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IMMIGRATION                                                        DECEMBER 03, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 40

                The Legal Basis Underpinning the new automatic
             extension of Work authorization for H-4, L-2 and e-2

                    spouses, and Why It must still Be Challenged

        CYRuS D. MEHTA             qualify for an automatic exten-  newal  application,  and  facially   H-1B  status.  However,  if  the   of  work authorization until the
                                   sion  provided  under  8  CFR  §   expired EAD may be acceptable   H-4    spouse  needs  to  obtain  a   L-2 status is approved.
             he  USCIS  has  been  pro-  274a.13(d) if certain conditions   to evidence unexpired work au-  new visa stamp, it is difficult to   On  November  18,  2016,
             cessing  employment  au-  are met.               thorization for employment el-  obtain  consular  appointments   DHS promulgated the automat-
        Tthorization  requests  for    The  new  policy  provides   igibility  verification  (Form  I-9)   timely as a result of Covid-19.  ic extension of EAD regulation
        H-4 and L-2  spouses so slowly   that  certain  H-4,  E  or  L  de-  purposes.       Another   work   around   at 8 CFR 274a.13(d), which took
        that  they  have  been  rendered   pendent  spouses  qualify  for   Although  this  new  policy   would  be  for  the  H-4  spouse   effect  on  January  17,  2017.  8
        virtually useless. By the time the   automatic  extension  of  their   is  a  positive  step,  as  a  practi-  to  go  to  Canada  for  less  than   CFR  274a.13(d)  provides  the
        applicant  receives  the  employ-  existing employment authoriza-  cal  matter,  many  H-4  spouses   30 days and be readmitted un-  legal underpinning for Novem-
        ment  authorization  document   tion and accompanying EAD if   may not be able to avail of the   der  automatic visa revalidation   ber 12, 2021 policy.  An appli-
        (EAD) after 10 months, the job   they properly file application to   automatic extension if they are   provided for trips to Canada or   cant  is  eligible  for  automatic
        offer no longer exists. The expe-  renew their H-4, E or L-based   unable  to  demonstrate  an  H-4   Mexico that are less than 30 days.   extension  if  the  EAD  renewal
        rience  is  even  more  harrowing   EAD expires, and they have an   status beyond the expiration of   The difficulty with this strategy,   is timely filed and based on the
        when  the  spouse  begins  work-  unexpired  I-94  showing  their   their  existing  EAD.  Most  H-4   though,  is  that  the  CBP  often   same  employment  authoriza-
        ing under the first EAD and has   status as an H-4, E or L nonim-  statuses  and  EAD  end  on  the   admits  the  H-4  spouse  under   tion  category  as  shown  on  the
        to  apply  for  a  renewal.  By  the   migrant. The policy further pro-  same date.  the same period of the existing   face  of  the  expiring  EAD.  See
        time  the  renewal  EAD  comes   vides  that  E  and  L  dependent   Even if an H-1B extension   status  instead  of  admitting  the   8 CFR 274a.13(d)(1)(i) and (ii).
        through, the spouse would have   spouses are employment autho-  is filed on behalf of the princi-  spouse  for  an  extended  period   Under 8 CFR 274a.13(d)(1)(iii)
        been forced to stop working af-  rized incident to their status and   pal spouse under premium pro-  that  would be coterminous with   automatic  extension  may  also
        ter the prior EAD expired and   therefore they are no longer re-  cessing  six  months  before  the   the  H-1B  spouse’s  new  status.  apply  where  the  EAD  renewal
        often  loses  her  job.  Most  H-4     quired to file Form I-765 for an   existing H-1B status expires, the   L-2  and  E-2  spouses  are   application is “[b]ased on a class
        spouses who have availed of the   EAD but may still do so if they   USCIS no longer processes the   in  a  better  situation  that  H-4   of aliens whose eligibility to ap-
        EAD  are  mainly  women  and     choose to request an EAD. Still,   extension of the H-4 status in an   spouses. INA 214(c)(2)(E) pro-  ply  for  employment  authoriza-
        spouses  of  Indian  born  H-1B   the E and L dependent spouse   expeditious manner. Thus, even   vides    statutory  authority  for   tion  continues  notwithstanding
        visa  holders  who  are  caught   may only qualify for an automat-  if  the  H-1B  status  is  renewed   dependent  spouses  of  L  non-  expiration  of  the  Employment
        in  the  crushing  India  employ-  ic extension if they have an un-  under   premium   processing   immigrants to be granted work   Authorization  Document  and
        ment-based backlogs under the   expired valid E-2 or L-2 status.  within 15 days for an additional   authorization.  INA  214(c)(2)   is based on an employment au-
        second and third preferences.  Accordingly,  a  document   3 years,  the H-4 status contin-  provides  similar  work  authori-  thorization  category  that  does
            Following  a  recent  settle-  combination  to  include  an  un-  ues to remain pending and may   zation  for  dependent  spouses.   not  require  adjudication  of  an
        ment  in  Shergill  v.  Mayorkas,     expired Form I-94, Form I-797C   or may not get approved before   Notwithstanding  this  statutory   underlying  application  or  peti-
        USCIS  announced  on  Novem-  (Notice  of  Action)  showing  a   the expiration of the current H-4   authorization  that  took  effect   tion before  adjudication of the
        ber  12,  2021,  that  certain  H-4,   timely filed employment autho-  status. If the H-4 status is not re-  on  January  16,  2002  providing   renewal application, …. As may
        E, or L dependent spouses will   rization  document  (EAD)  re-  newed prior to the expiration of   for work authorization incident   be  announced  on  the  USICS
                                                                  the current H-4 status, the   to status,  USCIS was still insist-  Web site.”
                                                                  spouse will not be able to   ing that L-2 and EAD spouses   The  page  on  the  USCIS
                                                                  avail of the auto extension   obtain an EAD through a pol-  Website listed 15 categories for
                                                                  under the new policy.   icy memo authored by William   automatic  extension  of  their
