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EYE on INDIA                                                          NOVEMBER 27, 2020  |        The Indian Eye                          12


                                                                                                          cycLone niVaR

                                                                                   3 dead, over 10,000 shifted to relief

                                                                                                  shelters in andhra

                                                                                          s many as three people          “The cabinet has unani-
                                                                                          died and over 10,000  mously condemned the propa-
                                                                                 Apeople were shifted to  ganda that the height of the Po-
                                                                                 relief  shelters  in  the  Chittoor,  lavaram project will be reduced.
                                                                                 Kadapa, Nellore and Prakasam  The Chief Minister has clarified
                                                                                 districts of Andhra Pradesh af- that the height of the project
                                                                                 ter cyclone Nivar caused wide- will not be decreased even a sin-

           Paramilitary personnel controlling the traffic as the security situation   spread devastation in the state  gle centimeter and the project
                 beefed up near india Gate in New Delhi on Friday. (ANi)         and neighboring areas.               will  be  constructed  according
                                                                                     Speaking at a cabinet brief- to the original designs. The CM
                                                                                 ing here, Andhra Pradesh  suggested  the  ministers  in  the
                                    deLHi GoVt                                   Minister Kurasala Kannababu  state to counter the malicious
                    infrastructure ready for                                     informed that about 283 cen- propaganda against the govern-
                                                                                 timeters of rainfall has been  ment in this regard,” the minis-
                      entire city population                                     recorded in  the districts,  dev- ter said.
                                                                                 astating  30,000  hectares  of
                                                                                 agricultural crops and 1,300
               he Delhi Government has  ratio in Delhi after November 7.         hectares of horticultural crops.     the cabinet also decided to
               the infrastructure and ca- The new cases have not crossed
        Tpacity to inoculate the en- the 7,000-mark for one week, it             “Chief Minister YS Jaganmo- clear  dearness  allowance
        tire population of Delhi as soon  is also a positive indication,” he     han Reddy has ordered for Rs         (da) arrears,  and approved
        as the COVID-19 vaccination is  added.                                   500 to be given to all the affect-
                                                                                 ed people in relief shelters. The  the increase of das by 3.144
        out, claimed Delhi Health Min-          On the question of reopen-       Chief Minister also said that a
        ister Satyendar Jain on Friday.      ing  of  schools,  he  said:  “As  of   complete remuneration of crop    per cent, to be paid from Jan-
            “In Delhi, three times testing  now, we have no intension to
        is being done as compared to the  open the schools. Till the time        losses by December 15, which  uary 2021.  the government
        rest of the country. We have the  we will be sure of the situation       will be paid to the people by the    has also decided to clear the
        infrastructure and capacity to in- (COVID-19), we won’t open the         31st,” Kannababu said.
                                                                                     Regarding the Polavaram  salaries and pensions stalled
        noculate the entire population of  schools.”                             project,  Kannababu further
        Delhi as soon as the vaccination        Delhi has reported 38,734 ac-    said that the height of the proj-    in march and april due to the
        is out,” said Jain in a daily press  tive COVID-19 cases, 5,03,717       ect would not be reduced and it  coVid-19 pandemic, in decem-
        briefing.  “Do  not  worry  about  recoveries and 8,811 deaths, ac-      would be constructed according
        the storage of the vaccine. There  cording to the Ministry of Health                                          ber and January successively.
        has been a decline in the positive  and Family Welfare (MoHFW).          to the original designs.

                                                                       aHmed PateL

                          congress says interest of congress was his only interest

               he Congress Working           grief at the untimely demise of  bhai’s  simplicity, austerity, ac- Congress worker, Gujarat PCC
               Committee on Friday           Ahmed Patel and said he was a  cessibility and generosity were  President,             AICC       member,
        Tpaid rich tributes to par-          pillar of strength to the two co- legendary,” the CWC said.              CWC member, Political Secre-
        ty leader Ahmed Patel, saying        alition governments led by the          Patel, who was treasurer of  tary to the Congress President
        his signal contribution was his      Congress from 2004 to 2014.  Congress, breathed his last in  and Treasurer.
        unique capacity to reconcile         “Ahmedbhai had no personal  the wee hours of Wednesday af-                   “In each of the responsibili-
        competing aspirations and forge      ambition. The interest of the  ter fighting COVID-19 related  ties that he assumed, he brought
        unity and comradeship among          Congress  was  his  only  interest  complications for over a month. to bear a great sense of dedica-
        the leaders and members of the       and the advancement of the              The CWC said Patel was an  tion, commitment and purpose,
        party.                               Congress’ agenda was his only  integral part of the organization  always keeping the interests
            In a resolution, CWC ex-         agenda. He was deeply religious  for nearly four decades, contrib- of the Party paramount,” the
        pressed its profound shock and       but secular to the core. Ahmed- uting in manifold ways as Youth  CWC said.

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