
at the Cerritos Sheraton Hotel, Cerri- of entrepreneurial diversity communi- Mozumder of Abedin Sons Traders;
ABAN2021 (South Asian Biz tos, California. ty-at-large. We the Americans, South Ramshankar Tashildar of RAMBA-
Awards Nationwide) is a na- “We, the emerging community Asian Americans, Indian Americans, BU Sweets; Murtajur Rahman of Cox
Stional annual business gala “South Asian Americans,” the vi- are with a common goal of econom- Capital Group, LLC; Yogi Patel of
event of reception, dinner, awards, brant and hardworking community, ic stability, growth, & prosperity of Lebon Hospitality Inc; Parimal Shah
and entertainment of South Asians dedicated to create and develop the America & global leadership in busi- of Pioneer Money Corp.; and Sabu
business community in America. The South Asian American market as an ness,” said a statement from the orga- Syriac, CPA of Syriac CPA, Tax & Ac-
nization. counting Services. The South Asians
Also, a fashion show was orga- Corporate Partners award went to So-
nized by Smita Vasant of India fashion Cal Gas and City of Hope OC.
week. The main attraction of the gala The Chairman’s awards for com-
night was the SOUTH ASIAN BUSI- munity outreach to Suzanna Choi,
NESS AWARDS presentations and Tammy Martin-Ryles, and Julian Can-
the recipients of the gala event. The ete. The Chairman of SABAN2021
different best South Asian category event was Ranjit Siva and the Execu-
awards recipients are: Kaveri Nathan tive Director was Mohammed Islam.