                                                                      It would thus behoove   Yates dated February 22, 2002,   employment  authorization  or
                                                                  the USCIS to courtesy pre-  “Guidance  on  Employment   EAD. However, the November
                                                                  mium  process the H-4 sta-  Authorization for E and L Non-  12,  2021  USCIS  Policy  Memo
                                                                  tus extension request along   immigrant Spouses, and for De-  acknowledges  that  E  and  L  as
                                                                  with  the  H-1B  premium   terminations  on  the  Requisite   well as H-4 spouses were missing
                                                                  request.  This  used  to  be   Employment  Authorization  for   from this list, as follows:
                                                                  done  prior  to  the  imposi-  E and L Nonimmigrant Souses,   These  broad  categories
                                                                  tion by the Trump admin-  and for Determinations on the   were  not  included  because  at
                                                                  istration  of  a  mandatory   Requisite Employment Abroad   the  time  the  automatic  exten-
                                                                  biometrics   appointment   for L Blanket Petitions.” (Yates   sion  authority  was  established
                                                                  for  an  extension  request   Memo).    The  November  12,   in 2016, USCIS determined that
                                                                  filed by the spouse.  As a   2021 guidance has now rescind-  these applicants are in a catego-
                                                                  result  of  the  new  biomet-  ed the Yates Memo.  ry  that  first  requires  adjudica-
                                                                  ric  requirement,  the  H-4   As  a  result  of  being  rec-  tion  of  an  underlying  applica-
                                                                  spouse’s extension request   ognized  to  be  work  authorized   tion before their EAD renewal
                                                                  was    no  longer  processed   incident to status, L-2 and E-2   application can be adjudicated.
                                                                  along with the H-1B premi-  spouses  will  be  able  to  work   [citation omitted]. While that is
                                                                  um request.  Although the   when their L-2 or E-2 status is   a  permissible  interpretation  of
                                                                  biometric requirement has   extended.  CBP  will  notate  the   the regulation, upon further re-
                                                                  been  eliminated  for  H-4   I-94 to distinguish the L-2 or E-2   view and consideration, USCIS
                                                                  spouse extension requests,   spouse from E and L children.   recognizes  that  this  interpreta-
                                                                  the  USCIS  continues  to   Unlike  the  H-4  spouse  who   tion  does  not  contemplate  the
                                                                  process  these  cases  at  a   will need to apply for an EAD   situation where the E, L, and H4
                     m of                                         snail’s  pace.  It  is  difficult   based  on  status  that  already   dependent  spouse  has  already
                                                                                                                     been  granted  a  new  period  of
                                                                  to understand why the US-
                                                                                          extends  beyond  the  EAD  ex-
          CYRUS D. MEHTA & PARTNERS PLLC                          CIS is unable to process the   tension request, the L-2 spouse   authorized  stay  and  such  indi-
                                                                  H-4 request along with the   will be able to work as soon as   vidual is eligible for employment
                                                                                             H-1B  premium  request  at   the E-2 or L-2 status is granted.   authorization  past  the  expira-
             the same time as was done   Similarly, the spouse who is ad-  tion of his or her EAD while the
                                                                  before  the  imposition  of   mitted after travelling to the US   renewal Form I-765 application
                            the biometric requirement.  in  L-2  or  E-2  spouse  will  also   is pending. Under this scenario,
                                                   
             ­       Another  way  to  get   be issued an I-94 with a similar   the possible risk the provision at
              ‚                                              
                                                                  around  the  limitation  of   notation from the CBP and be   8 CFR 274a.13(d)(1)(iii) sought
                                                                  having  H-4  status  beyond   work authorized after admission   to avoid—the risk that a Form
                                                                  the  EAD  is  for  the  H-4   in that status. However, like with   I-765  renewal  applicant’s  eligi-
                                                                                          the  H-4  spouse,  when  the  L-2
                                                                                                                     bility  for  employment  authori-
                                                                  spouse  to  travel  overseas
                                                                  and return with an I-94 that   spouse applies for an extension   zation will lapse during the auto-
          2              6th Floor                                would have the same valid-  of  that  status,  there  will  be  no   matic  extension  period—is  not
                ity as the principal spouse’s   basis for an automatic extension   present. As such, it is reasonable
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