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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 30
from Coronary heart disease and cial thanks to all our Sponsors,” said
cancers like Breast cancer, cervical Dr. Sunil Kaza, Chair of the Gala
cancer which are preventable if di- Committee. The Grand sponsor for
agnosed early through these annual the event, Dr. Bharat Sangani at-
screenings as mentioned above. tended the meeting personally.
During the CMEs, several im- Attended by over 150 AAPI
portant topics with recent advanc- delegates from around the nation
es were well received by the AAPI and more than 250 local members,
fraternity. Themes for the CMEs the weekend event was packed with
included: ‘Cancer therapy: Advance- activities including Business Meet,
ment as we head for a cure’ by Dr. “warm meet and greet” with local
Nishitha Reddy, ‘Psychiatric se- AAPI TN members, CMEs, fun-
quelae of human trafficking’ by Dr. filled impromptu ‘Mehfil’ led by Dr.
Sricharan Moturi, ‘Cardiovascular Amit Chakrabarty, Gala and Din-
disease in South Asians- (Masala ner. After a delicious dinner during
Study)’ by Dr. Ramya Suryadevara gala, the participants were enter-
and ‘Stem cell therapy: The future tained with a live music, provided
of medicine’ by Dr. Sai Ram Atluri. by ‘Geetanjali’ and the ‘SaReGaMa’
The CME was well-attended, with nessee Chapter led by its President, The gala began with the Event orchestra from Chicago. Several past
active engagement between speakers Dr. Anuradha P. Mann, the gala, Chair Dr. Sunil Kaza welcoming com- Presidents of AAPI attended praised
and moderators (Dr. Amit Keswani, fund raiser and the Fall Governing munity members, family, friends, col- this event as ‘one of the best’ they
Dr.Varun Dhulipala, Dr. Biliyar, and Body Meeting of national AAPI was leagues and sponsors. “We, AAPI- have attended. AAPI’s BOT Chair
Dr. Gunuganti. Attendees were el- chaired by Dr. Sunil Kaza and effec- TN team, worked hard to stick to the Dr. Kusum Punjabi and other Board
igible for 3 Category 1 CME hours, tively coordinated by Dr. Dayaker mission of AAPI, for education and of Trustees attended and graced the
accredited by the Chicago Medical Mallipeddi, Dr. Shashank Ponugoti, charity to serve humanity. We thank event. AAPI-TN Chapter donated
Society (CMS). and Dr Viren Shah. each and every member that attend- $10,000 to the National AAPI’s En-
Organized by the AAPI Ten- ed and supported the event. Our spe- dowment Fund.