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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline                                               NOVEMBER 27, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          17

            winners joined through video, from top left clockwise, raghib Allie-Brennan, harry Arora, Nima Kulkarni, Padma Kuppa;
                                    shri thanedar, Dr. Amish shah, Dr. Nikil saval, Kesha ram and Dr. Nikil saval

        meet with the voters. He promised to en- Hindu heritage, Kuppa had never contest- She said she shares her Indian culture in
        sure basic amenities for all his constituents. ed in any election before running for state  her talks, and that mainstream people ap-
            Connecticut Representative Raghib Al- legislature. There is three-term limit for  preciate it. She also coined the term ‘Idli
        lie-Brennan, Democrat, elected from the  House members and so she can contest for  Caucus’ to describe South Indian repre-
        2nd District noted his Guyanese and Irish  another term after this one. She said she  sentatives while Congressman Raja Krish-
        Catholic origins. This is his second term  was also happy to have two more Indians in  namoorthy has called the Indian American
        and he has plans to run for Congress in the  the legislature now: Ranjeev Puri, a Dem- Congress delegation the samosa caucus.
        future.                                          ocrat elected from District 21 and Dr. Shri  Mangipudi has promised to cook Mysore
            Harry Arora, Republican, elected to  Thanedar, 65, Democrat, elected from 3rd  Masala Dosas for visitors.
        Connecticut House 151st District for a sec- District.                                                Kesha Ram, Democrat, the first woman
        ond term, expressed his joy to meet with             Thanedar said he ran for Michigan gov- of color elected to Vermont State House
        people with similar background as his own. ernor in 2018 winning 18 percent votes. This  and later Senate noted her Hindu/Jewish
            Niraj Antani, 29, a Republican who in  time he ran from Detroit, where 90 percent  ancestry. She became a House Represen-
        2014 became the youngest member of the  of the voters are African American. Tha- tative in 2008 when she was only 21 years
        Ohio State House, has been elected this  nedar is an entrepreneur and scientist, with  old. She thanked Latha Mangipudi for the
        year as Ohio’s first Indian American state  a PhD in chemistry, who once employed  help and support.
        senator – from District 6. He described the  500 people. He plans to work to uplift the              Dr. Amish Shah, a Democrat re-elected
        journey his parents took from India and his  African American community and help its  to Arizona State House, joined the meeting
        own achievements.                                members become entrepreneurs and thus  in scrubs since he was working at the hos-
            Attorney and professor Jay Chaudhuri,  create a new Black Wall Street in Detroit.             pital. His district includes parts of Phoenix.
        a Democrat who in 2016 became the first              Ranjeev Puri noted his Sikh heritage  He spoke about his work for the communi-
        Indian American to become a state senator  and his plans to work to improve the life of  ty and also how the state is changing from
        in North Carolina, spoke about his work  his constituents.                                        red to blue.
        and the voters’ confidence in him that saw           Jenifer Rajkumar, 38, Democrat, an at-          Dr. Tushar Patel, GOPIO Health Coun-
        him re-elected to a third term.                  torney and professor, noted a few records  cil Chair said that GOPIO chapters would
            Immigration attorney Nima Kulkarni,  she  created.  She  is  the  first  South  Asian  be enablers in promoting community in-
        Democrat, who was elected to Kentucky  woman and Hindu elected to the New York  volvement, especially the youngsters, in the
        House from the 40th District, said there  State House.  She  defeated  a 11-year in- political process. He also noted the work
        are only a handful of Indians in the constit- cumbent. She said the role of government  Abraham has been doing for the commu-
        uency. She defeated a 22-year incumbent.         has become more important in crises like  nity for many decades.
            Padma Kuppa, Democrat, who was  the pandemic.                                                    The program ended with a closing re-
        re-elected from the Michigan House’s 41st            Latha Mangipudi, a Democrat elected  marks and vote of thanks by GOPIO-Man-
        District, described her excitement, when  to New Hampshire House’s 35th District  hattan  President  Shivender  Sofat,  who
        she was first elected. An engineer by pro- for  a  fifth  term,  noted  the  help  GOPIO  urged community to become a member of
        fession, and one who takes pride on her  and IMPACT gave her in her campaign.  GOPIO International or any of the chapters.

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