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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 21

              Mayor Adams to focus on keeping the

         city safe and making the economy strong

        OUR BUREAU
        New York, NY
              he session was aimed to pro-
              vide insight into the work and
        Tfor New Yorkers to learn more
        about the everyday efforts of their city

        A media briefing was organized
        attended by Mayor Eric Adams,
        First Deputy Mayor Sheena

        Wright, Chief Advisor to the
        Mayor Ingrid  Lewis-Martin,
        Chief of Staff Camille Joseph
        Varlack, Deputy Mayor for Op-

        erations Meera Joshi, Deputy
        Mayor for Housing Economic
        Development  and  Workforce

        Maria  Torres-Springer,  Deputy  ing with New Yorkers.”             ers are angry when they hear about    First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright
        Mayor for Health and Human            He began by talking about the   these deficiency cuts, but New York-  added, “Through the analysis that was
                                          November update plan. The Mayor   ers, I want you to know I’m angry also.  done by the team, it’s very important
        Services  Anne  Williams-Isom,  said, “As many of you know, we have   I am angry that instead of doing a bud-  for everybody to know that there is
        Deputy Mayor for Strategic        to file a budget two years in the mak-  get that I want, a budget that pours  a seat for every child who is eligible.”
                                          ing, and in November we have to do   into services for our seniors, cleaning   Mayor Eric Adams also ad-
        Initiatives Ana Almanzar, Chief  the necessary adjustments. That’s   our streets, continue to build housing,  dressed the report of increasing threat
        Counsel Lisa Zornberg, Director   why we have Jacques Jiha that’s here   putting support into our young people.  to the City of New York.
                                          today to have these conversations   Instead of doing that budget that I am   He said, “First we have been mon-
        of the New York City Mayor’s  about the decisions we had to make.   excited about doing, we have to move  itoring the threats to deputy mayor
        Office of Management and Bud-     And this team that’s up here now, this   in another direction and look at these  and the commissioner and the whole
                                          was a real tough exercise. After doing   cost savings to continue to have our  team at NYPD and Deputy Commis-
        get Jacques Jiha and New York  PEGs several times, 3% PEGs, then    city operate and to abide by the law.  sioner Weiner. As you know, we have
                                                                                Jacques Jihia, Director, Office of  a Joint Terrorist Task Force in the city
        City Emergency Management         we had to go back to the table and do   Management and Budget said, “Yes.  to  focus  on  these  threats  and  moni-
                                          5% PEGs and find efficiency in all of
        Commissioner Zach Iscol.          our agencies. It was extremely chal-  Like you indicated, mayor, the gover-  toring a lot of chatter that’s out there.
                                          lenging to do so.”                nor has indicated to us about 3 weeks  And when you think about it, we have
            Deputy Mayor Fabien Levy,         He further reiterated that the tax   ago in the memo issued by the state  over 300 protests that took place in the
        Communications, the city for the City  revenue that’s coming in is not at the   budget director that the state will be  city. Some of them were side by side,
        of New York rolled out the 8th session  rate that is expected.  So many men   moving away from funding shelter  and some of the violence you’re see-
        thanking everybody for the week-  and women were held without their   to funding job placements and legal  ing in other municipalities you did not
        ly in-person media availability. The  union contracts being settled. Over   services. Our plan is based on the as-  see here. Hats off to Commissioner
        session was aimed to provide insight  300,000 employees were given a fair   sumption that we would get a third  Caban and what his team has done.”
        into the work and for New Yorkers to  salary so they could afford to live in   of the funding from the state. But   Mayor Adams also reiterated,
        learn more about the everyday efforts  New York. About the asylum seekers,   however, yesterday the governor gave  “My review and the review from our
        of their city government.         he said that still a substantial number   some clear indication that she would  compliance team continues to show
            Mayor Eric Adams said, “The  of people, like in thousands, are com-  be working with her staff to see what  what I’ve always felt and will contin-
        feedback he gets on the subways and  ing in every week.             she can do to provide some kind of as-  ue to say. Our campaign follows the
        the streets, is that the New Yorkers   Mayor  Eric  Adams  emphasized   sistance and relief to the city. So, we  rules. And that’s something I always
        are happy to hear directly from them  that he is going to support working   are hoping that we don’t have to get  tell them, follow the rules, follow the
        in Tuesday briefings as it allows us not  people. The focus is keeping the city   there because we are expecting to get  rules, follow the rules, and I’m going
        to live just through a tweet, but what  safe and attracting businesses to con-  more assistance from the state now,  to continue to say that and that’s what
        we’re doing on the streets, and it’s re-  tinue to make the economy strong.   that she’s committed again to provide  the preliminary review from our com-
        flected in the conversation we’re hav-  He also said, “I know New York-  us some assistance.”         pliance team.”

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