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North The Indian Eye
12 NOVEMBER 29, 2024
NYC Mayor Adams announces Historic Labor
agreements covering over $1 Billion in Capital Projects
PLAs Support Fair Wages, Community Hiring, Investments in M/WBEs; Promote Efficient Project Completion
OUR BUREAU and building a more resilient city for
the future. I want to thank our labor
partners and everyone involved in se-
ew York City Mayor Eric curing these historic PLAs, which will
Adams has announced two help lay the foundation for a stronger,
NProject Labor Agreements more equitable New York.”
(PLAs) with the Building & Con- “Strong project labor agreements
struction Trades Council of Greater are a key ingredient in supporting the
New York (BCTC) that will cover workforce that delivers infrastructure
more than $1 billion in construction to our city, and so much more,” said
projects throughout the term of the Deputy Mayor for Operations Meera
agreements, including generational Joshi. “They enable us to unlock the
infrastructure improvements in Wil- promise of design-build delivery tools
lets Point. These historic PLAs will that we advocated for over the past
allow the city to complete capital proj- several years, meet our commitments
ects more effectively and efficient- to project timelines, and manage costs.
ly, connect more underserved New With a range of these agreements, we
Yorkers to quality union career and will be able to expedite projects to
apprenticeship opportunities through improve our sewers, roads and bridg-
community hiring, and strengthen the es — meeting the demands of climate
city’s commitment to minority- and change and population growth across
women-owned businesses (M/WBEs). tunities for workforce development, “These agreements, covering all five boroughs.”
Covered construction projects will while controlling construction costs more than a billion dollars in work, “Transformational development
include green infrastructure improve- and ensuring the timely completion are a win-win-win: good union jobs for and green infrastructure upgrades
ments and repairing the city’s sewers, of projects. Today’s announcement New Yorkers; faster, better, and more will reinvigorate our communities
roads, and bridges. Mayor Adams will allow $800 million in planned efficient capital projects; and billions and bring much-needed stability and
also announced that the New York infrastructure projects across the city of dollars of investment in commu- economic stimulus to all New York-
City Economic Development Corpo- to be completed using design-build nities that went ignored for decades,” ers; but the full scope of benefits from
ration (NYCEDC) has signed a letter delivery, an innovative method where said Mayor Adams. “But we’re not these capital projects can only be un-
of intent with BCTC, to negotiate in the design and construction are un- stopping with these projects — and locked through project labor agree-
good faith additional PLAs for the der a single contract. These projects we’re not stopping at just $1 billion. ments that will guarantee thousands
Hunts Point Produce Market, the range from improvements to critical These agreements give us a framework of good-paying union careers for
Kingsbridge Armory redevelopment, below-grade infrastructure, roadway for future agreements covering anoth- workers from surrounding neighbor-
and the Science Park and Research and waterfront reconstruction, and er $50 billion in projects. That means hoods,” said Gary LaBarbera, presi-
Campus (SPARC) Kips Bay projects new greenway projects — all projects tens of thousands of good-paying jobs dent, Building & Construction Trades
— a cumulative $1.88 billion in con- with complex site conditions that will for our union brothers and sisters and Council of Greater New York. “We
struction work. The PLAs announced benefit from site investigations and hundreds of projects delivered on are grateful for these historic commit-
today also establish the framework for constructability input from contrac- time and on budget for New Yorkers. ments and collaboration from Mayor
future negotiations with the BCTC tors during the design development. My thanks to Gary LaBarbera, BCTC, Adams and NYCEDC, as we must
for upcoming PLAs that could cover A separate PLA will support the ad- and the hard-working New Yorkers ensure that our city’s hardworking
as much as $50 billion of future capi- ministration’s historic $270 million who put their blood, sweat, and tears people, including our tradesmen and
tal construction projects. These PLAs investment in the transformation of into building a better city for all.” tradeswomen, are provided fair wages
will cover design-build projects, new Willets Point. They also include the “Through our collaboration with and accessible pathways to the middle
construction projects, and renovation largest-ever commitment to invest- the Building & Construction Trades class that will allow them to reinvest in
projects of city-owned buildings and ing in M/WBEs, and for the first time, Council on these Project Labor their communities and support their
structures. BCTC represents more they incorporate Community Hiring Agreements, we are not only investing families in the foreseeable future. We
than 100,000 tradesmen and trades- goals to ensure that job and appren- in world-class infrastructure but also look forward to working with NY-
women across New York City and ticeship opportunities are made avail- creating thousands of good-paying CEDC further so that our members
consists of local affiliates of 15 nation- able to workers living in New York union jobs that will benefit New York- may take advantage of these oppor-
al and international unions. City Housing Authority (NYCHA) ers for generations,” said First Deputy tunities and play a role in complet-
PLAs enable the city to establish housing or a ZIP code where at least Mayor Maria Torres-Springer. “Our ing these upcoming projects that will
fair wages, benefits, and safety protec- 15 percent of the population lives be- administration is committed to driv- modernize and improve our city for
tions for workers, and provide oppor- low the federal poverty threshold. ing economic growth, creating jobs, generations to come.”