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Business EYE                                                          NOVEMBER 12, 2021  |        The Indian Eye                          32

           will trade deficit, inflation and supply

                                 chain issues haunt 2022?

         Through the first nine months of 2021, America’s deficit with China totaled $255.4

                              billion, an increase of 14.9% over the same period in 2020

        Our Bureau
        New York

                 ll is not good on the
                 economy front. The
        Aproblem is three-folds:
        trade deficit, inflation and sup-
        ply chain issues. And there is
        bad news on all the fronts. The
        US trade deficit hit an all-time
        high of $80.9 billion in Septem-
        ber  as  American  exports  fell
        sharply while imports, even with
        supply chain problems at Amer-
        ican ports, continue to climb.                         Huge numbers of containers are stuck in port areas around the world (ANI)
            The     September       deficit
        topped the previous record of  to last year when many parts of           for the global supply chain to       economy blitzed by Covid-19,
        $73.2 billion set in June, the  the  economy  were  shut  down           remain in crisis through 2022        but it’s also created its own set
        Commerce Department report- because of the coronavirus.                  — and that the central bank is       of challenges in the form of a
        ed Thursday. The deficit is the         In September, the deficit in     preparing to deal with the at-       backed-up supply  chain  that
        gap between what the United  goods rose to $98.2 billion, up             tendant challenges for the US        wasn’t built to weather a pan-
        States exports to the rest of the  a sharp 10% from the August           economy.                             demic, and accompanying infla-
        world and the imports it pur- deficit. The surplus in services,              Speaking at a Bank for Inter-    tion as people buoyed by an eco-
        chases from foreign nations.         which covers such things as air-    national Settlements-South Af-       nomic recovery keep spending.
            In    September,       exports  line travel and financial services,   rican Reserve Bank centenary            For the policymakers, the
        plunged  3%  to  $207.6  billion  rose 10.5% to $17.2 billion, still     conference, Powell warned that       challenge is to set the appro-
        while imports rose 0.6% to  well below the levels seen before            “supply-side constraints have        priate policy in response to de-
        $288.5 billion. Part of the weak- the pandemic hit. The surplus in       gotten worse” over the course        velopments, while businesses
        ness reflected a 15.5% drop in  services is expected to rise fur-        of the pandemic, while the sup-      must decide how to incorpo-
        petroleum  exports  related  to  ther as Covid-19 cases  retreat         ply chain and economic risks         rate  inflationary  developments
        the drilling rig and refinery shut- and travel restrictions are eased.   are “clearly now to longer and       into their business strategies.
        downs during Hurricane Ida in           The rising trade deficit sub-    more-persistent       bottlenecks,   The task  for both is unusually
        the Gulf of Mexico. Economists  tracted 1.1 percentage points            and thus to higher inflation.”       complex owing to the multiplic-
        expect that decline to reverse in  from growth in the July-Sep-              Already, those bottlenecks       ity of factors affecting inflation
        coming months with petroleum  tember quarter, a period when              have slowed international com-       along with uncertainty about its
        production coming back on line. the economy, as measured by              merce to a crawl as shipping         drivers  and  their persistence.
            The    politically   sensitive the gross domestic product,           containers loaded with goods         “Our view remains that much
        goods  deficit  with  China  shot  slowed to an annual growth rate       wait to be unloaded and experts      of what has driven inflation in
        up 15% in September to $36.5  of just 2%, sharply lower than a           advise making an early start on      recent months is temporary but
        billion.  Through  the  first  nine  GDP growth rate of 6.7% in the      holiday shopping. In addition to     is proving to be more persistent
        months of this year America’s  April-June period.                        packages taking longer to show       than anticipated. As a result, we
        deficit  with  China,  the  largest     As Covid-19 cases retreat        up, consumers are likely also        have been raising our inflation
        with any country, totaled $255.4  and the supply chain becomes           feeling the resulting inflation.     forecast for a few months now
        billion, an increase of 14.9%  untangled,  the  US  trade  defi-             However, Americans’ appe-        as evidence accumulates that
        over the same period in 2020.        cit should start to improve in      tite to consume hasn’t dimin-        supply challenges are broader
            The  overall  trade  deficit  coming months although the             ished. After a brief dip at the      and more persistent that earlier
        through  September  hit $638.6  improvement may be modest,               beginning of the pandemic, peo-      assessed,” said an analyst.
        billion, a 33.1% increase over  economists say.                          ple have embraced both e-com-            The world may be slowly
        the same period last year. That         Recently, Federal Reserve        merce and brick-and-mortar           recovering from the pandemic,
        big jump reflects the surge in US  chair Jerome Powell said that         retail  as  pandemic  restrictions   but its after effects may contin-
        demand for imports compares  Americans should be prepared                have eased. That’s good for an       ue – even into the next year.

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