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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 22, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 20

                     Mayor Adams, DSNY Commissioner Tisch

         Announce Next-Generation Technology to Enhance

         Snow Operations in Preparation for Winter Season

          Bladerunner 2.0 Technology Will Better Deploy, Track Snowplows, Salt Spreaders, and Brining Vehicles to Help
                                                   City Clear More Streets More Efficiently

        OUR BUREAU

        NEW YORK, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric
               Adams and New York City
        NDepartment of Sanitation
        (DSNY) Commissioner Jessica Tisch
        today unveiled new technology to
        modernize  and  enhance DSNY’s
        snow cleanup operations in prepara-
        tion for the upcoming winter season.
        The state-of-the art system, known
        as BladeRunner 2.0, centralizes the
        deployment and real-time tracking of
        snowplows, salt spreaders, and brin-
        ing vehicles, and replaces outdated
        technology  first  launched  in  2015.
        Bladerunner  2.0  has  been  deployed
        ahead of this year’s snow season, which
        forecasters predict will be heavier
        than last year’s. The system will also
        be used to track DSNY collection
        and cleaning operations year-round.

        “With forecasters predicting a
        snowy winter, we’re revolution-
        izing  how  we  track  our  snow
        operations and using new tech-    powered by Bladerunner 2.0, can do   the city’s former chief information   the  city’s  verified  emergency  alert

        nology to keep New Yorkers        their jobs. We’re ready, New York.”   officer, I know firsthand the transfor-  system — the coolest way to keep
                                                                                                              up and stay ahead of winter weath-
                                                                            mative impact that smart, innovative,
                                              “New York is good to snow,”
        safe,” said Mayor Adams.          said Deputy Mayor for Operations   technology can have on government.   er.”“Whether the forecast calls for a
                                          Meera Joshi. “With new investments   BladeRunner 2.0 is a state-of-the art   few flurries or a blizzard, New York
            “We’ve never been more ready   in our snow management technolo-  system  that  reflects  this  administra-  City never flakes on winter weather
        for snow season, thanks to our new   gy, we are ensuring that New York is   tion’s commitment to using technol-  responses,” said Chief Technology
        Bladerunner 2.0 software that will   second to none in winter storm pre-  ogy to better serve this city, and I’m   Officer  Matthew  Fraser.  “The  de-
        allow us to better track and support   paredness. We’re readying ourselves   proud of DSNY’s continuous efforts   ployment of BladeRunner 2.0 is yet
        our fleet of approximately 5,000 ve-  for whatever the season throws our   to enhance and streamline snow   another example of this administra-
        hicles across all five boroughs. And   way.”                        cleanup operations.”              tion using real-time data to improve
        we’re doing this in a way that is fair   “New York City is ready for    I’m ‘snow’ excited about the roll-  city government operations and ben-
        and equitable, so that there is no lon-  whatever winter weather comes our   out of BladeRunner 2.0,” said New   efit the lives of New Yorkers.”
        ger  a  system  of  first-,  second-,  and   way,” said Chief of Staff Camille Jo-  York City  Emergency  Management   Ahead of any predicted snowfall,
        third-tier streets with different com-  seph Varlack. “DSNY, and agencies   (NYCEM) Commissioner Zach Is-  DSNY will activate its snow com-
        munities receiving different levels of   across the administration, have been   col. “BladeRunner 2.0 ensures that   mand center, where Bladerunner 2.0
        service. Now, every street in all five   hard at work drilling and preparing   every corner of our city receives time-  is housed, to track operations around
        boroughs is on a plow and salt route.   for the snow season. We won’t let   ly and efficient snow removal services   the city. Each of the thousands of
        And to help support our efforts,   snow stop the city that never sleeps.”   —  reflecting  this  administration’s   DSNY superintendents have been
        the best thing New Yorkers can do     “There’s no business like snow   commitment to keeping New York   trained to use the system, which will
        to help us get the roads clear when   business — and there’s no city that   City safe and operational, regardless   be available in all 59 DSNY garages.
        there is a storm is to stay off them —   can come close to New York when it   of the weather. As winter gets un-  New Yorkers will still be able to uti-
        use mass transit if you must travel, so   comes to preparing for snow season,”   derway, I encourage New Yorkers to   lize PlowNYC to track snowplowing
        our plows, salters, and briners, now   said DSNY Commissioner Tisch. “As   stay informed through Notify NYC,   progress in their neighborhoods.

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