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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                            DECEMBER 03, 2021  |      The Indian Eye 28

               FIsana hosts its 20th Diwali Gala Dinner

                        with a rich display of Indian culture

        OuR BuREAu

        New York
             ederation  of  Indo-American
             Seniors  Association  of  North
        FAmerica  (FISANA)  celebrat-
        ed  the  20th  Diwali  Gala  Dinner
        celebration as Festival of Lights on
        November 17th, 2021 from 5 p.m. to
        11 p.m. at Royal Albert Palace, New
        Jersey with over 500 guest who en-
        joyed Culture, tastes, arts, and music
        of India.
            As  many  Indian  seniors  of  old
        aged  immigrated  since  60’es  to  till
        date, have crossed oceans and bor-
        ders for few countries, but the hol-
        idays  and  traditions  they  brought
        with  them  have  both  endured  and
        evolved  with  the  next  generation.
        Diwali  is  a  festival  with  various
        meanings, histories and religion ob-
        serving with small to large gathering
        is no exception.
            This  year,  the  event  lead  by
        chairman  shri  Dipakbhai  Shah,
        President Ratilal Patel, Vishnu who
        is  General  Secretory  and  with  ex-
        tended  support  of  over  Tri-state’s
        seniors  association  with  Sruhadam
        Entertainment musical team.  Festi-
        val being managed with COVID-19
        safety  measures  with  hand  saniti-
        zation,  masking  for  event  staff  and
        measuring  temperature  by  security
        staff under control activities. FISA-
        NA organized with careful planning
        to  facilitate  an  event  that  consid-
        ers  all  the  necessary  public  health
        guidance  to  ensure  a  safe  evening.   these awards.             awards was presented to Smt. Suchi-  guest  for  opening  their  wallets  and
        Co-hosted by Shri Dipakbhai Shah,     The  2nd  lifetime  achievements   traben  Patel  and  his  daughter  Ms.   donate  generously  as  expenses  of
        who  welcome  the  guest,  followed   awards  presented  to  Pramodbhai   Manisha Patel for Late shri Ramesh-  such Gala Dinner managed only by
        Ratilal  Patel  who  invited  each  se-  Amin,  for  his  religious,  heritage   bhai  Patel  as  Co-founder  of  FIA,   donation-funds.
        nior’s  association  president,  pre-  and extra ordinary services for Lord   and hosting Indian Parades from last   Diwali has grown into one of the
        sented  flower  bouquet,  and  appre-  Krishna  Vraj  temple  in  Pennsylva-  four decades in New York as largest   most important cultural arts festivals
        ciated  each  presidents  for  selling   nia.                       and biggest outside India. The gath-  that brings together our community in
        large  number  of  tickets  and  sup-  The  3rd  lifetime  achievements   ered  guest  gave  standing  ovations   a celebration of the diverse rich culture
        port. Musical evening Co-hosted by   awards  handed  over  to  Shri  Vish-  and honors to shri Late Rameshbhai   of India where we have a relationship
        Shiva  Mathur,  with  singer  Lalittya   nubhai Patel as founder of Gujarati   Patel with nonstop applause.    of Janma Bhumi to Karma Bhumi to
        Munshaw, Prakash Parmar and few   Samaj of New York and dedication      The extended supporter to FIS-  relationship.  Many  choices  of  food
        others added the traditional Indian   services  to  tristate  Gujaraties  to   ANA  were  also  recognized  by  shri   from appetizers to entrees, variety of
        Bollywood music hold the crowd in   bring them in harmonious religious   Dipakbhai Shah and Shri Ratilal Pa-  salads, bread and desserts were most
        harmony of music.                 and cultural activities for many years.   tel for communities supporters and   enjoyable by seniors and level of satis-
            Shri  Dipakbhai  Shah  extend-    The  4th  lifetime  achievements   activist  shri  Mukundbhai  &  Rama-  faction appreciated by gathering and
        ed  the  1st  lifetime  achievements   awards  were  announced  for  Shri   ben  Thakar,  Shri  Piyushbhai  Patel,   thanked  to  shri  Albert  Jasani  team.
        awards and being presented to Shri   Mukundbhai Mehta for his tremen-  Shri  Kanubhai  Patel,  Shri  Rahul   In closing remarks vote of thanks
        Padmashri H R Shah, who managed   dous  services  to  seniors  communi-  Shukla, shri Girish Soni, Shri Bimal   by  Shri  Ratilal  Patel  and  Shri  Vish-
        many  years  in  television  media  for   ties  of  New  York  and  involvement   Joshi and many more who support-  nubhai Patel, who managed to thank
        Indian  Communities.  Deputy  Con-  of dedicational services without any   ed  from  full-page  advertisements   each supporters by way of advertise-
        sul General Shri Varun ji along with   interest for seniors in tristate.   to  donations.  Few  communities’   ments,  gifts,  donors,  tickets  selling
        Ratilal  Patel  joined  in  presenting   The  5th  lifetime  achievements   leaders did request to the gathered   and volunteers.

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