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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 22

          NCSS at Hofstra University selects DR Nilesh Soni

             as a distinguished Honoree at their annual event

        OUR BUREAU

        New York, NY
              he National Center for Suburban Studies at
              Hofstra University has selected Dr Nilesh
        TSoni as one of the distinguished Honorees at
        their annual event which was hosted at Crest Hol-
        low Country Club on Tuesday, November 28, 2023.
            Dr Nilesh Soni joins the list of very well-known
        honorees including Mr Thomas Falcone, CEO of
        Long Island Power Authority, as well as Ms Joye
        Brown, a senior columnist and editor at Newsday.
        This event was attended by 500 New Yorkers who
        came from all different diverse backgrounds.
            Tied to a major suburban diversity conference,
        and dedicated to funding scholarships and study,
        this Celebration brought together Long Islanders
        along the length of the multi-cultural spectrum.
        A portion of the funds raised will support diversi-
        ty-related scholarships, research and conferences at
        Hofstra’s renowned National Center for Suburban
        Studies at Hofstra University.
            The peaceful coexistence of people of different
        religions and backgrounds is the key to eventual
        world peace. Diversity contributes more to society   In his speech to the audience present at Hofs-  “Today even after 32 years of clinical practice, I
        than just a worldlier neighborhood; it promotes tol-  tra University Diversity Celebration Gala, Dr Soni   am energized to witness a grandfather being able to
        erance of differences and prevents racism and preju-  said: ‘Standing  humbly  before  my family, friends   run again with his grandchild after a knee replace-
        dice, from which only violence can grow. The ability   and the entire community, I am truly honored to   ment surgery or a mother being able to care for her
        of people from different races, religions and regions   accept this award as one of the compassionate care-  family after a devastating stroke. My mother is the
        to live and work together is crucial to our prosperity.   givers for our beloved Long Island. I grew up in In-  central source of my inspiration and today I am
            Diversity has been an important part of Dr   dia, and from the very childhood I learnt the virtues   lucky to have her in the audience. Mummy, kindly
        Nilesh Soni’s approach.  Having cared for more than   of respecting all, treating others with dignity and   rise and be recognized. I realize that success came
        50,000 patients spanning 20 countries and main-  helping to make the world a better place!”  to me because of a combination of effort and perse-
        taining staff hailing from 10 plus nations, is a re-  “I graduated university first in my undergrad   verance, as well as a fearless approach to seemingly
        sounding statement of Dr Soni’s daily commitment   and grad courses, not because I was the smartest, by   insurmountable odds.”
        to embracing racial, ethnic and religious diversity.     no means, but because I had the most grit, determi-  “So, to everyone in this wonderfully diverse au-
            Dr Soni advises and volunteers at numerous   nation and everything to lose if I didn’t get it right.     dience: Let your light shine: when you decide to do
        area  organizations,  has  mentored  400  Physical   When I specialized in Physical Therapy, I knew for   something: do it with energy, with confidence, with
        Therapists and has delivered more than 1000 com-  certain that I can combine my love for healing oth-  power and pride.  Life doesn’t get easier, you just
        munity seminars empowering New Yorkers from   ers with what I learnt at home to make a difference   get stronger and never give up on your dreams and
        diverse cultural and socio-economic backgrounds.   in this diverse world,” he added.       abilities,” said Dr Soni.

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