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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 15, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 15

        ip Chauhan, Deputy Commissioner
        International Affairs, Justice  Karen
        Gopee, along with our honorees and
            The Consul General of India,
        Binaya Srikanta Pradhan empha-
        sized on the deeper meaning of the
        festival saying “I have realized that
        Diwali at Times Square is more than
        just a festival – it is a celebration of
        our shared values, culture, together-
        ness, love, and diversity”
            Senator Chuck Schumer ap-
        preciated the contribution of South
        Asian community to NYC by saying
        “The more South Asians we have in
        NYC, the better NYC is” and I want
        to salute the fact that Diwali is now a
        school holiday

        NYC Mayor Eric Adams said
        “What better place to cel-

        ebrate the festival of lights
        than in the crossroads of the
        world.   I’m proud  to be with
        our Hindu brother and sisters

        today for the annual Diwali
        at  Times Square  celebration  Chorus of New York City started the
        as  we  push  away  the  dark-    program with Ganesha (Removal of
                                          Obstacle God) Prayers.
        ness and welcome the light all        Sparsh Shah, an American rap-

        cross our city”                   per, singer, songwriter and inspira-
                                          tional speaker who has a very rare
                                          disorder Osteogenesis Imperfecta
            Chandrika Tandon,  Grammy
        Award Nominee and Founder of the   also known as Brittle Bone Disor-
                                          der rocked the stage with his perfor-
        Krishnamurthy Tandon Foundation   mance.
        the recipient of the “Woman of the    Shannon K, a rising star from
        Year Award” expressed her gratitude   LA is a singer and songwriter mes-
        and shared this honour with every-  merized the audience with her per-
        one in the audience.              formance.
            Raja Rajamannar, Chief Mar-
                                              Preeti and Pinky from India sang
        keting & Communications Officer,   their famous songs of 90’s that are
        Mastercard was honoured with the   viral in social media. People are still
        “Man of the Year Award” and was   dancing on those popular songs.
        humbled to accept the recognition     Sukhbir  Singh,  ‘Prince  of
        which he shared with his wife Jyothi  Bhangra’ whose music varies from
            House of Spices ‘This year, we
        are proud to debut our latest Di-  pure Punjabi to fusion, shook the en-
                                          tire stage with his the most energetic
        wali campaign at the event. We are   performance forced people to dance
        confident  this  campaign  will  reso-  with him on every song specially ‘Oh
        nate deeply with every Indian stu-  Ho Ho Ho’
        dent, helping them feel connected to   The  finale  performer  Raghav   “Diwali celebration serves as a   Rooftop-360, Benares,  Crest  Hol-
        home, even from thousands of miles   made every age group to sing with   powerful  symbol  of  unity,  bridging   low. Special thanks to our hosts,
        away.                             him on his famous songs including   cultural ties and fostering diversity”  Shanelle Kaul, CBS News Network
            The program ended with the
                                                                                The organizers gave special
        ‘Light Up Times Square Concert’   ‘Ange Eyes’ that topped the charts   thanks to all their partners, Pre-  broadcaster, Jennifer Bisram, CBS
                                                                                                              News New York broadcaster, Anush-
                                          across the world in late 90s.
        where national and international      Diwali at Times Square was cel-  senting Sponsors NYC Faith-Based   ka Arora, RJ from London and Rita
        performers from musical industry   ebrated in association with “Samman   and Community Partnership, Kia   Kakati Shah.  “Thanks to Sunita
        rocked the stage. The energy of the   for All”; its mission is to facilitate   USA. Proctor and Gamble first time   Sadhnani Founder of GLAMOR-
        performers and the attendees really   people from the lower-economic   supporter. Northwell Health, State   OUS Event Planners & Productions
        brightened Times Square.          strata to achieve their dreams by pro-  Bank of India, House of Spices-Lax-  and other partners. Without their
            Grammy Award Nominee Chan-
        drika Tandon and the Young People’s   viding them with tools for sustainable   mi, Dabur, Bru, Jennifer Furniture,   support this festival will not be possi-
                                          living and empowerment,           Instarem,  Caravela  Resort,  Tribeca   ble,” said the organizers.

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