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Business EYE NOVEMBER 27, 2020 | The Indian Eye 38
coVid imPact:
Falling production, nervous
employees and drop in travel for work
On the positive side, sharp decline in pollution across the country: Report
Our Bureau 3,300 respondents (500 in India)
New Delhi across nine countries — India,
China, Italy, Singapore, South
ontracting for the eighth Korea, Sweden, Germany, the
consecutive month, the UK & the US — to explore the
Coutput of eight core in- impact of Covid on consumer
frastructure sectors dropped by attitude and behavior.
2.5 per cent in October, mainly The survey showed that the
due to decline in production of fall in work travel was mirrored
crude oil, natural gas, refinery almost parallelly by the reduc-
products and steel. The produc- tion in social travel that declined
tion of eight core sectors had by 59% and household travel
contracted 5.5 per cent in Oc- that fell by 58%.
tober 2019, data released by the According to the survey, av-
commerce and industry ministry erage weekly travel time has
showed on Friday. Passengers from Gujarat and rajasthan are being screened for tempera- come down by 40% from 6
While coal, fertilizer, cement ture on their arrival at Bandra terminus in mumbai on Friday. (ANi) hours to 3.7 hours per person.
and electricity recorded positive Of the nine countries surveyed,
growth, crude oil, natural gas, restrictions. In fact, 61% of em- 58% in the US. The study, com- India and Singapore witnessed
refinery products and steel reg- ployees find it manageable to ef- missioned by Atlassian and con- the maximum decline in average
istered negative growth in the fectively work from home during ducted by Australian research weekly commute time. EY said
month under review. the Covid-19 restrictions. agency PaperGiant, surveyed that a long-term decline in com-
During April-October, the 86% of employees thought 1,425 Indian participants from muting time could mean a low-
sectors’ output declined by 13 the members of their team feel tier 1, 2 and 3 cities over four er peak demand and less strain
per cent as compared to a growth closer to each other now, and weeks in October. on public transport systems and
of 0.3 per cent in the same peri- 75% thought their team worked In another important devel- road networks. “This profuse
od of the previous year. better together compared to pre- opment, it has been revealed reduction in use of public trans-
There are other signs of wor- Covid. “The majority of Indian that Mobility restrictions due to port and road networks brings
ry too. A study by Atlassian Cor- employees (89%) reported a feel- the coronavirus and emergence forth a challenging situation for
poration has found that 83% of ing of unity and cohesion in their of trends around home/remote the trains, buses and subway
employees in India are still ner- team. Another insightful revela- office, education and entertain- operators that find it difficult
vous about going back to office tion was that one in two (50%) ment have decluttered Indian to generate enough revenue
in the absence of a Covid-19 vac- of managers said their job secu- cities that have seen a sharp re- to meet their operational costs
cine and with restrictions still in rity was much better now than duction in travel in the months which have already risen due to
place across cities. before Covid-19,” the study said. since the lockdown. The trend Covid-19 control measures that
The study -- Reworking From an organizational per- has also made the cities less pol- were instituted into the system.”
Work: Understanding the Rise spective, 88% of Indian employ- luted with reduced vehicular EY analysis indicated that
of Work Anywhere -- also found ees believed their company was traffic as well as lower conges- monthly per capita emissions
that Indian employees were already well prepared for re- tion roads, according to a study. of carbon dioxide fell globally
more likely to want to work com- turning to office, while 78% of As work-, entertainment-, across all three travel segments,
pletely from home (66%) than the workforce in India were “an- and education-from-home broadly tracking the decline in
any other country surveyed. noyed that it took a pandemic to picked up, India witnessed a journey numbers noted. Vinay
Many reported a sense of allow them to work from home.” massive 69% decline in travel Raghunath, automotive sec-
‘relief’ being free from the “usu- However, 81% of people in related to work/office, the high- tor leader at EY India, said the
al presenteeism of the office India say it’s more difficult to est fall among bigger economies, change in mobility dynamics and
environment.” 70% of people maintain boundaries between according to a Mobility Con- consumer behavior will push
reported their job satisfaction work and personal lives com- sumer Index Survey by EY.EY stakeholders to think through
is better than before Covid-19 pared to 79% in Australia and had conducted the survey with new operating models.
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