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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 22, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 18

                   Times Square painted in

                                      the vibrant hues

                         of Garba and Gujarat

                  The event marked the inclusion of Garba in UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he beats and music of ‘Garba’
              echoed at the Times Square as
        Tmembers of the Indian-Amer-
        ican community performed the tra-
        ditional Gujarati dance to celebrate
        its inclusion in UNESCO’s cultural
        heritage list. Members of the diaspo-
        ra from around the New York area,
        including New Jersey, gathered in
        large numbers to perform Garba in
        the heart of Times Square.

        UNESCO’s Intergovernmental
        Committee for the Safeguard-
        ing of the Intangible Cultural

        Heritage inscribed  ‘Garba of
        Gujarat’ on the Representative
        List  of the  Intangible Cultural
        Heritage of Humanity during

        its 18th session in Kasane, Bo-
        tswana. The inclusion of Garba
        now makes it India›s 15th in-
        scription on the list.

            Some onlookers even joined the
        dance, trying to match the steps and
        the rhythm of Garba and the ‘Dhol’   Square - the “crossroads of the world”   NY-NJ-NE (FIA) and communi-  Vaidya also expressed gratitude
        as Times Square got painted in the   - is indeed special and unparalleled.  ty members came together with the   to Prime Minister Modi for his lead-
        vibrant hues of Gujarat and Garba.    Jeph  emphasized  that  the  cele-  Consulate General of India in New   ership and efforts of the government
            Acting Consul General of In-  bration  in Times Square highlights   York  to  celebrate Garba  at  Times   of India in getting Garba inscribed in
        dia in New York Dr Varun Jeph ad-  unity, harmony and communities   Square. A special video on Garba   the UNESCO list.
        dressed the gathering, and said it is a   coming together. “Let the rhythm of   was also displayed prominently on a   FIA’s newly elected President
        “momentous and historic occasion as   Garba resonate in our hearts and let   billboard in Times Square.  for 2024 Dr Avinash Gupta said it is
        we celebrate Garba of Gujarat” and   it spread across the world,” he said.  FIA Chairman Ankur Vaidya   a proud moment for India and the
        its inclusion in UNESCO’s Intangi-    Jeph noted that over the years   described the occasion as “historic”   diaspora across the world that Gar-
        ble Cultural Heritage list.       several other cultural elements of   and said the Indian-American dias-  ba has been inscribed in UNESCO’s
            “These celebrations are not just   India have been added to the UN-  pora has a fondness for the art form   Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hu-
        celebrations of Garba but these are   ESCO list and “we are sure that in   of Garba. “We are extremely grate-  manity list. “Garba brings people
        the celebrations of the diverse, vi-  the coming years, more and more el-  ful to UNESCO for recognising”   and communities together and we
        brant and celebrated traditions, her-  ements will be added”.       the ancient art form that “is also an   are so proud that we are celebrating
        itage and culture of India,” he said,   Leading diaspora organisation   auspicious and divine celebration” in   it today at the crossroads of the world
        adding celebrating Garba at Times   Federation of Indian Associations   India during the festival of Navratri.  - Times Square.”

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