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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 29, 2024 | The Indian Eye 16
India Association of Long Island Hosts a
Spectacular 46th Annual Awards Gala Celebrating
Community, Culture, and Excellence
OUR BUREAU Singh CEO and Chief Editor of Hum
Hindustani were also among the es-
Long Island, NY
teemed attendees.
he India Association of Long The event also welcomed
Island’s Annual Awards Gala several past presidents of IALI,
TDinner, held on Friday, No- whose presence underscored the
vember 15, 2024, at Antun’s by Minar legacy of leadership and commu-
in Hicksville, NY, was a grand cele- nity-building that continues to in-
bration of community, culture, and spire the organization’s work.
excellence. An exciting raffle added to the
The program began with a heart- evening’s festivities, with the grand
felt rendition of the U.S. and Indian prize—a dazzling diamond ring gen-
National Anthems by Karishma Pa- erously donated by Mr. Mukesh
huja, granddaughter of Past President Modi—won by Dr. Sharwan Bagla.
Dr. Pahuja, creating a patriotic and The evening concluded with a
unifying atmosphere. This was fol- sumptuous dinner and dancing, with
lowed by a soulful Ganesh Vandana DJ Manik Malhotra keeping the en-
by Esha Misra and an enthralling Phalke Award recipient, expressed munity Affairs, representing Town of ergy high on the dance floor.
dance performance by Maheshwari. heartfelt gratitude and shared his ded- Hempstead Supervisor Don Clavin; This Annual Awards Gala exem-
Vice President Mr. Sushil Khanna ication to making the gala an excep- and Ms. Wazma Hassan, represent- plified IALI’s dedication to honoring
welcomed the Master of Ceremonies, tional success. ing Congressman Tom Suozzi, who excellence, fostering unity, and pre-
Past President and Gala Co-chair Dr. A highlight of the evening was the brought citations for the honorees. serving Indian culture. It reaffirmed
Sunil Mehra, who eloquently spoke honoring of this year’s awardees—Dr. Dr. Bobby Kalote, Chairman of the the association’s vital role as a corner-
about IALI’s rich history and its lega- Dipak Nandi, Ms. Kalpana Patel, Ms. Human Rights Commission, Pres- stone of the Indian American commu-
cy of fostering cultural pride and com- Anuradha Kumar, and Dr. Jyoti Cha- idents of IDP, Mr. Deepak Bansal nity, inspiring pride and enrichment
munity service. kote—for their outstanding contribu- and Mr. Vimal Goyal, and Mr. Jay for generations to come.
IALI President Pradeep Tandon tions to medicine, business, and com-
delivered an inspiring speech high- munity service. Their achievements
lighting the association’s achievements were celebrated as a source of inspira-
throughout the year. He reflected on tion for the community.
events such as Holi, Diwali, Repub- Prominent dignitaries included
lic Day, Independence Day, and the Town of North Hempstead Supervi-
annual picnic, which celebrated the sor Jennifer DeSena and Town Clerk
vibrancy of Indian heritage. President Ragini Srivastava, who addressed the
Tandon also detailed significant up- attendees and presented citations
grades to the IALI Center, including to the honorees, commending their
new lighting, a renovated kitchen, extraordinary accomplishments. Ad-
expanded spaces, and other enhance- ditional distinguished guests includ-
ments, creating a more welcom- ed Mr. Naqvi, Executive Director of
ing and functional community hub. Asian Affairs, representing County
Gala Chair Mr. Mukesh Modi, an Executive Bruce Blakeman; Zahid
acclaimed filmmaker and Dadasaheb Syed, Executive Director of Com-