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NATION                                                            NOVEMBER 29, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                           GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT

          Modi’s tour: Six days, three countries

                      and 31 bilateral meetings with

                                  important world leaders

         In Brazil, PM also had informal interactions and pull-aside meetings with leaders of Singapore, South Korea,
                Egypt, the US and Spain and with the heads and executives of various international organizations

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            key pillars. These 7 pillars are ‘CAR-
                                                                                                              ICOM’. C stands for capacity build-
        Rio de Janeiro/Georgetown (Guyana)
                                                                                                              ing, through scholarship, training
              rime Minister Narendra Modi                                                                     and technique, India has been help-
              on Friday evening returned to                                                                   ing in the capacity building of CAR-
        PDelhi after concluding his five-                                                                     ICOM countries, for the next 5 years,
        day and three-nation visit to Nigeria,                                                                we will add 1,000 slots to the ITEC
        Brazil and Guyana. PM Modi’s first                                                                    scholarship... for CARICOM, we will
        stop was Nigeria, then Brazil for the                                                                 work to make forensic centers... with
        19th G20 Summit, and  the last was                                                                    CARICOM friends, India is ready to
        Guyana.                                                                                               work in parliamentary training also.”
            PM Modi participated in 31 Bi-                                                                        India and Guyana signed  10
        lateral Meetings and informal inter-                                                                  Memorandums of Understanding
        actions with global leaders during his                                                                (MoUs) during Prime Minister Na-
        three-nation foreign visit from No-                                                                   rendra Modi’s visit to the country,
        vember 16 to 21.                                                                                      covering areas such as culture, ag-
            He held a bilateral meeting in                                                                    riculture, pharmaceuticals, and the
        Nigeria, 10 bilateral meetings on                                                                     deployment of UPI in the Caribbean
        the sidelines of the G20 Summit in                                                                    nation.
        Brazil. Thereafter, during the visit to                                                                   PM Modi and Guyana President
        Guyana, he held 9 bilateral meetings,                                                                 Irfaan Ali planted a sapling under
        according to an official statement.                                                                   the ‘Ek Ped Ma Ke Naam’ initiative.
            In Nigeria, PM Modi held a bi-  Guyana President Mohamed Irfaan Ali serves a 7-curry meal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi   PM Modi on Wednesday said
        lateral meeting with the Nigeria pres-                                                                that India will be increasing its phar-
        ident Bola Ahmed Tinubu. In Brazil,      on a water lily leaf, at his residence in Georgetown on Thursday (ANI Photo)  ma exports to the Caribbean nation
        PM  Modi  held  bilateral  meetings                                                                   and is planning to set up ‘Jan Aus-
        with leaders of Brazil, Indonesia,   Health Organization; and Kristalina   20 to 22. He became the first Indian   hadhi Kendras’ there.
        Portugal, Italy, Norway, France, the   Georgieva and Gita Gopinath, IMF.  Prime Minister to visit the nation in   India has also extended cred-
        UK, Chile, Argentina and Australia.   In Guyana, PM Modi held bilat-  56 years. Sharing a six-minute video   it facilities to Guyana for mutually
            Amongst the 10 bilateral meet-  eral meetings with leaders of Guyana,   with highlights of his visit on X, he   agreed fields such as agriculture and
        ings in Brazil, PM Modi held talks   Dominica, Bahamas, Trinidad, To-  remarked, “Our friendship keep get-  information technology. Indian com-
        with Prabowo Subianto, Indonesia   bago, Suriname, Barbados, Antigua   ting even stronger!”           panies have shown interest in sectors
        president; Luis Montenegro, Portu-  and Barbuda, Grenada and St. Lucia.  At the 2nd India-CARICOM     such as biofuels, energy, minerals,
        gal PM; Keir Starmer, UK PM, Ga-      On Thursday night, PM Modi    Summit, PM Modi unveiled a trans-  and pharmaceuticals. While bilateral
        briel Boric, Chile President and Javi-  marked the final leg of a significant   formative seven-pillar framework to   trade turnover remains modest, the
        er Milei, Argentina President, as per   journey that began in Nigeria, contin-  enhance collaboration between India   trend is positive and promising.
        the statement.                    ued in Brazil for the 19th G20 Sum-  and CARICOM, based on the acro-    The Prime Minister’s visit is ex-
            In Brazil, PM also had informal   mit, and concluded with a historic   nym “C.A.R.I.C.O.M.”       pected to open new avenues for col-
        interactions and pull-aside meetings   State visit to Guyana. The three-na-  PM @narendramodi co-chaired   laboration, strengthen India-Guyana
        with leaders of Singapore, South   tion tour showcased India’s growing   the 2nd India-CARICOM Summit,   ties, and encourage broader regional
        Korea, Egypt, the US and Spain    global engagement, with pivotal dis-  along with PM Dickon Mitchell of Gre-  partnerships.
        and with the heads and executives of   cussions in Nigeria, active participa-  nada, the current chair of CARICOM.   Prime Minister Narendra Modi
        various international organizations   tion in the G20 Summit in Brazil, and   PM thanked President Dr. Irfaan Ali   on Wednesday received the ‘Key to
        like Ursula von der Leyen, Europe-  reinforcing ties with the Caribbean   of Guyana for hosting the Summit.  the city of Georgetown’ during his
        an Union; Antonio Guterres, Unit-  during the historic Guyana visit.    During the summit, PM Modi    state visit to Guyana. He also re-
        ed Nations; Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,      Prime Minister Narendra Modi   explained the framework, “In the   ceived a resounding welcome from
        World  Trade  Organization;  Tedros   on Friday reminisced about his offi-  future, to strengthen our ties, I want   the members of the Indian commu-
        Adhanom     Ghebreyesus,  World   cial visit to Guyana from November   to make a statement, it is based on 7   nity in Guyana.

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