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FUTURE this wEEk DECEMBER 03, 2021 | The Indian Eye 38
NumeROlOGy Prediction nov 26 To deC 2, 2021
NumBeR 5 (MercUrY)
By Business Astrologer & (Those born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd in any month)
Astro strAtegist This week will bring challenges and how you handle them will say a great
HirAv sHAH deal about you as an entrepreneur. Work on improving your problem-solv-
ing skills and your troubleshooting skills and those around you will grow to
see you as a leader. Becoming a better leader as an entrepreneur doesn’t
Hirav Shah is a PIONEER in introducing ASTRO magically happen. It takes hard work and commitment to be better each day.
STRATEGY for Business revolution to increase certainty in Incorporate yoga and stay fit, fitness shall also inspire your team members
business success. He is the top influencer and advisor in the to keep healthy. All the best.
fields of Real Estate, Sports, Hollywood, Bollywood, Tourism, • avoid wearing Black
Corporate Business, Politics & more. He combines Business • Lucky Days : sunday
Principles with Astrology and brings strategic solutions to the • Lucky Color : Orange
table while maintaining absolute confidentiality. Hirav has
an astounding Global presence with his clients based across NumBeR 6 (VenUS)
various business sectors.
[email protected] | (Those born on the 6th, 15th and 24th in any month)
As entrepreneurs, always know people are rooting for you. Never let the
noise pull you down rock bottom. You may not seem to notice it straight
away, but some still support and believe in you till the end. The sun doesn’t
NumBeR 1 (SUn) shine every day; there are rainy days, too. Business goes up and down
whether we like it or not. There are good days and bad days; it is a matter of
(Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th in any month) taking the good with the bad.
Now is the time to reevaluate existing plans as the economy continues to Keep yourself healthy by having plenty of fruits and vegetables and less ani-
fully reopen, and now is the time to begin mapping for 2022 in a realistic mal protein. If you are healthy, you can conquer your business too.
manner. It’s imperative for businesses to factor in adaptability — flexible • avoid wearing Black
goals, processes and strategies that can help stabilize a business during a • Lucky Days : Wednesday
changing economy. Start incorporating cycling in your routine, this will re- • Lucky Color : Pale Blue
ally keep you fit and healthy.
• avoid wearing Dark shades NumBeR 7 (nePtUne)
• Lucky Days : Tuesday
• Lucky Color : Golden (Those born on the 7th, 16th and 25th in any month)
It’s time to recognize your gifts and talents. Be honest with yourself about
what you do well and what you need to learn more about. Seek mentors
and advisors from your niche and learn from their success for additional
NumBeR 2 (Moon) knowledge and strategies to grow your business.
Be ready for frequent traveling, meetings, conferences and conventions.
(Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th in any month) As you travel, stay away from street food as much as possible. If your gut
This week is an opportunity for company leaders like you to develop a long- is healthy, your work will also be fruitful.
term bulletproof strategy that effectively serves its needs, as well as those • avoid wearing Dark Blue
of staff members. You will recognize that developing a company strategy • Lucky Days : monday
that takes care of its people and places them at the center of decisions helps • Lucky Color : Light Green
other areas of the business reach maximum potential. Healthwise, things
shall be okay. NumBeR 8 (SAtUrn)
• avoid wearing red
• Lucky Days : monday (Those born on the 8th, 17th and 26th in any month)
• Lucky Color : Light Yellow You will face opposition from your contemporaries — and those who
don’t know you will become your greatest support. Sometimes people just
like to hate or dislike you because they see the success in business that
you have now and feel they deserve the same for work they haven’t even
NumBeR 3 (JUPiter) put in. Be prepared. Be focused. Be dedicated. Be devoted. It’s almost
2022. Map out properly for next year. While travelling, avoid any fried
(Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th in any month) food item, to stay away from stomach disorders.
This week, you will communicate well, listen and be transparent. Being • avoid wearing rose
transparent is vital not to lose confidence. You will motivate and inspire • Lucky Days : Friday
others. You will turn success into your driving force. You will be empathetic. • Lucky Color : Indigo
One thing you need to do is stay away from junk food while at work. Once
the stomach gets upset, work also hampers. Go for fresh fruit juices instead. NumBeR 9 (MArS)
• avoid wearing red
• Lucky Days : Thursday (Those born on the 9th, 18th and 27th in any month)
• Lucky Color : Golden This week, you will evaluate the foundation of your business. The rigor-
ous evaluation of a foundation of a company — with a goal of identifying
ways of reorganizing staff, processes and procedures — is a pivotal step.
Really. When your management is aligned and focused, based on a solid
NumBeR 4 (UrAnUS) yet adaptable foundation, your company will be positioned to identify and
secure opportunities. Healthwise, everything will be fine. Just don’t take
(Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st in any month) excessive stress.
As entrepreneurial leaders, you will not just identify the problem. Instead, • avoid wearing maroon
• Lucky Days : saturday
you will determine the solution and ensure that the required actions get • Lucky Color : Gray
implemented. You will also not let the difficulty of making tough decisions
deter you from doing that, which will improve the business.
Please bunk soft drinks and cold food items if you want to do away with CeleBRITIeS Of The week :
tonsillitis this week. November 26 – Arjun Rampal November 29 – Divya Spandana
• avoid wearing Brown
• Lucky Days : saturday November 27 – Bhushan kumar December 1– udit Narayan
• Lucky Color : Green November 28– yami Gautam December 2– Boman Irani