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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline DECEMBER 03, 2021 | The Indian Eye 25
and India have now a very close rela-
tionship. In his address, Ambassador
Jaiswal said, “We are in the middle
of festival season in India and I want
to wish you all prosperity and hap-
piness.” He thanked the library for
launching the collection of books
on and from India, “which will be a
source of knowledge to many.”
Pointing to the fact that 55,000
students have come to the United
States from India this year, which
opens up immense opportunities
for us in this “tech-driven world,” he
said. Consul General Jaiswal referred
to the recently concluded Global Cli-
mate Summit in Glasgow, where In-
dia has committed to a cleaner world
by making newer assurances to make
the world a better place for genera-
tions to come.
Stating that the sharing of knowl- dress, “This has been trying times Chintalapudi. PIO-CT – Global Organization of
edge and discovery have shaped the for the whole world. GOPIO has Over the last 15 years, GO- People of Indian Origin – serves as
destiny of the humanity since begin- played a critical role in our state to PIO-CT, a chapter of GOPIO In- a non-partisan, secular, civic and
ning of the world, Consul Gener- help face and overcome the chal- ternational has become an active community service organization –
al Jaiswal pointed out as to how in lenges. I am grateful to the Indian and dynamic organization hosting promoting awareness of Indian cul-
1960s, India has gained sufficiency in American community for your great interactive sessions with policy mak- ture, customs and contributions of
food production by sharing of knowl- contributions and making our state ers and academicians, community PIOs through community programs,
edge by the United States that led to stronger and dynamic.” events, youth mentoring and net- forums, events and youth activities.
Green Revolution in India. “And we The library was decorated with working workshops, and working It seeks to strengthen partnerships
are ever grateful to the United States Diwali banners and artifacts by GO- with other area organizations to and create an ongoing dialogue with
for sharing of knowledge and for the PIO-CT volunteers headed by Anita help create a better future. GO- local communities.
friendship and collaboration between Mathur and including Shilpa Bhak-
the two nations, which is the defining ta, Prachi Narayan, Jayashri Chinta-
moment of the 21st century.” lapudi and Anju Simon.
Other dignitaries who spoke at Following the ceremony, In-
the event were current Stamford dian American dancers including
Mayor David Martin, newly elected children performed Indian classical,
Mayor Caroline Simmons, CT Rep- folk and Bollywood dances.
resentative Matt Blumenthal, all of The book collection launch and
them lauded the new initiative by Diwali event had Consul Vipul Dev,
GOPIO-CT. who looks after Political, Culture
Stamford Mayor David Martin, and Education segments at the Indi-
in his opening remarks said, “As the an Consulate along with several In-
Mayor of the City, I welcome you all dian American leaders, GOPIO-CT
to the celebration of Diwali, which is officials including Executive Vice
a celebration of victory of goodness President Prasad Chintalapudi,
over evil, celebration of light over Secretary Prachi Narayan, Joint
darkness, and celebration of knowl- Secretary Meera Banta and Board
edge over ignorance.” My whole Members Anita Mathur, Mahesh
life has been an expectation of in- Jhangiani and Srinivas Akarapu.
crease of knowledge and library is a The cultural program coordi-
place for us to obtain and sharing of nated by Yashasvi Jhangiani started
knowledge,” he added. with a Kuchipudi dance by Layavin-
Stamford’s Mayor-Elect Caro- yasa, a school of South Indian Clas-
line Simmons, in her address said: sical Dance and Carnatic Classical
“Thank you for reminding us of the Music and performed by it artistic di-
importance of the true symbolism rector Sarada Nori. A Kathak dance
and virtues of Diwali, which is light by Rasika Sharma followed. Other
over darkness, hope over despair, dance schools performing classical,
and love over hate. I look forward folk and Bollywood dances included
to continuing the many great efforts Vani Natyalayam, Vaibhavi’s Dance
initiated by Mayor Martin, where Crew, Thirakte Kadam, Tinkle Toes
you as the community has contribut- Dance Company and Dancing Divas
ed significantly to the city of Stam- of Bollyon. Yashasvi Jhangiani and
ford.” Prachi Narayan served as emcees.
CT State Representative, Matt The program ended with a vote of
Blumenthal in his felicitation ad- thanks by GOPIO Exec. VP Prasad