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SPEcIAL FEATURE                                                       NOVEMBER 27, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          36

         World of divine Vastu Tips for Thanksgiving

               hanksgiving is a glorious time of
               the year. It began as a day of giving
        Tthanks and sacrifice for the blessing
        of the harvest and of the preceding year.
            Prayers of thanks and special thanks-
        giving ceremonies are common among al-
        most all religions after harvests and at other
        times. Trees are just bursting with color, giv-
        ing thanks for life as they prepare to hiber-
            All the colors remind us of how blessed
        we are, and how diverse existence is; peo-
        ple, animals, the land, buildings, everything
        that being on Mother Earth affords us.
            Thanksgiving is the start of the winter
        holiday season, and the colors, tastes, and
        aromas of this festive family holiday are as-
        sociated with Positive Energy and all those
        things are affected by Vastu Shastra since
        it is all about environments (home, work,
        travel, mind, body, spirit, etc.).
            Always remember that we must balance
        Energy of Five Elements of Mother Nature
        Consciously because Unconsciously it Man-
        ages All of Us. That is, Living in Harmony       into your kitchen, where you create health  pumpkins and gourds. Orange is a Fire Ele-
        with The Earth.                                  and abundance for yourself and your fami- ment color in Vastu Shastra that encourag-
                                                         ly all year ’round. A kitchen with good Vas- es conversation, and the fresh veggies and
         some useful tips through Healing                tu energy looks, feels and smells like great  fruit represent good health and longevity.
                                                         things are happening. Start by cleaning the  Be sure to remove photos of deceased rel-
                   spaces with Vastu:                    stove and making sure all the burners work  atives or animals from the dining room be-
                                                         so positive energy can flow freely. Then give  cause these can create health problems if
            Thanksgiving Kitchen: Thanksgiving is        yourself space by clearing the countertops  you dine in their presence.
        a great time to bring good Vastu Energy          of seldom-used appliances and utensils.

                                                                HarmOny all arOund:                       entertaining guests is associated
                                                             Help yourself create a peaceful and  with wealth in Vastu  shastra, so
                                                         harmonious holiday around the family             hang a mirror that reflects your
                                                         table through Harmonious Seating, Har-
                                                         monious Decor and Harmonious Foods.  beautifully decorated thanksgiving
                                                         The Thanksgiving season is not the time to       table, and you will symbolically dou-
                                                         eat in front of the TV. The dining room is
                                                         considered to be a place of wealth in Vastu  ble your wealth. Vastu shastra is all
                                                         Shastra, so be sure to use it.                   about balance, so just be sure to
                                                             While using a rectangle or square table,
                                                         try to avoid seating your guests near cor- balance lighter foods with a healthy
                    REWA KUMAR                           ners, which can cause a feeling of unease        dose of colorful, hot foods.  that
                                                         during the meal. It also helps to use a ta-
                       Ph.D. (VASTU)                     blecloth to blunt the edges, or drape live  means you can serve “white” foods
         (510) 868-3338 • DivineAVC@gmail .com           greenery across the corners to soften them.      like mashed potatoes in bright col-
                                                         Bring out the good stuff, the china, crystal,
                                                         silver, and all the other pieces you have  ored plates and bowls.
                                                         been ‘saving’.
                                                             What are you ‘saving’ them for if not           Activate  the  five  senses  (sight,  sound,
                                                         for happy family gatherings? Invite an even  taste, touch, and smell): Sight, taste, touch,
                                                         number of guests, keeping the lights low,  and smell are taken care of by food that is
                                                         and decorating with soothing, earthy col- served. Some of the best sounds are prayer
                                                         ors  like  pumpkin,  goldenrod,  evergreen,  and laughter. Use the five elements (Fire,
                     and chocolate. Use a centerpiece of orange  Earth, Air, Water, and Space).
                                                         flowers  or  fresh  fruit  and  vegetables  like                 Continued at next page... >>

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