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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 17, 2021 | The Indian Eye 28
at aapi Fall Governing body Meeting, aapi-tn
raises $75,000 to Fight human trafficking in india
OuR BuREAu traditional lamp was lit by AAPI-TN
Executive Committee, AAPI USA
New York
President Dr. Anupama Gotimuku-
uring the American Associ- la, Congressman Jim Cooper and
ation of Physicians of Indian Grand Sponsor Dr. Bharat Sangani.
dOrigin (AAPI) Fall Govern- The audience was in awe of FF-
ing Body Meeting, a Fundraiser gala LI’s work and mission. In his keynote
was held on November 20th, 2021 at address, Congressman Jim Cooper
Embassy Suites by Hilton in Franklin from Nashville highlighted the nu-
TN, Suburbs of “Music City” Nash- merous injustices that intersect with
ville, TN. human trafficking and exploitation,
The host chapter- AAPI-TN along with the urgent need for action
presented FFLI with a fundraised at the state, national, and interna-
$75,000, in order to help strengthen tional levels.
the efforts to end human trafficking In her address, Dr. Anupama
and to help continue and expand Gotimukula, President of national
their impact in India. AAPI highlighted some of the ma-
While pointing out that Human jor achievements of AAPI under her
Trafficking is one of the fastest grow- leadership in the past five months
ing criminal industries in the country, ever since a new executive committee
reported in all 50 states of the United assumed charge of AAPI in July this
States of America, “we as a commu- year. Evolving to meet the growing
nity have a duty to end the various needs of its members and the larger
forms of slavery,” AAPI Tennessee population it is called to serve, AAPI,
Chapter President, Dr. Anuradha P. the largest ethnic physician organiza-
Mann said. “With the goal of sup- tion in the United states, represent-
porting Nashville nonprofit FFLI ing over 100,000 Indian American
(Free for Life International). FFLI Physicians, has grown steadily and is
works in prevention along with res- recognized by the authorities, local
cue, restoration, rehabilitation and communities and mainstream media
education of trafficked victims, we for the many noble initiatives AAPI
are pleased to present this token of has led, especially during the Covid
our appreciation to help support the pandemic, she said.
efforts of FFLI,” she added. She reminded AAPI members
The opening ceremony was sym- that, as part pf the upcoming Global
bolic, especially with the recent cel- Healthcare Summit, AAPI has initi-
ebration of Diwali, and tied back to ated preventive healthcare screen-
the soulful mission of FFLI. Gabri- describing the impact of fighting hu- ness, Victory of Good over Evil and ings in 75 villages to understand the
elle Thompson, FFLI CEO and Ex- man trafficking in India. Knowledge over Ignorance, which concept of preventive screenings
ecutive Director and Board Member The underlying theme of Di- has caught up the attention of people help to diagnose any silent diseases
Radha Babu addressed the audience, wali, celebrating Light over Dark- all over the world, was done as the which are causing premature deaths