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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 15, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 24

                                         ITServe Leadership

                       Welcomes H-1B Visa Renewal

          Program Benefitting IT Professionals

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC

              he  ITServe  Alliance,  with an
              active membership of 2,200
        T+ members who are small &
        medium-sized prestigious IT service
        companies,  with  similar interests
        across the United States, has ex-
        pressed its overwhelming support for
        the new Pilot Domestic Visa Renewal
        Program, limited to H1B Visas, which
        is launched in December of this year,
        mainly  benefiting  Information  Tech-
        nology professionals.
            The pilot initiative by the US
        administration aims to alleviate long
        wait times for visa appointments, ini-
        tially  issuing 20,000  visas  to  foreign
        nationals already in the US in the IT
        sector  with  their  significant  skilled
        workforce presence.
            In the past few years, ITServe
        leadership has continuously reiter-
        ated the need  for  a Domestic Visa
        Renewal Program with the US Con-  Governing Board Chair said, “I want   knowledge transfer and skills devel-  the skills possessed by current pro-
        gressmen and Department of State  to express our sincere gratitude and   opment by engaging in research and  spective employees.
        officials. ITServe has expressed grati-  appreciation to the hundreds of IT-  development activities, particularly   ITServe leadership believes that
        tude and appreciation to Department  Serve members, who continue to   in STEM fields, which contribute to  immigration laws are becoming more
        of Homeland Security for listening to  advocate with their local Lawmakers   scientific advancements and techno-  inclusive, which is a positive develop-
        its request and now bringing back this  on behalf of ITServe, and make our   logical progress.        ment with a commitment to easing re-
        program.                          voices heard on the corridors of pow-  H-1B visa holders, possessing  strictions on lawful immigrants. The
            “The U.S. needs to maintain its  er.”                           specialized skills and expertise in  evolving landscape aims to create a
        leadership in technology and inno-    H-1Bs are temporary, nonimmi-  fields like STEM, which are vital for  more accessible and accommodating
        vation,” Vinay Mahajan, ITServe Al-  grant visas for foreign workers with   American companies to stay com-  environment for skilled professionals
        liance President said. “The U.S. has  at least a bachelor’s degree, and they   petitive in the global market, are a  seeking opportunities in the United
        a large skills gap - availability of  often go to technology workers. Cur-  highly skilled foreign workers pool  States.
        workers vs the openings for talent in  rently, the number of H-1B visas is   that brings numerous benefits to the   “ITServe Alliance will continue
        the IT sector. We need the brightest  limited to 65,000 each year, although   United  States.  They  fill  in  critical  to support and advocate for immigra-
        minds from all over the world to keep  there are an additional 20,000 avail-  skill gaps in the labor market, con-  tion reforms that will help America
        our wide lead in technology and in-  able to workers who have a master’s   tributing  to  economic  growth  and  maintain its tech leadership in the
        novation.This new initiative is a good  degree or higher from a US universi-  innovation, thus leading to increased  world,” said Siva Moopanar, Direc-
        step to achieve this goal. ”      ty. Enhancing the current H1-B CAP   productivity and competitiveness in  tor of ITServe Alliance Policy Advo-
            A major objective of ITServe has  limits – from   65,000 to 130,000 per   various industries, by creating new  cacy Committee (PAC).
        been to educate lawmakers and the  year has been a major area where IT-  job opportunities by starting busi-  Founded in 2010, ITServe’s vi-
        larger  American  community,  using  Serve has placed its efforts in recent   nesses and driving entrepreneurship.   sion has been to empower local com-
        digital and traditional methods on  years.                              High-Skilled Immigration Re-  munities by creating, retaining, and
        the benefits of favorable immigration   ITServe is aware that H-1B visa   form for Employment (HIRE) Act,  fostering  employment  opportunities
        programs to businesses and eliminate  holders play a critical role in bolster-  introduced by US Congressman Raja  within the United States. Moreover,
        misconceptions by meeting, collabo-  ing the U.S. economy, fostering in-  Krishnamoorthi,  D-Illinois  covers  ITServe is committed to corporate
        rating, and lobbying with Congress-  novation, and enriching the fabric of   the above increase. The Bill would  social responsibility (CSR) and ac-
        men and Senators to work together  American society through their skills,   strengthen U.S. competitiveness by  tively contributing to local commu-
        and help write and amend laws that  contributions, and diverse back-  helping to close the skills gap – the  nities nationwide, particularly in the
        are helpful to ITServe community.  grounds, and knowledge to Amer-  space between the skills required for  realm of STEM (Science, Technology,
            Vinod Babu Uppu, ITServe  ican workplaces. They facilitate      jobs that employers need to fill, and  Engineering, and Math) education.

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