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ENTERTAINMENT EYE DECEMBER 03, 2021 | The Indian Eye 34
Director of the film ‘Promises’, Thomas Kruithof addressing a press conference, during the Bollywood actor/director/producer Randhir Kapoor (2nd from R) at the 52nd International Film
52nd International Film Festival of India (IFFI-2021), in Panaji on Wednesday. (ANI) Festival of India (IFFI-2021), in Panaji on Wednesday. (ANI)
up with their films. “Its an honour. #Dhamaka is being a demanding family. “When Raj and would do a film with, that I can just
Founded in 1952, IFFI is one of screened at IFFI which I always visit- DK came to me with the synopsis, I work with him or even just bounce off
the most significant film festivals in ed as a fanboy. @iffigoa.” was sold out to it”, added Manoj. my ideas by him and get his feedback.”
Asia, that provides a genuine platform Helmed by Ram Madhvani, Director of ‘The Family Man’
for exchanging ideas between young ‘Dhamaka’ was released on Netflix Raj Nidimoru, Krishna D.K., famed a masTer Class
minds and established figures in film on November 19. It’s Kartik’s 10th as Raj and DK, while addressing the mazon Prime Video has con-
industries from around the world. film, which follows the story of an am- session said that they wanted to do a ducted an informative mas-
bitious ex-news anchor Arjun Pathak, pan-India story. aterclass ‘Creating Cinematic
“The biggest expression of free-
Hema malini reCeives played by Kartik, who is given anoth- dom that we experience when we Success and Storytelling of Sardar
er chance to go live on prime-time
Honor television when a terrorist calls him started The Family Man series was Udham’ at the ongoing 52nd edition
with a bomb threat. why should we limit ourselves? To of the International Film Festival of
ctor-turned-politician Hema break the barrier and make the story India (IFFI) in Goa.
Malini on Saturday has been manoJ baJPaYee Joins The Masterclass offered the at-
aconferred with the Indian Film pan-India, we reached out to the ac- tendees a deep dive into the making
Personality of the Year 2021 Award at ConversaTion tors, crew and writers from different of Shoojit Sircar’s critically acclaimed
regions,” stated the duo.
the 52nd edition of the International ollywood actor Manoj Bajpay- film. Moderated by Smriti Kiran, the
Film Festival of India (IFFI), which ee, on Monday, virtually sat siddHarTH Praises HriTHiK highly informative and interesting
kickstarted in Goa today. Bdown for an ‘In Conversation’ interaction about Sardar Udham,
Union Minister Anurag Thakur fter working with Hrithik Ro- focussed on the secret formula that
who presented her with the honour session for the ‘Creating Cult Icons: shan in ‘War’, director Sid- turned the story based on the less-
India’s own James Bond with the
had earlier announced on Thursday family man’ held on the sidelines of adharth Anand has now once er-known revolutionary freedom
that she would be given the award. the 52nd International Film Festival again united with the former for the fighter into a cinematic success.
Along with the veteran actor, lyricist of India in Goa. film ‘Fighter’. Talking about what gave birth to a
and chairperson, CBFC, Prasoon There he noted, “I never try to During an interaction at the on- thought-provoking movie like ‘Sardar
Joshi will also be presented with the make the character larger than life. going 52nd International Film Festi- Udham’, Shoojit Sircar shared, “Over
same award. According to Thakur, I always try to live in the reality and val of India in Goa, Siddharth heaped the years I have frequented Jallian-
Hema Malini and Prasoon Joshi’s make the character a representative praises on Hrithik, saying he is a com- walla Bagh very often and interacted
contribution “to the field of Indian of the masses.” plete hero. “He (Hrithik) is a com- with survivors and their families and
cinema spread over decades and their Addressing the session virtually, plete hero. There’s nothing else that heard their accounts. This is where
body of work has enthralled audienc- Manoj said that the life of the Indian actually a director can ask for from the seed of Udham Singh, of recre-
es across generations.” an actor that Hrithik can’t give you. ating the Jallianwala Bagh massa-
middle class is a comedy and it is the I think you have to actually challenge cre, to share those real, actual survi-
KarTiK arYan HaPPY WiTH inspiration and reference for all his yourself and come up with something vor accounts, took root in me. As a
characters. “I didn’t need to search
dHamaKa Srikant Tiwari, my character in the time and again, every hour on the set filmmaker I wanted the audience to
‘The Family Man’ series anywhere that you can utilise his potential... take back “Jallianwala Bagh” as they
ctor Kartik Aaryan is super else. I got it within me, in my family, which I think none of us have yet would then take back the “move-
happy as his latest release been able to do and it’s a challenge ment” of that time. We went through
a‘Dhamaka’ was screened at in my surroundings and everywhere”, for all of us,” Siddharth said. a lot of research and survivors’ sto-
the 52nd edition of the International he said. He added, “It’s really exciting ries to stay authentic to the story of
The actor said that ‘The Family
Film Festival of India (IFFI) in Goa Man’ is a great story of a middle-class and motivating to be with him and Udham Singh. Most of the moments
on Thursday. Indian guy, who is trying to find a bal- in one of my earlier interviews I have which you see in the Jallianwalla
Excited about the screening, said that I’d always aspired to become Bagh scenes in the film are inspired
Kartik took to Instagram and wrote, ance between a demanding job and a filmmaker that Hrithik Roshan from actual stories.”