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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                           NOVEMBER 15, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 20

         Bridgewater Township Lights Up with Historic

           Diwali Celebration at Bridgewater Commons

        OUR BUREAU
        Bridgewater Township, NJ
              he lively town of Bridgewater
              came alive with celebration
        Ton Saturday, November 2, as
        thousands gathered at Bridgewater
        Commons for the inaugural            Di-
        wali @ The Commons. This land-
        mark event, organized in partnership
        with Renascent Media, marked a
        historic first for the community, cel-
        ebrating Diwali on an unprecedent-
        ed scale. The festival symbolized the
        triumph of light over darkness and
        brought people together in a spirit
        of unity and joy. The event drew dis-
        tinguished guests, including Bridge-
        water  Mayor  Matthew  Moench  and
        Councilman Michael Kirsch, who
        joined community leaders in lighting
        ceremonial Diyas to officially inaugu-
        rated the festivities.
            The event featured a dynamic
        lineup of performances and activities   ensuring the celebration reached   center has a rare privilege in our in-  lighted  the  richness  of  Indian  heri-
        that captivated attendees:        audiences far beyond Bridgewater.   dustry to honor our substantial South   tage  and  its  increasing  significance
            Prayer Dance by Nadia Neubert,   Additionally,  South  Asian  influenc-  Asian community. We were thrilled   in  mainstream  America.  Together,
        who performed a traditional Odissi   ers played a key role, sharing vibrant   to be the host of this extraordinary   we’ve created something truly ex-
        invocation, Mangalacharan, blend-  reels and posts on social media, am-  cultural celebration with Renascent   traordinary.”
        ing grace and spirituality.       plifying the event’s reach and impact.             Media and look forward to building   Located along the I-287 corri-
            Navrang Dance Academy’s The-      Diwali @ The Commons was a    this partnership with Renascent and   dor at the intersection of Routes 22
        atrical Performance, bringing to life   monumental success, setting a new   the community for years to come.”   and 202/206 in Bridgewater, New
        the epic tale of Lord Rama’s journey,   standard for cultural celebrations in   said Tom Kovacic, Marketing and   jersey,  Bridgewater  Commons is a
        culminating in the triumph of good   Bridgewater. The partnership with   Business Development Director at   more than 1.2 million-square-foot
        over evil.                        Renascent  Media  was  instrumen-  Bridgewater Commons.             shopping center serving the North-
            Bollywood  Dance Showcase by   tal in making this event not just a   Tanvi Prenita Chandra, Presi-  ern N.J. region. The cornerstone of
        Satrangi School of Fusion, an electri-  celebration, but a vibrant display of   dent of Renascent Media, expressed   its community’s commercial sector
        fying mix of traditional and contem-  community, cultural exchange, and   her excitement about the event, stat-  since 1988 and boasting an array of
        porary styles that delighted audienc-  shared joy.                  ing, “This celebration is a true testa-  over 150 leading retailers, premiere
        es of all ages.                       “As the heart of a diverse pop-  ment to the power of partnership and   restaurants and convenient service
            In addition to the performanc-  ulation in Central New Jersey, our   community spirit. It beautifully high-  brands.
        es, families participated in engaging                                                                     Since 2007, Renascent Media
        hands-on activities, including henna                                                                  has been bridging the gap between
        art, Diya painting, and sampling a                                                                    global brands and the South Asian
        variety of Indian sweets. The festive                                                                 community  through its  integrated
        spirit  continued  with  exciting  shop-                                                              marketing solutions. With a pro-
        ping prize giveaways, where winners                                                                   found understanding of South Asian
        took home gift cards from esteemed                                                                    culture, the agency provides clients
        sponsors such as Lotus Art Boutique,                                                                  with strategic insights, market re-
        Sephora, Bloomingdale’s, Fogo de                                                                      search, and impactful advertising
        Chão, Gloria Jean’s Coffee, and Pot-                                                                  content across both traditional and
        tery Barn.                                                                                            digital platforms. Our services in-
            The celebration concluded on                                                                      clude media planning, buying, event
        a poignant note with a unifying Arti                                                                  management,  influencer  marketing
        ceremony. Attendees illuminated the                                                                   and content production. The com-
        space with electric candle lights, sym-                                                               pany has proudly produced all sea-
        bolizing hope, togetherness, and the                                                                  sons of “Shoprite Cooking Star” and
        victory of light over darkness.                                                                       serves clients like Wakefern Food
            The event was covered exten-                                                                      Corp, National Retail Solutions, Raj
        sively by South Asian TV networks,                                                                    jewels and more.

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