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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 17, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 26

               indra nooyi shares her life experience at a session

         organized by indian community groups in Connecticut

        OuR BuREAu

        Stamford, CT
              he Connecticut Chapter of the
              Global organization of People
        tof Indian Origin (GOPIO-CT)
        joined hands with India Cultural
        Center  (ICC)  of Greenwich,  Milan
        Cultural Association of Hartford and
        Ascend    Connecticut/Westchester
        Chapter to host a program ‘A Con-
        versation with Indra Nooyi’ on Dec.
        4th at The Village, near Star Point in
        Stamford, Connecticut, USA. It was a
        sold-out program.
            Indra Nooyi is the former CEO
        and Chairman of PepsiCo. She re-
        cently published a memoir, My Life
        in Full: Work, Family and Our Fu-
        ture. Generous, authoritative, and
        grounded in lived experience, My
        Life in Full is the story of an extraor-
        dinary leader’s life, a moving tribute
        to the relationships that created it,
        and a blueprint for 21st-century pros-
            Raised in a traditional home
        in South India under the guidance
        of her mother - a powerful force in
        her life, Indra Nooyi broke cultural
        norms, left the comforts of home,
        and traveled across the globe to study
        at Yale School of Management on a
        full scholarship at the age of 22.  Her
        story represents hope, possibilities,
        and achieving the American dream.
            After a trailblazing 24-year ca-
        reer  at  PepsiCo,  Indra  Nooyi  re-
        tired in 2019. Alongside being a re-
        markably successful business leader,
        what  makes  Indra  Nooyi  unique  is
        her unwavering commitment to her
        daughters, mother, and husband, to
        her heritage, to the local business   by ICC Director Mudita Bhargava,   ence, for example, 70% of female   in your professional life, Nooyi said
        community, to women and mothers,   who also serves as a Vice Chairman   students in High Schools are vale-  “Put your hand up for the most dif-
        and to youth.                     of Connecticut Democratic Party.   dictorians and they get whole 1 point   ficult assignment because then you’ll
            In her book, Indra Nooyi shares   Greenwich high school seniors Maya   more in GPA, 47% of MIT students   leave the mark and you’ll be remem-
        her experiences and what she learned   Hirani and Veda Swaminathin in-  are women and more that 50% grad-  bered.”
        along her journey and makes a call to   troduced Moderator Bhargava and   uates are women,” Nooyi added.  The program ended with con-
        action on how our society can blend   Speaker Indra Nooyi.              On the role of technology in our   clusion and a vote of thanks by GO-
        work and family – and advance wom-    Bhargava asked a range of ques-  lives,  Nooyi  said that  one  need  to   PIO-CT Vice President Dr. Jaya
        en.                               tions to Nooyi. On family, Nooyi   juggle priorities to balance work and   Daptardar.
            Program started with an intro-  said, “Family is the most important   families.                       Commenting on the program,
        duction of the sponsoring organi-  unit that exists, however, families are   On mental health, Nooyi has   GOPIO  Chairman  Dr.  Thomas
        zations by ICC Executive Director   fragile and can be messy at times, but   said “There’s a stigma attached to   Abraham said, “Indra Nooyi is the
        Margie French. Nooyi spoke on     it is better to keep it intact.”  it, we deny this issue, however we   pride and joy of the Indian American
        her life from coming to the US and    On   women     empowerment,   should talk about mental health and   community and a motivator for our
        climbing as the first Indian CEO of   Nooyi said, “It is very important for   support those dealing with it.”  youngsters.”
        a Fortune 50 company, at the same   the women to be educated and be fi-  Answering to one of the ques-    The book Indra Nooyi - My Life
        time managing her family and help-  nancially independent.”         tions from the audience: What is the   in Full: Work, Family and Our Future
        ing society at large. It was moderated   “Women are making a differ-  best advice you have received so far   is available from Amazon.

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