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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 15, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 20

          Top talent in music, fashion and media

                        awarded at IFAB awards night

        OUR BUREAU
        Edison, NJ
           FAB Music Media and Fashion
           Awards 2023 was held on Saturday,
        INovember 25, at the prestigious
        SON NJ. Founded by Juhi & Anil Ja-
        giasi, the IFAB Awards has become a
        distinguished platform for recognizing
        and honoring local talent in the Music,
        Media, and Entertainment industry.
            The Red Carpet Gala night, ex-
        pertly guided by the talented singer
        and MC Irfan Ali (of Sa are ga ma-
        fame)   and opened  with youthful
        charm by Sara Ali, was an enchanting
        spectacle  featuring musical  perfor-
        mances, fashion shows, crowning of
        IFAB MODEL OF YEAR 2023 and                                                                           of Sunil Hali.
        the presentation of coveted awards.                                                                       The awards ceremony also fea-
            Award recipients in the music                                                                     tured accolades in various categories
        category included singers in various                                                                  such as Best Casting Director award-
        categories Ali Z (Best composer and                                                                   ed to Kesh Casting, Amit Jaitley as
        Producer) Sunita Misra & Anindya                                                                      National Promoter in NJ, Ishaan Ja-
        Gupta (best duet singer), Rajan Shar-                                                                 giasi for South Asian in Sports, Neil
        ma (Best male singer), Pradeep Gupta                                                                  Makhija for South Asian in Politics,
        (1st runner-up male) and Gauri Sin-                                                                   and Anil Jagiasi for Structural Engi-
        ga (Best female singer), Venkat and                                                                   neering for the largest Hanuman stat-
        Vidya Krishnan (Dining with Music).                                                                   ue in Temple in Delaware and Rach-
            There were Punjabi (Sandeep                                                                       na Sharma from West Windsor, NJ.
        Kaur), Tamil duets (Venkat and                                                                            Media awards were bestowed
        Rinku Shah) and medley by SOUM-                                                                       upon H R Shah (TV Asia), Rajeev
        ALYA Chowdhary and above all      Krishna and Anil Jagiasi, whose per-  tion of sound and music brought a   Bhambhri (India Abroad) Sunil Hali
        participation of youth ANOUSHKA   formances added an enchanting aura   new dimension to an already spectac-  (Radio Zindagi and The Indian Eye),
        Chowdhary. All other singers Naya-  to the proceedings.             ular event.                       and Sreekant from TV 9, Gunjesh De-
        na Bhatt, Vikrant Patel Harsha Sinha   Adding a melodic touch to the    The event was sponsored in part   sai (Masala Junction), Ilayas Qureshi
        gave wonderful performances.      celebration, Abraham Alex was rec-  by Seema Jagtiani and Dr. Umar Fa-  and Dr Sudhir Parikh (Desi talk and
            The night was further enriched by   ognized and awarded for Best Sound,   rooq, and it was massively promoted   ITV GOLD) representing excellence
        Guest Singers like Sunita Kapur, Sha-  elevating the auditory experience for   by Radio Zindagi Tri State and The   in their respective fields of TV, print,
        hid Saleem, Pradeep Gupta, Anitha   all  attendees.  This  seamless  integra-  Indian Eye, both media properties   Continued on next page... >>

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