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North The Indian Eye
16 DECEMBER 22, 2023
Rijul Maini, Sneha Nambiar and
Saloni Rammohan win top honors at
Miss India USA 2023 pageant
In the 41st year of the pageant, some 57 contestants from 25 states participated in three different
categories -- Miss India USA, Mrs. India USA and Miss Teen India USA
Fords, NJ
ijul Maini, a resident of Mich-
igan, was crowned Miss India
RUSA 2023 at a gala event held
at Fords, New Jersey on December
8th. The 25-year-old is a medical stu-
dent, artist and a model. She is also
the first Indian-American woman in
the history of her medical school to
be elected class president. Rijul plans
to be a surgeon. “I want to leave a
positive lasting impact on my commu-
nity and focus on women’s financial
independence and literacy” Rijul said.
Sneha Nambiar from Massachusetts
was crowned Mrs. India USA and Sa-
loni Rammohan from Pennsylvania
as Miss Teen India USA in the same
In the 41st year of the pageant,
some 57 contestants from 25 states
participated in three different cate-
gories -- Miss India USA, Mrs. India Rijul Maini (center), the newly crowned Miss India USA
USA and Miss Teen India USA. Win-
ners of all three categories received a Punjabi and Bollywood actor and world by Forbes Magazine this week. People’s Choice Award.
complimentary tickets to Mumbai to also Miss India Worldwide 2014, Khu- The pageant started with a mag- “We are very proud of the fact
take part in worldwide pageants, also shi Patel, the Miss India Worldwide nificent opening dance number by that we have been able to imbibe In-
organized by the same organization, 2022 and a model, Sarita Rinki Pat- all contestants, choreographed by dian values, traditions, cultures and
in October this year. tnaik, Mrs. India Worldwide 2017 and Shilpa Jhurani. “In addition to Bol- performing arts among Indian ori-
Started by New York based em- Interior Designer, and Falguni Trive- lywood dance and songs on the stage, gin youth across the world” with our
inent Indian-Americans Dharmatma di, the former Miss India New York they gave speeches, do motivational motto “bringing India closer”, said
and Neelam Saran, under the ban- and philanthropist. Nishi Bahl, State speaking, mono acting, sing pop- Dharmatma Saran, the Chairman
ner of Worldwide Pageants around Director of New York, was awarded ular American songs, hip hop and and Founder.
41 years ago, Miss India USA is the the State Director of the Year Award. paintings,” said Dharmatma Saran. Ayushi Chhabra, Mrs. India Ni-
longest-running Indian pageant out- Winners of the pageants here Bollywood actor Abhimanyu Das- geria 2017 and TV and Hollywood
side of India. This year the pageant have gone to act in various Bolly- sani also made an appearance as a actor, and Anuradha Maharaj, Miss
was presented by TV Asia and Roy- wood and Hollywood movies and Special Guest. One highlight of the India Trinidad 2011, were emcees at
al Albert’s Palace. It was a full-house also make a name in the world of pageant was participation by the 62- the event. The audio-visual was pro-
show with more than 500 people in business. Bela Bajaria a former Miss year Sunita Malhotra from Massa- vided by Media Logistics. Nishi Bahl
attendance. India USA and Miss India Worldwide chusetts in Mrs. India USA category was the main choreographer assisted
The judges panel at the pageant was the only Indian American along who thrilled the audience with her by Shilpa Jhurani.
included Shekhar Rahate, a Holly- with Vice President Kamla Harris in Bollywood dance performance. She
wood Fashion Designer, Monica Gill, the 100 most powerful women in the was awarded a well-deserved Mrs. Continued on next page... >>