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NORTH AmERIcAN Newsline NOVEMBER 12, 2021 | The Indian Eye 30
Kerala center announces 2021
Honorees for annual awards Banquet
Our Bureau
new yOrK
he Indian American Ker-
ala Cultural and Civic
TCenter will honor eight
Indian American Malayalees
for their outstanding achieve-
ments in their field of special-
ization or for their service to
the society at its 29th Annual
Awards Banquet to be held on
November 13, 2021. The chief
guest is Dr. Arun Jeph, India’s
Deputy Consul General in New
ny senators Kevin thom-
as and todd Kaminsky,
Hempstead town supervi-
sor, Don clavin and consul Top row from l. to r. Dr. George M. Abraham, Dr. Devi Nampiaparampil, Mayor Robin Elackatt, Mrs. Nandini
for community affairs, a. Nair, Esq.; Bottom row from l. to r., Mrs. Chandrika Kurup, Mrs. Mary Philip, RN, MSA, Dr. Blessy Mary Joseph
K. Vijayakrishnan, will be and Dr. Sabu Varghese
our honored guests. Dr. George M. Abraham, the Community Service; Mrs. Nan- ham, Ms. Daisy P. Stephen and
“Kerala Center has been President of the American Col- dini Nair, partner and co-chair Dr. Marilyn George were the
honoring outstanding achiev- lege of Physicians, who is also of the Immigration and Nat- Award Committee members:
ers since 1991 and every year the keynote speaker, for his uralization practice group at Kerala Center President
outstanding achievements in Greenspoon Marder LLP, for Alex K. Esthappan said that
we invite nominations and the Medicine and Professional Ser- notable services and achieve- the Center has recognized over
committee has to make a unan- vices, Mayor Robin J. Elackatt, ments in Legal Services; Dr. 160 American Malayalees in
imous choice for a candidate in mayor of City of Missouri City, Sabu Varghese and Dr. Blessy the last 29 years and it is great
a category to receive the award
and this year is no different Texas, for notable achieve- Mary Joseph, practicing phy- to see that they have continued
from previous years in terms ments in Political Process; Dr. sicians in New York, Special to rise further in their careers
Devi Nampiaparampil, the Award for notable services and serve the society. Kerala
of their achievements,” said Republican nominee for NYC during the Pandemic in 2020 Center invites everyone to join
Dr. Thomas Abraham, Kerala Public Advocate, for notable and 2021. this Annual Award Banquet
Center’s Trustee Board Chair- contributions in Public Service; The awardees will be hon- honoring the awardees.
man and Award Committee
Member. Mrs. Chandrika Kurup, the di- ored at the Kerala Center’s The Kerala Center, located
“Kerala Center is very happy rector of Noopura Indian Clas- 29th Annual Awards Banquet at Elmont (Long Island, New
sical Dance School, New York, on Saturday, November 13, York), is an IRS Tax-Exempt
to honor American Malayalees for contributions and achieve- 2021, starting at 6.00 p.m. at 501 (c) (3) organization serv-
who reached high levels in their ments in Performing Arts; Mrs. the Kerala Center, 1824 Fair- ing the Keralites and the In-
professions and who work for Mary Philip, RN, MSA, who fax St., Elmont, New York. Pro- dian American community in
social progress -- their exam-
ples should be an inspiration was a Lieutenant in the Indi- gram includes entertainment the tri-state New York area. It
for others,” said Dr. Madhu an Defense Force and a past by Noopura Indian Classical was inaugurated in 1993. Ker-
Bhaskaran, Award Committee president of the Indian Nurses Dance School, New York. ala Center’s awards are the
Bhaskaran most prestigious among Indian
Chairman. Association of NY, for notable (Chairman), Dr. Thomas Abra- American Malayalees.
contribution in Nursing and
This year’s honorees include:
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