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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               DECEMBER 04, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          17

        and entrepreneurship to pro- Apple to Capitol Hill. He  also  selected from among five short
        mote appropriate technological  launched Global Punjab TV, the  listed symbols. According to
        solutions to known social chal- in-language Punjabi TV channel  Kumar, the design is based on
        lenges at the national level. As  in 2013 with International quali- the Indian tricolor. As of De-
        a demonstration, the six-month  ty content yet maintaining Pun- cember 2019, he is the Head
        C19 Task Force set up in March  jabi ethos.                              of the Department of Design
        2020 conceived of large start-up        Sunil has produced mega  at  IIT  Guwahati,  Assam. Ku-
        initiatives like the NSCI Dome,  events for brand India since  mar attended La Chatelaine
        COVID-19 Test Bus, MegaL- 1999. This includes “Build- junior college in Chennai. He
        ab and MegaTx – by aggregat- ing India Excellence Awards”  obtained a bachelor’s degree
        ing over 10 million hours of  (2016);           “Indian     American in architecture (B.Arch.) from
        20,000+ volunteers, all of it on     Achiever     Awards”      (2007); the School of Architecture
        a pro bono basis.                    “Zee Gold Bollywood Awards”  and  Planning (SAP) at Anna                          sunil Khullar
            The Council is continuing to  (2000); “Zee TV Miss India  University, Chennai in 2001.
        rally the considerable resources  Worldwide” (1999) and “Zee  Subsequently he received his                          unil Khullar has a BTech
        – both financial and technolog- Gold Six Nation Cricket Cham- master’s degree, an MDes in                           from IIT Bombay in Civil
        ical - of the global IIT alumni  pionship” (2001). These events  Visual Communication, from  SEngineering and a Mas-
        ecosystem to catalyze global  were presented to global Indian  the Industrial Design Centre  ter of Design in Design and Vi-
        scale interventions in the social  audience on television and as  (IDC) of IIT Bombay in 2003.  sual Communications from the
        sector.                              a live event at most prestigious  He also did his doctoral studies  Industrial Design Centre at IIT
                                             venues across USA. He has  at the IDC, receiving his PhD  Bombay.
                                             since  launched  several  Indian  in 2010. His areas of interest             He has over thirty years work
                                             brands in the USA including Jet  include graphic design, typog- experience in Managing UX
                                             Airways, Make my trip, Godrej  raphy, type   design and   design    Design Process, software prod-
                                             properties, etc.                    research   with    special    focus  uct design, Software Interface
                                                A double Gold medalist  on Tamil typography (the sub- design, management of teams
                                             in engineering, and a Gradu- ject of his doctoral research). involved in various activities
                                             ate from IIT Roorkee, Sunil is  He has also designed a Tamil  including pre-sales, client inter-
                                             the  first  Indian  to  be  featured  font named “Parashakti” as a  action; mentoring development
                                             on the cover of The New York  mini project at the IDC, un- and QA teams; functional and
                                             Times  in  1995,  Metro  Section,  der the guidance of Prof. G. V.  design documentation, product
                                             for Mausam-Seasons, a 52-part  Sreekumar, who is one of the  presentations, corporate pre-
                                             Indo-American soap opera,  few font experts in the country.  sentations, customer support
                   sunil hali                his maiden venture in media  During his MDes project he  team building.
                                             and entertainment as a Pro- wrote and designed a book on                     His areas of expertise in-
              unil Hali is a leading         ducer. The  New  York  Times,  Tamil typography, which is the  clude UX Design, User Ex-
              torch-bearer of India in the   once again, favorably reviewed  first  attempt  at  bringing  such  perience Design, Interface
        SUSA since 1992. With an             his second project as a Produc- a subject to a Tamil audience.  design, Mobile App Design,
        unmatched understanding and          er-The Music Festival of IN- In this book, Kumar also creat- Web App Design, Typedesign
        goodwill within Indians diaspo-      DIA, the largest South Asian  ed new Tamil terminology for  and digitization, Content Man-
        ra, he was featured in “Jewels of    event ever held in the US to cel- many typographic terms where  agement  System,  Advertising
        India in 2013” and “Roshni Me-       ebrate India’s 50th anniversary  English words were used.                management  System,  Digital
        dia in 2014”. In last two decades,   of Independence in 1997.                Kumar conceptualized the  Asset Management Systems,
        Sunil as head of Maya Consulting                                         design for Rupee symbol for  Non-Roman Scripts, Training,
        Group has emerged as a pioneer                                           Indian currency. The symbol is  mentoring & team building
        in  South  Asian media,  market-                                         designed using the Devanagari            Sunil has been an active vol-
        ing and management in the US.                                            letter j ‘Ra’ and Roman capital  unteer in the branding group
        Publisher of Indian Express and                                          letter ‘R’. The letters are de- of the IIT Alumni Council and
        Divya Bhaskar in North Amer-                                             rived from the word Rupiah in  has been instrumental in de-
        ica, Sunil has now launched his                                          Hindi and Rupees in English,  veloping the overall unified re-
        own newspaper with the name                                              so the symbol is meaningful to  branding strategy for the glob-
        The Indian EYE. He has been                                              both Indians and international  al media plan for revitalizing
        one of the leading guiding force                                         users.                               Brand IIT and the IIT Alumni
        behind Radio Zindagi since its                                               The  symbol  also  uses  the  bodies.
        launch from California in 2012,                                          Shiro Rekha, the horizon-                He was part of the task force
        the first South Asian 24x7 radio      Udaya K. dharmalingam              tal  top  line  which  is unique  that evolved the design manual
        network with a 1st of its kind                                           to Indian Devanagari script.  for the logos and various Brand
        deal with CBS Broadcasting.                   daya Kumar Dharma-         The two horizontal lines form  Collateral in addition to lead-
        The radio is today the biggest                lingam is an Indian ac-    an “equals” sign, which also  ing the team that developed
        media platform reaching 2.4 mil- Uademic and designer                    evokes the tri-color Indian flag.  the IIT Sans Font.
        lion South Asians across US in  noted for his design of the In-          Ambika Soni approved the new
        nine states: Silicon Valley to Big  dian rupee sign. His design was      rupee symbol on 15 July 2010.              Continued at next page... >>

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