Page 16 - The Indian EYE 121523
P. 16

North                       The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                            DECEMBER 15, 2023

                              Crime in NYC down 4.1%

         as compared to November 2022 and

               shootings were down almost 19%

         Mayor Adams and other NYC officials brief the media about the crime scene in the city

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            in effect, so what does that mean?
                                                                                                              Well, that means there’s going to be
        New York, NY
                                                                                                              hundreds of extra officers out there.
                 ayor Eric Adams along                                                                        It started the week of Thanksgiving.
                 with his team which in-                                                                      And we’re targeting the areas where
        Mcludes First Deputy Mayor                                                                            we see, you know, pockets of shop-
        Sheena Wright, Chief Advisor to the                                                                   lifting increases during the holiday
        Mayor Ingrid Lewis-Martin, Deputy                                                                     months.”
        Mayor for Operations Meera Joshi,                                                                        “We’re in and around malls,
        Deputy Mayor for Housing, Eco-                                                                        something we really never did. We’re
        nomic Development and Workforce                                                                       actually  putting  officers  on  foot  in
        Maria Torres-Springer, Deputy May-                                                                    and around New York City malls
        or for Health and Human Services                                                                      across all five boroughs, in the park-
        Anne Williams-Isom, Deputy Mayor                                                                      ing areas, in the concourses, whatev-
        for Strategic Initiatives Ana Alman-                                                                  er it is to make New Yorkers feel safe
        zar, Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg,                                                                     and to also suppress those shoplift-
        and New York City Police Depart-                                                                      ing crimes.”
        ment Chief of Crime Control Strate-                                                                      “We’re looking at street robber-
        gies Michael LiPetri, talked in detail                                                                ies. We do see, unfortunately, an
        about the crime scenario in Novem-                                                                    increase in street robberies with the
        ber in the city of New York.                                                                          holiday  season.  Pickpockets. You
                                                                                                              know, we put a pickpocket team
        Crime was down 4.1% in the                                                                            out there for the tree lighting, and
                                                                                                              within the first couple of hours those
        last month compared to No-        Kias and the Hyundais. We do attri-  years ago in shooting incidents for   officers  made  12  arrests  of  known

        vember 2022. And shootings        bute a lot of that to, you know, ob-  the year is down 540 incidents and   pickpockets. These are individuals
                                          viously the TikTok challenge, but we
                                                                            668 victims. “From two years ago,  known to us. That is not an easy ar-
        were down almost 19%. Mi-         have seen more organized theft of   New York City has seen 668 less   rest to make, that’s about prevention.
        chael Lepetri, chief, Crime       motor vehicles throughout the city.”  shooting victims this year from 2021.  We want to make the arrest before
                                                                            I know New York City is on pace for
                                                                                                              they actually go into somebody’s
                                             “About gun violence, gun arrests
        Control  Strategies,  Police  De-  continue to be at the highest levels.  the fourth lowest number of shooting   pocket, and we made 12 of those ar-
        partment added, “The shooting     We are talking about over 4,100 gun   incidents in the CompStat era. That’s   rests. So, we actually see right now
                                          arrests in New York City this year.  30 years. So, the fourth lowest in the
                                                                                                              since the first week… The week of
        incidents are down to 540 inci-   Shoplifting for November and for   CompStat era,” Lepetri said.     Thanksgiving, shoplifting complaints
                                                                               “Burglary for November was the
        dents and 668 victims. From       the year, we still continue to see re-  lowest November in burglaries in 25   have decreased in and around the
                                          ductions. We’re up about 10 % in
                                                                                                              Rockefeller Center tree and Mid-
        two years ago, New York City      shoplifting arrests. But we’re down   years in New York City. Car theft   town Manhattan.””
                                                                                                                 “So, again, it’s to the men and
        has seen 668 less shooting vic-   10% in shoplifting crime. We’re ac-  still is stubborn. We’re still single   women that go out there every day
                                                                            spikes in the Hondas, the Kias and
                                          tually putting officers on foot in and
        tims this year from 2021.”        around New York City malls across   the Hyundais. We do attribute a lot   and do the tough job. You know,
                                          all 5 boroughs,” he added.        of that to, you know, obviously the   the mayor hit it, you know, we saw
            He continued, “Burglary for No-   Speaking at the media interac-  TikTok challenge, but we have seen   reductions in five out of seven; and
        vember was the lowest November in   tion, Chief Michael Lepetri, Crime   more organized theft of motor vehi-  again, we’re looking to strive to those
        burglaries in 25 years in New York   Control Strategies, Police Depart-  cles throughout the city,” he added.  pre-pandemic lows that New York
        City. Car theft still is stubborn. We’re   ment said that just from two years   Explaining the work, the police   City was lucky to have,” said the po-
        still single spikes in the Hondas, the   ago, the city right now from two   officer said: “Our holidays zones are   lice officer.

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