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North                      The Indian Eye


         16                                                                                                                       DECEMBER 04, 2020

         iit alumni Council announces life Fellowship of

                 the Paniit institute to four eminent iitians

            mr sunil hali, iit roorkee, the       Dr Udaya Dharmalingam,            mr sunil Khullar, iit Bombay,        mr sanjiv Goyal, iit Delhi,
         indian media expert from New York       iit Guwahati, the legendary      the visual communication expert       the digital marketing expert,
           who launched radio Zindagi-the    designer of the indian rupee logo.      who has evolved the overall         highly acclaimed angel in-
           first coast to coast India-focused   As well as the main emblem of       unifying Brand strategy for all     vestor and Paniit UsA Board
         Fm radio station and the indian eye       the iit Alumni council          the initiatives of the iit Alumni    member from silicon Valley
          newsweekly-considered the most                                            movement, including develop-
            hi-tech digital print publication                                            ment of the iit Font

        Our Bureau                           Alumni Coun-                                          ly    associated   newsweekly integrates personal-
                                             cil.                                                  with  Martech      ized video in a mass distributed
        New Delhi
                                                Dr  Udaya                                          in Silicon Valley   print file. We quickly built a com-
            IT Alumni Council announc- Dharmaling-                                                 for over fifteen   bination of terrestrial, digital, so-
            es institutional strengthen- ham has a PhD                                             years. He has      cial platforms along with apps
        Iing of PanIIT Institute, an  in design from                                               been an active     on iOS, Android, Alexa and
        independent and autonomous  IIT Bombay and has spent the  angel investor in the domain and                    live streaming with Facebook to
        partner alumni organization en- last few years as a faculty mem- one of his investee companies                deliver functionality and reach
        gaged in the development of an  ber at IIT Guwahati. He is best  has done a lot of meaningful pro             which neither new media or old
        end-to-end  deeptech Research  known as  the  designer  of  the  bono work for the IIT Alumni                 media could provide on its own”
        Ecosystem in India – through  Indian Rupee symbol. Dr Dhar- Movement using digital market-                    added Sunil Hali, a IIT Roorkee
        the appointment of Life Fellows  malingham has helped visualize  ing. His work in the US for glob-            alumnus and Chairperson of the
        across all the key areas of Ap- a very unique identity for the IIT  al companies like Kellogg, Heinz          New York Chapter of the IIT
        plied Science and Engineering –  Alumni Council and its partner  and Gallo Wines is considered                Alumni Council.
        starting with Martech.               organizations in terms of its em- path breaking and highly innova-           IIT Alumni Council is  the
            “We have learnt from the  blem. ”I am indeed honored to be  tive by Silicon Valley standards.             largest global body of alum-
        IT and BPO services sector that  associated with the design of the  “I am humbled and honored                 ni, students and academicians
        branding is an integral and criti- IIT Alumni Council logo,” add- with recognition and acceptance             across all the twenty-three IITs
        cal part of the Country’s strategy  ed Dr Udaya Dharmalingham in the Life Fellowship of the                   and partnering Institutes of the
        to build a new sector like Re-          “My involvement was at two  PanIIT Institute. An IIT Alum-            India Innovation Network (I2N-
        search. Given that the govern- levels – first was to develop the  ni Council initiative. In the new           et). The IIT Alumni Council
        ment has done most of the heavy  overall branding strategy which  normal, our world has shrunk                aspires to catalyze India’s tech-
        lifting and investment in terms of  helps  evolve  a  unified  look  for  and more connected than ever. I     nological renaissance. For this
        setting up outstanding academ- all the Branding collateral across  want to impact a billion lives by          it catalyzes the creation of rapid
        ic institutions like the IITs and  the IITs and IIT Alumni bodies  harnessing the power of innova-            response short term initiatives
        deserving  scientific  institutions  whilst letting them retain their  tion and entrepreneurship” add-        like the C19 Task Force and
        such as the CSIR laboratories  legacy logos and emblems. The  ed Sanjiv Goyal, an alumnus of                  perpetual strategically  planned
        – the most critical push need- second was to help evolve a font  IIT Delhi.                                   initiatives   like    MegaFund,
        ed now is in Global Branding,  called the IIT Sans font which                “In my  own unique way, I        MegaIncubator and I2Net.
        perception creation and image  can be used to unify individual  have tried to disrupt both print                  Through such initiatives,
        management. And it is for this  logos and emblems to create a  and conventional media like ra-                IIT Alumni Council intends to
        reason that we are announcing  cohesive-consistent  identity  not  dio to bring in a solid integration        act as a network and as a bridge
        the first four Life Fellowships in  just from the parent IITs but indi- of the legacy platforms with a        between various providers of
        the Research oriented PanIIT  vidual entities like departments,  highly personalized online plat-             knowledge, wealth, informa-
        Institute in the area of Martech”  alumni funds etc.” added Sunil  form. Radio Zindagi is the first           tion, wisdom, ideas, expertise
        said Ravi Sharma, President  Khullar, an IIT Bombay alumnus. coast to coast India focused ra-
        and Chief Volunteer of the IIT          Mr Sanjiv Goyal been active- dio network. The Indian EYE                    Continued at next page... >>

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