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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah                                  DECEMBER 02, 2022  |      The Indian Eye 29

                       How to start doing small

                  and uncomfortable actions

                                                 from home?

                   HIRAV SHAH
              hink over it: Taking Care of
              Aging Parents to Make Them
        THappy,        Independent  and
        Proud, that can convert into huge
        blessings as well as self confidence in
        your entrepreneurial life.
                                          5. Planning of Financial Freedom for   3. Taking Care of Parents Household   5. Planning of Financial Freedom for
        5 Ways to take care of your         Parents in terms of Saving Schemes   Expenses                       Parents - Saving Schemes / FDs /
                                                                                “Your parent’s love is something
                                            / FDs / SIP etc. For Parents
                                                                                                                SIP etc. For Parents
        parents to increase dedication,                                     that no one can explain, it is made of   “Your parents bought you every-
        consistency, hunger, and emo-      Let’s try to Understand all 5    deep Dedication and of sacrifice and   thing even when their pockets were
                                                points one by one.
                                                                                                              not deep. They took you on long
        tion in business.                                                       “If your parents don’t stay with   walks so that you don’t weep”
                                          1. Spend Max Quality Time with    you or if they do, please ensure that you   It’s your turn now and getting
                                            Parents-”Your parents are your
            “Nobody on earth can ever love you   greatest heroes, for they helped   are able to take care of their month-  remuneration is not only the thing
        more than your parents. Hence, your   you defeat your foes.”        ly home expenses with dedication.”   that would make your parents hap-
                                                                                And this  dedication  translates
                                                                                                              py. You should invest and save your
        parents are not just important; they are   Spending quality time with your   into your work by signifying your   money as FDs, mutual funds or in
        everything.”                      parents is an essential factor that   commitment towards achieving your   some good investment organization
            If your parents are aging, you   helps to create stronger bonds, love,
        want to do everything in you might   connections, and relationships and   business objectives.        for your parents so that your mon-
                                                                                                              ey is safe and its growth takes place
        to ensure they’re comfortable and   this in turn can also help in your busi-  4. Start giving pocket money to   slowly with time.
        well taken care of. The significance   ness. As a businessman or a business   Parents
        of parent care never be understated.   owner, you should also build stron-  Please try to Start giving pocket   FInal Thoughts:
        Right!!                           ger professional relationships and   money to your parents every month,   Parents  are  the  child’s  first
            Below are the 5 ways you should   connections.                                                    role model. Now after the child has
        care  for  your  parents to  increase                               irrespective of your parents staying   turned into an adult—It’s your turn
                                                                            with you or not, as per your earnings.
        dedication, consistency, hunger, and   2. Try to Stay with Parents, Whatever   And commit to making more money   to be a role model for your old par-
        emotion in business.                Your Situation, Wherever You Are   gradually to give more to your par-  ents by looking after them and taking
                                              “Your  house  becomes  home                                     good care of them.
        1. Spend Max Time with Parents                                      ents every month.
                                          when parents live with you and stay-                                    Your parents only need your
        2. Try to Stay with Parents, Whatever   ing home with parents could be one   And this needs to be done ev-  care and support (moral & financial),
          Your Situation, Wherever You Are  of the luckiest things in the world.”  ery month with consistency and   hence remember “Your Parents will
                                              Remember, such a strong emo-  showing consistency for your par-  forever be your best friend, so love
        3. Taking Care of Parents Household   tion for your parents also positively   ents can teach you self-discipline,   them unconditionally till the very end”
          Expenses                                                          self-control and these qualities can
                                          impacts your decision making, plan-                                     The writer is a well-known Astro
        4. Start Giving Pocket Money to Par-  ning, negotiating and creative think-  help you build momentum in your   Strategist and Business Astrologer
          ents                            ing, in business.                 business as well.                     [email protected]

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