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SPEcIAL FEATURE                                                       NOVEMBER 27, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          37

            Fire  might  be  candles  or  a  cozy  fire-  nities for PLAYFULNESS! As  kids  we  you are hosting Thanksgiving) it is a good
        place. If you use red color, realize it acti-    would run around our grandmother’s  idea to Space Clear your home again. This
        vates the appetite and can be considered  home playing tag and in the evening, we  helps to shift the energy left behind from
        an aggressive color. Earth can be ceramic  would gather around the dinner table af-               your guests to a level of neutrality while
        cookware or serving dishes.                      ter dessert to play cards or board games.  allowing you to reclaim your homes en-
            Earth colors (yellow, tan and brown)  So yes, as an ADULT, please remember  ergy as your own. Do you need to Space
        help ground the event. Water can be bev-         to be playful!                                   Clear right away? No. Yet, it is suggested
        erages. For Space, bring the outdoors in             Healing Space with Vastu is Clearing  to do so within a week’s time span after
        by placing leaves on the table and using  Ceremony Inside Your Home prior to  Thanksgiving.
        fragrant sprigs of pine or juniper in table  Thanksgiving. Whether you are hosting
        arrangements.                                    Thanksgiving or not, it is always a great                  PamPer yOurSelF:
                                                         idea to Space Clear your home.                       Please do not wait for the holidays to
          FOcuS and cenTer yOurSelF:                         Why? As you get charged up from the  appear in order to give yourself permis-
            Just because the holidays are here,  holiday energy (let that be positively or  sion to be good to you. Be kind, be gentle,
        does not mean you throw out your daily  negatively), those thoughts and emotions  show love and appreciation, to yourself as
        practices of wellbeing. If anything, this is  are projected into your home. Ideally, as  often as you can.
        the time to really maintain healthy body,  per Vastu, you are aiming to cultivate an                  The more you practice self-love and
        mind, and spirit routines, because life does  environment that offers a sense of BAL-             care, chances are, you will raise the bar of
        not always allow for this lovely routine to  ANCE and NEUTRALITY.                                 respect, positive boundaries and assertive-
        unfold exactly as written, adaptations are           This  means,  the  emotional,  mental,  ness. And this can come in handy when
        made when needed. Another component  physical, and spiritual atmosphere of your  dealing with challenging personalities.
        to Centering Yourself is to simply prac-         home and self-have become grounded                   Thank You Universe for your assis-
        tice gratitude. Yes, this is cliche, but it is  and peaceful.                                     tance in preparing my home and self for
        TRUE! Practicing gratitude reminds us to             Conduct a Mini Space Clearing of Your  a pleasant and peaceful Thanksgiving cel-
        be present with TODAY and that sets the  Home AGAIN After Your Guests Leave.  ebration.” There is no better time to ap-
        tone for TOMORROW.                               We all know that clutter is not desirable  preciate all you have at your disposal than
                                                         so clear away dishes when everyone has  Thanksgiving, so — Enjoy!
                       Be PlayFul:                       eaten. Because energy never disappears,                      World of Divine Vastu
            Growing up, remember that holiday  it needs to be transmuted. After you cele-                  Wishes You All a Very Warm, Happy and
        gatherings provided awesome opportu-             brate with friends and family (especially if                 Safe Thanksgiving!!

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