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North The Indian Eye
16 NOVEMBER 27, 2020
GoPio and imPact celebrate
indian american election Victories
Two republicans and 13 democrats
elected from 11 state legislatures recount
their experiences in virtual event
Our Bureau functioning of IMPACT sug-
gested potential candidates to
New York fill up the form at the IMPACT
n the early 80s, there were website.
two city council members Deepak Raj, the other IM-
Ifrom the Indian American PACT co-founder, said he met
community in small towns – a Goyle in 2008 and discussed
remarkable achievement then. ways to get more Indians elect-
From those days we have trav- ed. Soon IMPACT was born.
eled a long way to win many He pointed out that the Demo-
positions in several states, in- cratic Party has understood the
cluding the vice presidency of influence of the Indian Ameri-
the US.” That was Dr. Thomas can community.
Abraham, founder president Goyle also noted that Raj,
and currently Chairman of the an entrepreneur wrote the first
Global Organization of People check for the organization and
of Indian Origin (GOPIO), at a continued to support the orga-
celebration honoring the new- nization over the years. “As a
ly elected members to various celebration organizers, from top left clockwise, raj Goyle, Dr. thomas broad-based community orga-
state legislatures. Abraham, Deepak raj and Dr. tushar Patel nization, we at GOPIO want to
provide a bipartisan platform
the event, held on Zoom, to bring all statewide Indian
American elected lawmakers,
was hosted by GoPio and we are hoping that this will
chapters (manhattan, motivate more Indian Ameri-
cans to join the political leader-
new york, central new ship process – especially young
york, connecticut, central Indian Americans,” Abraham
Jersey and Virginia) in col- (From left) New hampshire rep. lata mangipudi, right GoPio-manhattan Dr. Nikil Saval, Democrat, a
laboration with the indian President shivender sofat writer and community organiz-
er from Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
american impact Fund state legislatures recount- were about 10 Indian families vania, described his fight in the
ed their experiences. Former in the district at that time.
(imPact). Kansas State Representative Goyle said the community Senate District 1 to dislodge a
Raj Goyle, a co-founder of worked for the level of success three-term incumbent. He was
the first Indian American elect-
The program was streamed IMPACT, was the moderator. reached this year. “We expect-
live though The Indus TV, PIO Rep. Goyle said he feels he was ed it,” he said, adding that the ed to the Pennsylvania legisla-
TV and UNI TV to all over the elected 10,000 years ago in 2006 IMPACT fund raised $10 mil- ture. Saval said he raised mon-
world. when he was 31. It is an emo- lion for the campaigns. Impact ey from 5,000 people, and that
Two Republicans and 13 tional thing to be to get elected, Executive Director Neil Makh- about 500 volunteers worked to
Democrats elected from 11 he said, pointing out that there ija provided information on the Continued at next page... >>
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