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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline NOVEMBER 29, 2024 | The Indian Eye 18
AAPI Members Elect New
Leadership For 2024-25 And Beyond
Chicago, IL
ongratulations and best wishes to the new
team of AAPI leadership, who have been
Celected to lead AAPI in the coming years,”
Dr. Satheesh Kathula, President of AAPI an-
nounced here today. “We thank the election offi-
cers led by Dr. V. Ranga, and all the members of
AAPI for participating in the democratic election
process and exercising their role as the electoral
college members.”
While thanking the tens of thousands of Indi-
an American physicians, who are active members
of the American Association of Physicians of In-
dian Origin (AAPI), and the large number of vot-
ers who participated in the election process, Dr.
Kathula said, “We have successfully concluded our
Special Election for the year 2024-25 for AAPI
leadership position and I am happy to declare that
Dr. Meher Medavaram has been elected as the
Vice President of AAPI for the year 2024.25. We
want to thank AAPI members who participated AAPI office-bearers for 2024-25
in the AAPI’s electronic voting process and have
elected a new, diverse, balanced, and experienced AAPI, she wants to work towards making AAPI
team to lead AAPI, the largest ethnic medical or- a purely professional organization, while forming
ganization in the United States in the coming year a bridge between AAPI Senior Leadership and
and beyond.” Young Physicians.” Committed to AAPI and ded-
Along with Dr. Kathula, Dr. Amit Chakrabarty icated to its continued progress, Dr. Medavaram
serves as the President-Elect of AAPI, Dr. Raj wants to work towards “strengthening AAPI fi-
Bhayani is the Secretary, and Shirish Patel will nancially by securing a robust endowment fund
serve as the Treasurer of AAPI for the year 2024- and supporting and upholding AAPI’s vision of
25. Representing the young physicians of Indian promoting professional solidarity in the pursuit of
origin, Dr. Shefali Kothary serves as the YPS Pres- excellence in patient care, teaching and research.”
ident and Dr. Oriya Uppal is the MSRF President At AAPI, Dr. Medavaram has served in many
for the year 2024-25. capacities. She was the Chair of the Women’s
Dr. Kathula did not have to contest the Forum GHS AAPI- 2022 and had served as the
election this year, as he has been serving as the Convention Chair of the 38th AAPI Convention
President-Elect during the past year. Dr. Amit of Chicago 2019-2020. Being an active member of
Chakrabarty, who has been serving as the Vice AAPI for several years, Dr. Medavaram has served
President in the past year also did not have to face as the Regional Director AAPI, Region 5 (IL, WI,
elections, as he automatically becomes the Pres- IN) 2020-2022 and was elected President of the
ident-Elect of AAPI for the coming year. “I’m Dr Satheesh Kathula Indian Medical Association of Chicago 2020-2021.
very honored and consider myself fortunate to She served as a Board of Trustee member of OGK-
be bestowed with the responsibility of leading the Medicine and is a Fellow of Academy of Ameri- TMA from 2018 and was the National ATA from
four-decades-old strong organization with the co- can Physicians. A graduate of Osmania Medical 2016 onwards.
operation and collaboration of an excellent team College, she is serving as the Assistant Director at Dr. Raj Bhayani, who was elected uncontested
of dedicated, hardworking, and loyal officers and St. Elizabeth Hospital, Family Medicine Residency as Secretary of AAPI said, “It is with great joy and
executive committee members who are with me to Program. Dr. Medavaram is the Medical Director gratitude that I stand before you today as the newly
take AAPI to newer heights,” Kathula added. of Mount Sinai Hospital, FAQH Center, and a elected Secretary of AAPI for the year 2024-2025.
While congratulating the newly elected lead- Staff Physician Advocate at Good Samaritan Hos- I am deeply honored to serve this esteemed orga-
ers to the Executive Committee, Dr. Chakrabarty, pital as well as a Clinical Preceptor at UIC Col- nization in such a significant role. I am committed
the President-Elect in 2024-25 said here in a state- lege of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine to building upon past achievements and leading
ment: “I want to congratulate all the winners of the CMU School of Medicine and is the President of AAPI with integrity, transparency, and innovation.
election. I want to especially thank all the candi- Naperbrook Medical Center. I will focus on promoting diversity and inclusion in
dates for their passion and dedication to serving In her role as the President-Elect of AAPI, healthcare, advocating for the needs of our mem-
AAPI and regardless of the outcome, we need you Dr. Medavaram wants to “unify and revitalize the bers, and fostering collaboration. Let us continue
as a valuable team member of our beloved AAPI.” AAPI, ensuring and advocating for physician rights to work hand in hand to make a positive impact on
Dr. Medavaram is a Board Certified in Family and interests.” While recognizing the mission of healthcare and uphold the values of AAPI.”